Chapter 2049 Separation

"What happened? How did I see the eternal God in front of the two girls? I am not mistaken?"

"What is going on, what is the relationship between the two goddesses in the Dragon Palace and the **** of the gods?"

" suddenly blocked, what is the situation above?"

On Earth, everyone saw the horrible Eternal God suddenly squatting down to the two goddesses of the Dragon Palace and unfolding their arms, each with amazed look on his face.

what is happening?

It is a pity that the seven old people have blocked the situation here!

"Oh la la!"

At this time, the gods in the rear saw the seven old men kneeling shouting respectfully, and each face was also shocked.

"See my Royal Highness Princess!"

They are busy in front of them, kneeling in the void, and bowing towards the flowers!


The mighty middle-aged opened his mouth and snorted and shouted.

"Your Majesty, see the aunt!"

He saw his son stunned and immediately shouted.

"Two grandmothers are good!"

The young man hurriedly shouted on the ground.

His generation is separated from the flowers and children by a father, and naturally needs to kneel down!

"Father of flowers?"

At this moment, Wang Xian, who was trapped in a prison cage, saw this face full of wrong looks.

He did not think that the eternal God who came here was actually the biological father of two gimmicks.

It should be known that the two little gimmicks have been resurrected after hundreds of thousands of years of coincidence.

"It’s a coincidence!"

Wang Xiankou muttered, and when he saw this scene, his heart was slightly relieved.

With this relationship of flowers and children, this time the crisis can be solved smoothly, otherwise, he really does not know how to be good.

"Dad, well, don't cry, don't cry!"

At this time, in the Lord of the Gods, the flowers gently wiped the tears of the **** of the gods, and the red eyes smiled and said!

"Dad is too happy, so happy!"

The **** of the gods did not feel shameful and sly, and touched their faces gently with both hands!

"When we go back, your mother will be very happy if she knows that you are still alive, very happy!"

Shenye God said with a happy face.

"Mom is still alive?"

Huaer Caier heard his words and excited, and immediately said.

"Well, although your mother did not break through to the eternal God, but I have obtained some treasures to continue the life of your mother!"

God Leaf God's face smiles!

"What about the younger brother?"

Cai Er hesitated and asked.

"Your younger brother is old, but he has lived for 100,000 years. He was not sad before he died. My mother and I are the most guilty of your two gimmicks. Now that you are in front of us, we are very happy!"

God Leaf God has a smile on his face.

"Come, let my father hug you, remember that when you two little girls ran out of the house to play, it was so big!"

He stood up slowly, holding a **** in one hand, and he was like a child!

"Ha ha!"

Hua Caier also smiled and held his neck.

"For Dad, I will introduce you to you!"

"Dad, you have to let them go!"

Huaer Caier, they saw the trapped Wang Xian, and said quickly.


The **** of the gods immediately nodded, and their eyes turned toward Wang Xian, and the cage was immediately untied.

At the same time, the huge wooden claws in the sky slowly put the Dragon Palace into the ocean.

"Dad, I will tell you about it. This was encountered after my sister and I woke up. At that time we were still a doll. He raised us and was our father on earth!"

The flower jumped from the heart of the **** of the gods, and came to Wang Xian’s side and took his arm and introduced it.

"Daddy on earth?"

The **** of the gods gave a slight glimpse, and there was some taste in the eyes, but he saw his daughter so happy, with a smile on his face.

"Amount... Hello, this big brother!"

Wang Xian opened his mouth and hesitated, laughing and reaching out!

"Hello, hello, the gentle words of the two gimmicks are really grateful to the little brothers, in the future, in the innocent star, what can come to me!"

He immediately reached out and said with a smile.

"That, the language is soft, I will take you home!"

"Or, little brother, take this planet to our eternal **** leaf? Come to us, I thank you little brother!"

The **** of the gods and the gods said to the flowers and the children.

"Yeah, Pharaoh, do you want to take the earth to our father, here, the eternal God Lord, we will cover you in the future, hehe!"

Huacai Cai said with a smile.

"Go to the Eternal God?"

Wang Xian was slightly stunned and his face looked hesitant.

The name of the Eternal God Leaf, he had already heard of it before he came, the Eastern Eternal God, one of the five major gods.

If there is an eternal **** in front of the earth, it is only a matter of the relationship between the flowers and the children. The development of the earth is absolutely not bad.

Even their Dragon Palace, because of the relationship between flowers and children, no one dares to provoke in the entire innocent star.

"No, we have already decided where the earth is going!"

Wang Xian still rejected the proposal of Huaer Caier.

With the strength of the Dragon Palace, there is no need to rely on any power. As long as it is not the eternal God, he is not afraid.

And, it may not take long before the Dragon Palace can compete with the eternal God.

Going to the planet of the extraordinary continent is the best choice and can be better developed.

"You two hoes go back to your father first, look at your mother. If there is time, I will go to you!"

He continued to see the flowers and children.

"No, why can't you go with us!"

"That is!"

Some of the flowers are shaking their arms!

"Well, the Dragon Palace has its own development. I will find you in the Dragon Palace."

Wang Xian said helplessly to the two gimmicks!

"Well, well, you can say it, you must come to us for the first time!"

Huan Caier said to him that he grinned.

"Do not worry!"

Wang Xian nodded!

"Oh, I have a star-field communication stone plate here, you can pass through the stone plate and be able to contact any corner of the innocent star!"

The **** of the gods sees that his daughter is so dependent on other men, and his heart is very delicious, and he feels that his own things have been robbed.

However, he still took out three communication stone plates and handed them to Wang Xian and his daughter.

"Thank you!"

Wang Xian nodded, picked it up, and said a few words with Huaer Cai!

"Say it, wait until you settle down on the earth, and you will come back to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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