Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2023: God is out, dust is flying 4

Chapter 2023, God is coming out, dust is flying, 4


The whole sky began to oscillate, and countless streams of light spattered around!


A huge roar sounded.

Xiaoran Ji Ling, Liu Mengxin, their face changed slightly, and quickly resisted a stream of light!


Xiaoran’s arm waved, and a huge flame shield blocked the sky.

However, the flame shield was penetrated in an instant, and several streams of light came from him.


When the streamer fell in front of him, Xiao Ran’s face changed dramatically, and the whole person flew backwards toward the rear.

"Oops, terrible attack!"

He was full of faces, and the face of Ji Ling’s face was also very dignified.


At this time, the person under the streamer was screaming.

Under the bright stream of light, even if it is a demigod level, it will instantly vanish!

In an instant, only the bright stream of light will kill at least 10,000 people in Jiangcheng.


The dust flew to see this scene, his face showed an angry look.

His hands are tight, and a mountain peak appears in front of him, facing a huge bang in front!

The mountain peaks directly toward the tiger head.

At the same time, he immediately flew into the sky, so as not to spread to the city below!


The tiger screamed and snarled directly toward the mountain. The power of terror was so great that the mountain collapsed again.

"Be careful!"

Liu Mengxin saw this scene, his face changed greatly, and immediately loudly reminded.

For a long time, the dust flying alone relied on the mountains, and it suppressed the strong enemy. This was the first time he saw his mountain being easily smashed.

"I am the inheritor of the mountain gods, even if you are the **** of the light wing, but you have fallen after all, now even if it is resurrected, it is impossible to have the strength of the peak!"

"I am dusty and not afraid of you!"

The dust screamed and the body was covered with a piece of stone.

Soon, a mountain giant appeared in the void, and the body was mountainized. This is the strongest attack method.

After he finished, he went directly to the attack of the Lord of Light Wings.

The power of terror, the heavy breath, is like a huge incomparable star.


The light wing gods are still indifferently staring at the dust, and the huge tiger head is once again coming toward him.

"Give me a roll!"

The dust flies into the mountains and directly slams toward the tiger head.

A horrible sound explosion rang in the sky.


The dull attack made everyone tremble, feeling that the heart seemed to stop beating.

Under the hundreds of thousands of meters below, some people below the level of the demigod, a sweet mouth, directly spit out a blood.

In the sky, a wave of air visible to the naked eye, going toward the surrounding impact.

Jiangcheng, as well as everyone in several cities around Jiangcheng, changed their faces and were filled with fear.

"God Lord? Light Wing God Lord, how is this possible? The **** tiger turned out to be the eternal God!"

"Oh, the eternal God is resurrected? My God, this..."

In the position below, everyone squatted on the floor, and some people shouted loudly.

For the resurrection of the eternal God, this is the general existence of the invincible big BOSS for all.

If this kind of existence is resurrected, who can stop it?

Everyone looked up and looked at the dust in the sky fighting the Lord of Light.

The tens of meters of tiger heads are now completely biting on the dusty left hand.

His mountainous right hand kept moving toward the tiger head.




Just then, a screaming voice came from the dusty mouth, and his mountain's left arm began to crack slowly.

Was bitten by the tiger's mouth!

"Dust fly!"

Liu Mengxin’s body trembled and his eyes shook loudly.

"Give me a burst!"

The dust screamed and the whole left arm began to burst, and the powerful force slammed toward the tiger's head.


The tiger's head began to tremble, and the power of light shone.

"Well? The body of the mountain, hehe!"

The Lord of Light Wings saw this scene slightly frowning, followed by a slamming, and the wings trembled slightly.


At this moment, two huge bright wings spurted out of his body and flew directly toward the dust.

Two bright wings, like a laser, are only flickering and fall on Chen Feiyang's body.

"Touch and touch!"

For a moment, the dusty body began to collapse, and a large piece of stone dissipated toward the surroundings.


The painful screams came from his mouth, and the dusty face showed a look of horror.

"Starry sky locusts, out!"

He screamed in horror, and countless starry locusts flew out of his body.

At least three or four billion star-studded locusts, densely covered with the light wing gods.


The Lord of Light Wings saw the empty locusts that appeared, and the crown of the head exudes a ray of light, sweeping directly toward the billions of starry locusts.


In a flash, the sound of the screams of the locusts in the starry sky sounded.

Numerous starry locust corpses fell toward the lower position.

Hundreds of millions of people fell, and dozens of stars created a locust, only for a few tens of seconds.

Immediately afterwards, the two sharp wings were once again smashed toward the dusty body.

"Do not!"

Seeing all the starry locusts were destroyed, and seeing the sharp wings falling on the body, the dusty face showed a scream of fright and despair.

"Touch and touch!"

A few horrible shocks came from, and the dust fluttered slowly and looked down at his body.

The body of his mountain is gradually being torn apart.

He can feel that his vitality is disappearing quickly!

"No, I haven't returned to the innocent star!"

"I am the inheritor of the eternal God!"

His face was unwilling to swear, and the voice spread throughout the world!

"Dust fly!"

Liu Mengxin’s eyes turned red and shouted in disbelief.

"Only one God's inheritor, dare to provoke my majesty and majesty, and find a way out!"

At this time, in the position above, a chilly sound with a majestic sound!


A loud noise, a huge piece of stone falling down.

In the stone, there is also some blood!

At this moment, everyone is watching this scene.

The dust is flying dead, and the dust is actually killed!


Everyone took a breath of cold air and his face was full of shocking looks.

The strength of the dust, everyone can be seen, only the billions of stars and locusts can swept the gods.

However, let it be easily killed now!

"Do not!"

Liu Mengxin saw Chen Feiyang’s body, his face changed greatly, and he could not help but shouted loudly!

"I am the Lord of the Light Wings, and now the eternal kingdom of God is wide open, and everyone goes to worship!"

"In the gods of this planet, I will become a **** in the eternal kingdom of God within three days, otherwise, God!"

Just then, a majestic voice enveloped the entire earth and was introduced into everyone's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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