Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1951: On the rise of terror

Chapter 1951 on the promotion of terror

"Dragon King!"

"Little Princess!"

At the top of the villa, when Wang Xian came with a flower, the leader of the Dragon Palace immediately shouted reverently.

"The Dragon Palace has absorbed the bodies of two powerful gods. At least two strong gods can be added. You can call them over!"

Wang Xian waved at them and sat next to the position.

"It is the Dragon King!"

Yan Jian nodded.

"Right, demon, Qitian, who are you two who are going to ignite the fire?"

Wang Xian looked at the two of them and asked.

"Dragon King, the demon is faster than me!"

Qi Qitian responded.


Wang Xian nodded slightly.

"Dragon King, can the water **** god country swallow up, after I swallow the kingdom of God, I can ignite two fires!"

At this time, the crab standing on the side suddenly said.

"Oh? So fast?"

Wang Xian’s eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"Yes, the Dragon King, my promotion is different from the demon. I can devour the level of the kingdom of God, and the level of the **** of the water **** is not bad. After the devouring, I can ignite the second fire, and my men can Raise a level!"

The crab said with a smile.

"My brother and dad, Uncle Crab and the evil spirit are somewhat similar. When I first saw it, I thought he was a demon!"

When she heard the crab, she said with a smile.

"Demon evil? The **** of the **** of water, you directly devour, upgrade the level, the demon, how about you inspecting the dark ancient land these two days?"

Wang Xian nodded and asked toward the demon.

"Dragon King, in the other ten dark ancient places, each has a lot of powerful evil spirits inside, and the strongest inside even I feel fear!"

"However, there are eight dark ancient places, we can all deal with it!"

The 敖 汇 汇 report.

"Ready, attacking those dark ancient places, licking crabs, and swallowing more dark gods, are you improving faster?"

Wang Xian looked at him.

"Yes, the Dragon King, the dark gods and the dark nests are of very high quality. If you can swallow seven or eight, or even a dozen, my strength can be improved quickly!"

"Even even able to reach the four sacred fires, the five sacred fires, and even higher!"

The crab said respectfully!

"In this case, tonight, I will attack you and attack all the ancient places!"

Wang Xianyu shot a strong shine.

If the strength of the Dragon Palace is strong enough, Xiaoran’s business, he can directly kill the Lingxiaobao Temple and directly break it!


The members of the Dragon Palace immediately nodded respectfully.

"Yeah, my brother, is this your avatar? It's just like you!"

The flowers noticed the avatar on the side and the face was full of curiosity.

"Oh, honestly, what do you want to eat, Dad gives you to get it!"

The avatar touched her head and said with a smile.

"It’s just the same, wow, it’s just amazing!”

The flowers and eyes of the eyes touched the body of the body, and were directly opened by Wang Xian, holding his hand: "There is no difference between the body and the body, and the body can be said to be the real body!"


Huaerer smiled and took Wang Xian’s hand and walked downstairs.

In the evening, I haven't seen it for a long time. Two little hoes have been wrapped around Wang Xian.

Although the two gimmicks grew up a lot, they are still as sticky as they were when they were young.

In the dark ancient land closest to Jiangcheng, Wang Xian led a group of dragon palace disciples and flew toward a dark ancient land.

Next, it was the time when the members of the Dragon Palace quickly improved.

Once the darkness of the ancient land is destroyed, the strength of the Dragon Palace will undergo earth-shaking changes!

The night is slowly coming, and the Internet is still boiling, and various topics are emerging.

In particular, there are countless posts about the strength and power analysis of the Dragon King.

In this period of earth variability, the Dragon King is a strong killing of the pyramid gods, a strong rise, after the gods ignite the fire of God, holding the kingdom of God, the dragon of the dragon is nine days!

The brilliance of the Dragon King was completely obscured. Today, everyone feels the power of the Dragon King again.

As the gods prepare for the next development, when countless people discuss various topics, in a dark ancient land, one by one slowly emerges.


Wang Xian glanced around and whispered.


The heads of a group of dragons, all of them are strong in the level of the gods, followed by the dark gods.

Today, Wang Xian’s avatar has the strength of three sacred fires, and the scorpion wood and the scorpion crab also have the strength of the three sacred fires.

This power is absolutely horrible.

Even if it is the dark ancient land where the gods of Lingxiaobao Temple must be carefully stepped in, Wang Xian has no scruples.

Prior to this, the demon has already inspected all the dark and ancient places.

The demon is currently at the peak of the demigod, and can assassinate the gods of the two gods. With his ability to conceal the light, only the gods of the five or six gods can discover him.

Today, even if it is the Lingxiao Temple and the Holy Hall, there is no such thing as a king.

This is also why Ling Xiaobao Temple did not attack and destroy the dark **** country.

Because they want to understand the strength of a dark **** country, they must go to the investigation of the strong people of the gods.

If you encounter the evil spirits of the four or five sacred fires, you may not be able to go in.

Every time they look up a dark ancient land, they have to pay a lot of money.


Soon, the roaring sound was heard in the dark ancient land, but because of the reason of God's domestic, the outside world did not hear any sound.

An hour later, the dark godland slowly disappeared, and Wang Xian’s figures appeared in the center.

"Continue, next!"

Wang Xian’s arm waved and everyone disappeared directly.

Time passed slowly, and five days passed by.

However, during these five days, a lot of things happened. First, the seven dark ancient places suddenly disappeared, causing a huge sensation.

When the darkness appeared, it shocked the whole world, and countless evil spirits rushed out from the inside.

If it is not the glare of the mountain, Kowloon will take off, I am afraid that the entire human race will be destroyed.

However, the successive disappearance of the seven dark ancient places has caused a huge sensation.

Secondly, within these five days, three true dragon emperors joined together to form the real dragon club!

The components of the Real Dragon Club instantly boil the world.

The power of the son of the true dragon has been seen by all, but how many horrors will the forces of the three true dragons form a true dragon?

The third news that is more vibrating is that the pyramid forces have been led by the demon dragons to lead a group of demon evils to destroy them.

This matter is far more exciting than the original Dragon King killed two gods!

(End of this chapter)

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