Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2032: Dragon Palace is invincible, sweeping all enemies

Chapter 2032, Dragon Palace is invincible, sweeping all enemies


The screams of pain rang in the hustle and bustle, and the Lord of Light Wings shook the huge body, and the horror of horror splattered around!

The crown of the **** above the head rises directly and strikes toward the crab.


The horrible impact caused the crab to wrap around his dragon tail and let go!


He opened his mouth and a horrible black earth energy tide slammed toward the main wing of the light wing.


Under the tide of energy, the Lord of Light Wings flew directly toward the rear.

A piece of blood spilled out of the mouth.

At this point, his pupil showed a look of fright.

At this time, he sensed a threat of death!

"Damn **** it!"

He swayed his body in a panic, and he knew he was careless.

You should not enter this field.

He didn't think of it anyway. On this planet, there are still creatures that can compete with him and even hurt him.

If he continues to fight, he may be hit hard or even fall!

"Leave this field, otherwise you may fall!"

The main face of the light wing **** is extremely embarrassing in the darkness of the heart.

His eyes glanced at the crab, his body shape, and turned to escape to the rear position!

"Want to escape? Are you not a powerful and invincible eternal God? Do you want us to be your gods? Why do you want to escape now?"

The scorpion crab saw that the light wing God Lord had to escape, and some sarcasm said.

He was swaying and shook his huge body and went straight to the attack.

"Leaving this place, as long as you leave here, there is no suppression of this starry beast **** country, I may not be the opponent of that monster!"

The light-winged god’s eyes flashed with luster and fled toward the rear of the void.


However, when he flew a distance of 500 kilometers, it suddenly seemed to hit an invisible barrier!

Light wing **** face complexion transient!


At the rear, the horrible dragon tail of the crab swept away again.

The light-winged God Lord who was hit was completely unable to escape.


The dragon tail falls on the body of the light wing god, causing it to fall directly into the void!

At this moment, Wang Xian’s five elements annihilated the Yangtze River and attacked him.


The annihilation of the long river fell on his body, causing his body to tremble, and the blood of the wound came out.

Even if these five elements annihilate the Yangtze River, they can not be injured, but they can also make it uncomfortable.

There are even a few crabs that can’t be beaten alone.

There are also two cosmic peaks on both sides of the race, the colorful dragons and dragonflies, in which case he is very wrong.

Into the small blue field, he can't even move in the teleport.

"No, be sure to go out!"

The light wing **** sensed the pain in the body, and the tiger's body shook, and the light **** figure on his body slowly rose.


All the creatures in the map of God seem to be resurrected, coming out of the map of God and behind the map of God.

The billions of souls on the top sat there in the mouth and muttered.

Under the blessing of billions of creatures, a bright shield was raised.


At the same time, the main wing of the light wing God attacked directly toward the front position.

The whole area shivered slightly, and there was a crack in front of him.


Little Blue sensed the collapse of the scorpion, roaring, and the place where the crack appeared slowly healed.

"The Lord of Light Wings, don't want to escape, hey, I haven't killed God, just as you are the first!"

Looking at the crab, he swayed his body and struck directly toward the **** figure.


The horrible impact caused the millions of creatures under the gods to dissipate in an instant.


His dragon head, directly biting toward the **** figure, below, half of the gods die.

"Damn, this planet has just recovered from the aura, how can there be such a terrible existence!"

The light wing God can't help but scream, the mouth spurting out the mighty light, and once again attacking the area.


The crack appears again!


However, behind him, the sound of the collapse of the light shield condensed by the gods came.


His face changed a lot and he quickly went to hide.


However, the dragon claws of the crab have arrived and landed directly in the chest of the Lord of Light Wings.


The sharp and horrible dragon claws directly enter the body of the light wing god.

The light wing God Lord is once again hit hard!

"No, no cure, bright life!"

The light wing **** screamed, and the injury on his body healed quickly.

At the same time, the tiger's palm went to attack the crab.


The crab has a big mouth and directly bites the tiger's palm into the mouth.

His sharp teeth, which are enough to bite the eternal godland, immediately snapped it!


The tragic sound began to sound, and the face of the Lord of Light Wing began to distort.


His embarrassed face spurted a bright energy and slammed toward the crab.

The two huge bone wings of the crabs are in front of them, completely resisting his attack.

"Don't let him escape!"

At this time, Wang Xian saw that the light wing gods desperately wanted to escape to the outside, and immediately said to the crab.


The huge dragon head of the crab is directly biting towards the **** of the light wing.

At this moment, the light wing God Lord completely ignored the attack at the rear. At this time, if he does not escape, he will be completely finished.

He bit his head, his eyes reddish and ran into the front again.


The sound of the broken field came, and his eyes showed a hope of hope.


However, at this time, the pain of tearing the body almost came, and half of his body was directly bitten, and he felt that his body was about to break!


In front of the position, the area is completely cracked, and the slow world like a black hole begins to collapse.

"Have you escaped?"

Wang Xian saw a smile on the face of the bitten light wing god.

He was shaped and turned into a human figure on Xiao Lan.

The world below is gradually appearing in front of everyone.

At this moment, countless people are scattered around.

When they saw the position above, as if the scene of the broken space appeared, everyone widened their eyes and looked at it with a shocked face.

A huge incomparable head first appeared in the void above the air.

"It is the Lord God, the Lord of our Light Wings, hahaha, the Lord God will kill all the guys!"

"The Lord God is coming out, is it that our God Lord is winning?"

Yan Yan and 10,000 servants saw the huge head appearing in the void, his face showing an excited look.

They roared loudly.

The rest of the people saw the skull sneak out of the void, and they heard the sputum and they roared excitedly, and they were surprised!

Is it...

(End of this chapter)

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