Chapter 2065 is added

Each bone wing is ten meters in size, and the white bone wing has no attributes.

Wang Xian is suspended in the center of the ocean tide, and the bone wing does not look like the slightest beauty.

But the entire bone wing has no trace of properties, it looks a bit tasteless!


He moved a little, and the water was attached to the bones.


When the bone wing was covered by water, Wang Xian’s face changed slightly.

His look is wonderful.

He relaxed the whole body without using the slightest energy.

At this time, a strange scene appeared, Wang Xian's body was not impacted by the tide of the ocean towards the lower position.

"Is this the ability of this wing?"

His face showed a surprising look.

Ignore the impact of ocean tides?

This ocean tide, but only the seven sacred fire can stand in it, the **** of the six sacred fire into it will not die, but will be washed away by the ocean tide!

I can't stand on it at all.

However, if you only cover the water property on the beginning of the bone, you will be able to stand in the tide of the ocean. This energy is somewhat powerful!

"That is, I am carrying this bone wing, ignoring any environment, can burst out of the power of the peak of the gods?"

Wang Xian’s eyes flashed in his eyes, and his body shape moved slightly, leaving the space immediately!


Just at the moment when Wang Xiangang came out, a screaming voice sounded!

Wang Xian looked quickly and saw that in front of the position, more than 30 people fought together.

More than 30 people completely killed their eyes, and even the changes in the place where the white light shrouded were not noticed.

"Fang Tian!"

A dozen people of the Eternal God Leaf heard the screams, their faces changed dramatically, and they shouted in unison.

"Ha ha ha, the waste of the eternal **** leaf, today even if we can't get the treasure, it is worthwhile to kill the two of the eight gossip powers, hahaha!"

An eternal thundering old man holds a long gun in his hand!

The rifle was covered with lightning and completely penetrated the middle age before the body.

The middle-aged face is full of desperate looks.

"Eternal thunder, you are looking for death!"

The eternal **** leaves the eyes of the gods, and his face is very angry.

"The eight elders, the guy of the Eternal God Leaf came out, he got the treasure!"

At this time, the position of the battlefield, a middle-aged eternal thunder saw Wang Xian, who was just next to the white light, and his face was shocked and shouted immediately.


At this moment, everyone looked at the position of Wang Xian.

"The bones on his body are the treasure, the bone wing!"

An eternal thundering old man immediately shouted.

Wang Xian ignored their gaze and looked at the fallen middle age. The brow was locked.

The fallen middle age was the middle age with whom he attacked the tidal beast not long ago.

He did not expect that this middle-aged man would have fallen because of this!


His eyes swept over the eternal thundering powerhouses, hesitating about his body shape and flying directly above the tides of the ocean.


Easily rushed out of the ocean's tidal sea, Wang Xian suspended in the sky.

"Someone is out!"

When Wang Xian rushed out of the ocean tide, hundreds of millions of people on both sides moved toward the sky.

"Well? It seems that it is not our eternal thunder!"

In the north, some people looked at them in a wrong way.


Just then, in the tides of the ocean, one figure rushed out.

Several of them were attacked directly toward Wang Xian.

Wang Xian looked at him, and the three eternal thundering gods of the eternal thunder fire attacked him. The three faces showed cold murderousness and stared at the bones behind him!

"Leave the treasure!"

An old man screamed, and the thunder in his hand went straight to Wang Xian.


In the heart of Wang Xian’s heart, the bones fluttered slightly, and the figure disappeared instantly, flying towards the east side.

"Fast speed!"

The faces of the three gods of the nine sacred gods were slightly changed, and their faces were shocked.

This speed is comparable to the peak of the gods!

"This bone wing is definitely a very precious treasure!"

An old man whispered.


There was a sound of broken water coming from below, and the three looked at each other and quickly retreated toward the rear.

"Eternal **** leaves, take the treasures of two gossip gods for a treasure, cheaper you!"

The gods of eternal thunder are a little unwilling to scream.

"Fart, there is a fall on your side!"

A burly old man who rushed out of the ocean tide heard their words and screamed with anger.

"Haha, that one gossip **** of fire has changed a treasure, we have changed it for you!"

The strong eternal thundering replied with a smirk.

Although the bone wing looks extraordinary, but a gossip **** of fire has changed a treasure, worth it!

"What, we have two adults on this side?"

"The treasure is got us, who is the adult who got the treasure?"

"I don't know, our eternal **** seems to have no such youth!"

"It's that person!"

In the position of the East side, everyone heard the words of the gods, and his face showed an ugly look.

Some people looked at Wang Xian, and his face showed a trace of doubt.

However, Li Muzhen and Li Mulong immediately recognized Wang Xian, and they opened their mouths slightly, and their faces were shocked.

He not only lived from the inside, but also got the treasure!

Is that bone wing?

Li Mulong, they all shocked in the hearts of everyone!


The bones fluttered again, and Wang Xian came to them by the moment!

His beliefs moved slightly, and the bones slowly retracted into Wang Xian’s body!

"Dragon King!"

The two men of Minghuo immediately went forward and shouted in amazement.

"This friend,"

Li Mulong stared at Wang Xian with amazement, and he was shocked!

"Who is he?"

"I don't know, but they know each other with Li Mulong Tianjiao. They should be the adults of our eternal gods. They look so young!"

More people look at Wang Xian, his face full of doubts.


At this time, the rear position, the gods of the eternal **** leaves from the tides of the ocean.

Their eyes are also staring at Wang Xian, and their faces are not good looking.

This young man, the **** who got the treasure, they don't know!

A dozen gods flew over Wang Xian.

"A lot of adults are coming!"

Li Muzhen saw the gods flying over, his face changed, his brows wrinkled!

They know that Wang Xian is not an eternal god.

Now that he has acquired treasures, their eternal gods have degraded two gods of gossip!


"This little brother, who are you? From which force?"

At this time, more than a dozen top powers of the Eternal God Leaf came to the surrounding of Wang Xian, surrounded by no traces!

(End of this chapter)

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