Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1929: Zhenlong Tianzi Song is away from

Chapter 1929, the true dragon, the Son of Song, left

"This... Is this the old nest of the dark and ancient evil spirits? How is it so terrible!"

"Hey, how many evils are there?"

When everyone stood at the edge of the entrance, a group of people at Longmen College looked shocked toward the inside.

Especially when they saw the dense red eyes, they felt scalp one by one.

The blood-red pupils were filled with brutal and cold-blooded looks, staring at them coldly and ruthlessly.

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes, his eyes swept through the surrounding caves, and swept through a demon inside.

"It seems that there are at least tens of millions of evil spirits in this dark god. The demon of the gods should be in the deepest position!"

Wang Xian looked at the whole of the Kingdom of God, and his heart was slightly shocked.

Looking at the nests, he has a familiar feeling.

The dragon cave in the Dragon Palace is somewhat similar to this one, but the difference is that the Dragon Palace Dragon Cave exudes the majesty of the majesty and exudes the sacred dragon.

These inner ones have only **** and cruel.

"Before the Protoss and the Zerg destroyed together, there is no such dragon in the Dragon Palace. This dragon is from the Zerg's Nest!"

"The caves of these evil spirits are similar to the nests. I don't know what the relationship is!"

Wang Xian’s eyes flashed.


Just as he thought about it a little, the **** red pupils in front of him screamed and screamed, and immediately followed the attack.

Some of them have bone wings, some have more than a dozen legs, and some have long tails.

However, the strength of these evil spirits is mostly at the extraordinary level.


Xiaoran looked at the tens of thousands of evil spirits that flew toward them, and immediately ordered the people at Longmen College.

"It is the dean!"

A group of disciples in Longmen College showed an excited look.

These extraordinary levels of evil spirits, they can easily deal with.

Extraordinary level demon evil demon, it is also a huge fortune for them!

"There should be some low-level evil spirits on the edge. I will take the Dragon Palace disciple to the depths!"

Wang Xian faintly swept around and said to Xiao Ran, walking straight ahead.

"It's a master!"

Xiao Ran nodded, and the disciples with Longmen quickly killed the evil spirits around them.

Wang Xian and the Dragon Palace disciples walked straight toward the inside.

Surrounded by a demon attack, he was swept by the magic monkey and died directly.

With a single blow, thousands of evil spirits are killed!

"The master's men are strong and stronger than me!"

At the rear position, Xiao Ran glanced at the front position and looked at the magic monkey, shaking in the body.

The Dragon Palace has a stronger strength than a disciple!


He bit his teeth, his body shape was shocked, and the horrible flame immediately covered a radius of more than ten kilometers.

"The dean is mighty!"

"The dean is too strong, haha!"

A group of disciples from the Longmen Academy saw the dean of Dafa Shenwei and immediately shouted excitedly.

"Quickly close the demon nucleus and keep up!"

Xiao Ran immediately ordered.

"Yes, fast, take out the demon nucleus!"

"Haha, hurry up, behind the Dragon King, there is the Dean and the Dragon King, this time we have sent the Longmen Academy!"

A voice of excitement came, and when everyone packed up the demon nucleus, they immediately walked forward.

However, when they saw the scene in front, they opened their mouths slightly.

More than a hundred people in the Dragon King walked toward the front as they walked in the sunset, and the surrounding monsters rushed toward them.

However, on both sides, only two magic monkeys holding black sticks swept away, and all the evil spirits that had come over died.

This scene made them very shocking.

"How strong is the Dragon King's team?"

Everyone's heart Megatron!

"Resolve the fish that leaked the net!"

At this time, Xiao Ran’s voice sounded, and everyone quickly rushed toward the evil spirits in front.

They have an excited look on their faces. This time, after killing a group of evil spirits, their strength can at least improve the first-order, and even more.

Wang Xian led the disciple of the Dragon Palace to continue to go deep.

The yin and yang five elements dragons glance at the entire dark **** country.

In this area, there are no other creatures except the dense caves in the surrounding walls.

The deeper the depth, the higher the level of evil spirits.

When they walked out about 50 kilometers, all around them were evil spirits at the level of the hole.

The types of evil spirits are also more abundant, but the number has decreased a lot.

But there are still millions of things!

In the rear position, a group of people at Longmen College have started to struggle a little, and they have been hunting hard.

"All the members of the Devil Wars hands up and put all the bodies together!"

Wang Xian glanced at the rear position, leaving them with tens of thousands of evil spirits at the level of the hole, and ordered more than a hundred members of the Magic War Department to do it!

"It is the Dragon King!"


One hundred demon monkeys uttered a roar, and the violent voice echoed throughout the Kingdom of God.

They waved the sticks in their hands and swept away toward the evil spirits in front.

One hundred horrible battles that can be compared with the eighth-order gods, sweeping the evil spirits of the hole-level level, easily and easily.

All the way to the hundred kilometers, more than two million evil spirits died in their hands.

Wang Xian walked in the center position, his arm waved, and the shadow of the shadow dragon country emerged, and a dead body was collected into the Dragon Palace.

Even if it is a demon of the level of the hole, but there are more than two million, it is still a horrible resource.

In Hualongchi, a dragon's blood flowed in, and a member of the Dragon Palace soaked in Longchi to enhance its strength.

"Tianbing Tian will, set off!"

Just when Wang Xian’s dark gods here were madly hunting the evil spirits, a majestic voice sounded at the Dongtianmen of Lingxiaobao Temple.

At this time, a group of gods led the 100,000-day soldiers to fly toward a dark ancient land.

After adding a few powerful powers to the Lingxiaobao Hall, the gods of Lingxiaobao Temple are ready to attack the Dark Kingdom.

Once you have captured a dark godland, the resources inside, if used to create a strong god, can at least make two or three people ascend the gods.

This allowed them to directly dispatch all the power of Ling Xiao Bao Dian, a dozen gods, 100,000 soldiers and soldiers!

"Ling Xiao Bao Dian sent all the power to break into a dark **** country, hehe!"

At this time, lying in the sky above a sea, a young man proudly looked at the gods and heavenly soldiers, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted, faintly said.

"Song brothers, they have at least ten gods, there are 100,000 soldiers and soldiers will go to attack a dark **** country, our strength, is it a little less, not to find a few people?"

On the side of the youth, a middle-aged man wearing golden armor, a vast force.

Behind him, there are thousands of soldiers with silver armor.

Behind another young man, he followed the disciples of the Tianshan Mountain in the four mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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