Chapter 2008, I am under a dust

"First go to meet a few friends, I don't know what they know about my strength today, what will it be!"

In the high altitude of 10,000 meters, the dusty face is smiling in the air.

Step by step, a few hundred kilometers away, indifferent, free and easy, the body exudes a fear of the world.

"Flying, we thought you were dead? Where are you!"

Dial a phone call from a former companion, and there is a voice inside!

"Oh, I am coming to you soon, we will get together!"

The dust is flying faintly.

"I am participating in the assessment of the disciples of Longmen College. Well, I will not say it. The appraisers of Longmen College are coming!"

The young man on the phone hurriedly hang up the phone.

"Longmen College?"

The dust flies to listen to the busy tone on the phone, picking up the brows faintly, his eyes sweeping around, his body shape, and disappear instantly!

When he appeared, he was already standing at the door of a college.

The entrance is a huge square, in front of the square, where tens of thousands of people stand.

The noise came from the noise, and all of them were over the existence of the hole.

Many of them were once disciples of Ling Xiao Bao Dian.

Nowadays, after getting the bodies of hundreds of millions of starry locusts, Longmen College is in charge of terrible resources.

When the Longmen College recruited disciples again to prepare for the establishment of the fourth Longmen College branch, countless people came to sign up.

Today is only the first batch of assessments on the first day.

"Wow, the dust is flying, how come you suddenly popped up, did you see me when you called?"

At this moment, a young man suddenly saw the dust flying in front of him, his face surprised, and immediately walked over and said to him.

"You have disappeared for a year, how? What opportunities have you got?"

The young man walked over and patted the dusty shoulders and said with a smile!

"I got some chances!"

The dust is flying faintly.

"I can go, do you also come to the Longmen College for assessment?"

The young man smiled and asked him.

"No, mainly to see your friend!"

The dust fluttered and shook his head, faintly said.

"Drink, good brother, haha, I hope I can join Longmen College today!"

The young man said with a smile, patted him on the shoulder: "Speaking of your boy is a lot better, hey, I am envious!"

"Let's let go!"

Just then, a voice came from the rear.

Everyone around me gave a glimpse of it and looked at it quickly.

"The sixth god, Ling Xingchen, is him. I didn't expect him to join the Lingxiao Hall!"

"Hey, this is the sixth **** of the Lingxiao Hall. Now it should reach the third and fourth steps of the demigod? I didn't expect him to join the Longmen Academy!"

At this time, the young man next to the dust fluttered a shocking voice, and everyone around him was surprised.

After all, the gods who used to be the Temple of Ling Xiao Bao, even if the dragon is broken, but its strength is still above everyone.

"With the strength of Ling Xingchen, you can easily join Longmen College, fly, let us open!"

The young man next to the dust flew pulled him.

"Well? Flying, let it go!"

The youth found that the dust was flying and not moving, and some anxiously said!

"Why do you want to?"

The dust flutters and smiles at the youth.

Why do you want to let?

What is the inheritance of his eternal God's inheritance?

Of course, it is high and high on everything!

What is he doing here?

Nature is pretending!

Get the chance to return, what would it mean if you don’t force it?

Jinyi night trip? nonexistent!

Before, he met the **** of Ling Xiaobao Temple and needed to respectfully squat, now?

The other party is going to kneel at their feet!

When the youth heard the dust flying, the words were slightly stunned, and his face was full of mistakes. He felt that his friend seemed to have changed!

"In front, let go now!"

Just then, with a shout of voice.

The young face changed slightly, and once again pulled the dusty arm: "Flying, letting go, we can't afford it!"

The dust flies without paying attention to him, faintly watching the crowd behind!

"Well? What do you guys do? Dare to block the road of Ling Xingchen!"

"Even if the ordinary disciple of Longmen College wants to give Ling Xingchen a face, is that guy stupid, is it blocked to find embarrassment?"

A group of people around saw the dust flying in the center, whispered!

"No one, qualified to let me go!"

At this time, the dust flew up slightly, and looked indifferently at the rear Ling Xingchen.

The high-pitched tone surprised everyone!

"Oh? Who are you?"

In the rear position, Ling Xingchen heard his words slightly, his eyes coldly watching some of the dust that was forced!

"An ordinary little person!"

The dust is flying faintly.

But everyone around can hear it, this guy is full of force!

"Since it is a small person, let's get out!"

Ling Xingchen heard his words, the pupils were condensed, and a powerful momentum belonging to the level of the demigod was directly attacked by the dust.


However, at this moment, Ling Xingchen's face is huge, and the body can't control it and go to the ground!

A dull sound made him straight in front of the dusty, his face full of fearful colors, staring incredulously!

"No one is qualified to let me roll!"

The dusty sound of the dust rang again.

At this moment, all the faces around him were full of shock.

They are a little shocked and staring at the dust!

"This... what is this?"

"It is the young man. His strength is definitely stronger than Ling Xingchen. Oh, no wonder he dares to be so disdainful to Ling Xingchen!"

"Who is he, how have you not heard of this strong!"

The faces of the people around him showed a shocking look. The young man standing beside the dust fluttered his mouth and opened his mouth slightly. His face was full of shocking colors!

Listening to the sounds around me, I saw the shock of my friends, and the dust fluttered slightly.

This is the strong!

This is just the beginning!

He wants to make the whole world shocked!

"Everyone is calming down!"

Just then, at the entrance of Longmen College, a voice suddenly sounded.

"The Longmen Academy is strong!"

At this moment, everyone is in the middle of the heart, and quickly looks ahead.

"Flying, no... I didn't expect you to actually get the chance!"

The young man on the side whispered to him with a shocked face.

The dust flew in a faint nod, and there was no slight change in his face.

The youth is shaking in the heart, and the eyes are also looking to the front of the college!

In front of Longmen College, a dozen figures were suspended there, and the central location was Liu Mengxin wearing a clean white skirt!

"Look, flying, that is Liu Mengxin. At that time, when I was in Lingxiaobao Temple, it was more outstanding. Now it is more beautiful. She is the sister of Xiao Dean. Now the strength has reached the peak of the gods, the goddess!"

"I heard that countless people are pursuing her now. Hey, I don't have a chance. If you fly, you get a chance, maybe there is a chance, she is the type you like!"

The young man saw Liu Mengxin in the center, and there was a glimmer of heat in his eyes.

"Oh? The peak of the gods, it is getting more and more beautiful!"

The dust flies to look at Liu Mengxin and picks a brow.

Liu Mengxin naturally knows that even in the past, with his strength, this is also the goddess level for him.

Not to mention the strength of the other party to reach the peak of the gods, the brother of the gods!

But now!

His mouth is slightly tilted!

"Reluctantly worthy of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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