Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2010: I shouldn’t be arrogant

Chapter 2010 I should not be arrogant

"The inheritor of the eternal God? This... is this true?"

At the entrance of Longmen College, everyone heard the dust flying, and his face showed a shocking look.

They stared at the Shenfeng **** who was suppressed at the entrance of Longmen College. They couldn't help but swallow a spit!

"The inheritance of the eternal God Lord, someone has actually obtained the inheritance of the eternal God, this is the eternal God, how is this possible!"

Everyone is shocked, and more and more people gather around the city.

Feeling the horror of the dust, everyone's face is full of fear.

In particular, it was the one who suppressed the Shenfeng god, and no one doubted that his words were false.

"Eternal God Lord?"

Liu Mengxin heard his words, his face was full of shocking colors, staring at him incredulously.

"Oh, how are you feeling honored?"

The dust flew into the eyes of Liu Mengxin, and a smile appeared on his face!

"You, go to inform all the gods of Longmen College, and, let me know the Dragon King, let them all come to worship me!"

He said, looking at the position below, faintly said.

"I will be waiting for them here!"

The dust fluttered and said, holding the waist of Liu Mengxin, flying directly to the highest dean's room of Longmen College.

"Oh, this... let the Dragon King come to worship him, a big tone!"

"How confident he is, he dared to let the Dragon King come to worship him. Is this the confidence that the Eternal God passed on to him?"

"A palm is easy to suppress a god, it looks very easy, how strong is his strength?"

Seeing the dust flying with Liu Mengxin flying into Longmen College waiting for the Dragon King to come, everyone's face vibrates.

Everyone did not think that someone had obtained the inheritance of the eternal God.

The news quickly spread to the Internet. When everyone saw that Shenfeng Shenming was suppressed under the Wuzhi Mountain, it was slightly embarrassing.

"This man is called a dusty flying. He is a disciple of Ling Xiaobao Temple. He has disappeared for a year. I didn't expect it to be so strong now!"

"At the beginning, the strength of this dust was very weak. Nowadays, the gods are suppressed and the inheritance of ordinary gods is absolutely not so powerful. It seems that he really got the inheritance of God!"

"The Lord of Eternal Life, the only known two tombs of the South and the North are the gods of the eternal God. Is he from one of these two tombs, or?"

Soon, some people on the Internet blew out the dusty information, which made many people look shocked.

From a small person in the hole level, after missing for one year, he was able to suppress the gods with ease. This is absolutely the inheritance of the eternal God.

It’s just that everyone doesn’t know how strong this dust is now.

Two other colleges at Longmen College, Xiaoran Ji Ling, who got the news, and another god, Yuan Yuan, immediately came to this side.

At the same time, in the sky above the Dragon Palace, nine shadows were suspended there with a trace of frost.

"Go, let's go out and let the satyr reflect on introspection!"

Nine people are the women who have come out from the palace of the Dragon Palace. At this time, their faces are very cold.

Although Wang Xian explained to them just now, would they believe the words of the pervert?

In an angry manner, nine women flew directly out of the Dragon Palace.

"Where are we going first, now the earth and land are united, even we feel strange!"

Blue Qingyue looked around and said faintly!

"I have a little apprentice here, let's go find her and let her take us around!"

Sun Lingxiu looked at a group of girls and said.

"Is it a dream?" Well, let's go and see, if we haven't seen it for more than a decade, then the girl should have grown up too!"

Guan Shuqing immediately nodded.

"Let's go, I can still sense the breath of my little apprentice!"

Sun Lingxiu said with a smile, nine girls immediately moved away from the teleport.


Inside the Dragon Palace, watching the departure of the nine girls, Wang Xian shook his head in a speechless voice.

"Why don't they believe what I said? I can tell the truth!"

Wang Xian felt a very headache. At this time, he did not dare to touch the brows of a lot of girls.

If it is a good thing to say, direct overbearing can make them forgive forgiveness, but now a group of girls!

Especially they are still united now.

"Forget it, this time is still shrinking!"

Wang Xian whispered whispered. As for the safety of several girls, he did not worry. There was a blue moon, no one could hurt them.

What's more, no one dares to provoke the Dragon Palace!

As soon as he was in shape, he flew toward the Dragon King Hall.


"What do you want?"

In the office of the dean of the Central College of Longmen College, Liu Mengxin sat at the table and looked at the front of his body. He was full of arrogant dust and his face was embarrassed.

"I didn't say it? Take over the whole sky and look at your face. Your brother and the Dragon King will not be embarrassed if they worship me!"

The dust flew up slightly and looked at Liu Mengxin faintly.

"It depends on you, even if you have the inheritance of the eternal God, you are not the opponent of the teacher!"

Liu Mengxin said with a calm face.

"Hahaha, then wait a moment, I will let you see how the Dragon King is in front of me!"

The dust fluttered and said with a laugh.

"Oh? Come, only three?"

Just then, he gently picked his eyebrows and looked away!


Outside the location, Tian Yuanzi Xiao Ran and Ji Lingying came to the second gantry college.

They looked at the Shenfeng, which was suppressed at the door, and his face was a little dignified.

"Save the peak!"

Xiao Ran said, the three immediately started to attack the Wuzhishan, the kilometer-sized mountain.


The three attacks fell on it, but what shocked them was that the Wuzhishan did not move.


"Get up!"

Xiao Ran’s face changed slightly, his arm waved, and the Eight Gods Fire Tower in his hand slammed toward Wuzhishan.


A loud noise, however, makes Xiao Ran's face extremely dignified, that Wuzhishan still does not move.

"Hey, this..."

His pupils are miniature, and Tian Yuanzi and Ji Lingyi have the same face.

"Shenfeng, you are here for a while!"

They glanced at each other and immediately flew towards the center of the college.

"This mountain is so terrible that even Xiao Xiaochang can't break it?"

"Hey, it seems that the Dragon King is going to shoot, just don't know if they are the dusty opponents!"

Everyone around saw this scene and his face changed dramatically.

"On your own, it is impossible to break my mountain!"

In the center of Longmen College, when Xiao Ran just flew over, the window opened automatically, and the dusty sound of the dust rang.

(End of this chapter)

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