Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2105: Hundreds of millions of evil spirits under the army

Chapter 2105, under the army of billions of evil spirits

"Be prepared to fight, fight evil spirits, be prepared for death!"

A drink rang out over the darkness of the forest, into the ears of every disciple of the Northern Alliance.

When everyone felt the **** and wild smell of the impact from the front, the face of their face just disappeared completely.

Before the departure, they thought that they had more than five million people and two hundred gods. The lowest level of reaching the semi-god level is already very strong!

Even if you encounter the evil army, there should be no problem at all.

But when I saw a horrible blood-red eye in the dark dark forest, one by one, carrying the magical level of the magical cave, they were shocked!

Be prepared for death!

All the disciples bite their teeth and force the fear to leave their minds, staring at the evil spirits in front!

"The number of evil spirits is much more than expected!"

The bright old man of the Northern Expedition Bank in the central location also showed a dignified look on his face.

"I heard that the eternal thunder is where the mighty peaks of the gods fall, it seems that you have to be careful!"

He muttered in his mouth, full of vigilance.



Looking at the evil spirits that are only a few tens of kilometers away, everyone holds the weapon in their hands.

Each of the gods is locked in the demon of the level of the gods, full of murderous!


In the position of the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian looked at the demon that was very close and near, and immediately issued an order.


The members of the Dragon Palace are full of fighting spirits. One of the demon monkeys holds the sticks and the body is violently murderous.

The traps of the members of the Star Wars are waiting for the arrival of the evil spirits.

In this position of the Dragon Palace alone, the number of evil spirits is no less than 100 million.

Fortunately, it is not all half-god-level existence, but even so, there are five or sixty-five million demigods.

Five or six million, enough to drown all members of the entire Dragon Palace!


Collision, which happened very quickly, more than 30 gods from the Dragon Palace released the first wave of attacks.

The attack of destroying the earth and the ground immediately turned all the trees in the hundreds of kilometers ahead into ashes.


However, the attack of the gods of the Dragon Palace did not cause too many evils.

The evil spirits are wise, and the demon evils carrying the magic caves in one moment resist the first round of attacks.

"How can this be!"

"A lot of evil spirits!"

There was a loud voice in the rest of the place.

Obviously, the same thing as the Dragon Palace is that the first round of attacks on the gods was resisted.


Wang Xian did not feel too many accidents, and went directly to the evil spirits of the three gossip gods.

Stepping on the yin and yang poles, the top five lines of the head are coming out!

Below, a group of dragons and gods are locked in a demon and attacked them.

The rest of the Dragon Palace members rushed together with the evil spirits.


In the position above, Wang Xian squatted against the huge five elements of the big mill, and directly went to the three gossip gods.


The horrible energy caused the three gossip gods to scream in anger, and the dark magic caves on the body attacked the five lines of the sky.


The sound of the incomparable horror sounded, and the aftermath of the five elements of the great mill killed the five or six million evil spirits within a hundred kilometers.

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes. At this moment, he did not hide it!


A dragon scorpion, his entire body turned into the body of the dragon, directly attacked the three evil spirits of about five kilometers.

The dragon claws waved, the dragon tail swayed, and Wang Xian instantly broke out all the strength!


Feel the horror of the celestial body of Wang Xian, the demon spirits of the three gossip gods shivered slightly, and the demon spirits of the demigod level were shivering.

Under Longwei, the strength of one is not half.


Wang Xian screamed, and the five elements of the big mill came to the sky above the three evil spirits. The yin and yang poles came to them immediately!

"Seven space!"

Wang Xian’s body trembled, and the colorful light encircled the entire space. In addition to these three evil spirits, there were millions of evil spirits blocked by the Seven Miles space!


Entering the space, below the strength of the nine sacred fires, there is no ability to resist.

Wang Xian’s arm waved, and the colorful light became murderous!


The sound of screams sounded in an instant, and in a flash, the three gossip gods and evil spirits included thousands of evil spirits, and they were instantly killed!

The space of the Seven Miles was recovered, and Wang Xian’s eyes swept to the lower position.

More than 10,000 strong men of the Dragon Palace collided with the evil spirits, and the fierce battle broke out instantly.

Every member of the Dragon Palace is surrounded by thousands of evil spirits.

The lucky members of the Dragon Palace were injured in an instant!

However, the special operations of the Magic War Department, the Star Wars Department, the Sky Eye Arrows, the Mounting Division, and the Thunder plus Dolphins immediately stabilized the situation.

Every second, members of the Dragon Palace can kill hundreds of thousands of evil spirits.

But hundreds of thousands of evil spirits, in front of this evil spirit army, too little and too little!


In the air, the violent hustle and bustle of Qi Tianqi exudes a blood red glow, raging to kill a demon.

The situation at the Dragon Palace has stabilized!

The horrific war broke out and affected tens of millions of kilometers.

The Northern Alliance and the evil war broke out completely!

Casualties also occurred at the moment of the outbreak of the fighting.

The number of evil spirits is too much, and it is beyond the expectations of all.

"Damn, there is a demon in the peak of the gods!"

At this time, the central position sounded an angry voice, Wang Xian eyes swept away, his eyes sparkling.

He stood in the void and did not shoot again, because once this evil spirit was destroyed on a large scale, the surrounding evil spirits must come to this side.

There will even be a demon in the peak of the gods.

Although the evil body is very important to the Dragon Palace, you can't take the risk!

He hung over the battlefield of the Dragon Palace and quietly guarded the film.

Once a dragon disciple encounters danger, he will immediately shoot!

In this case, the members of the Dragon Palace have no casualties, and every second has a body.

Wang Xian’s body shape was shocked, and the Shenguo Dragon Palace slowly appeared behind him.

"The turtles, bring people to collect these bodies, and then immediately use to enhance the strength of the Dragon Palace!"

The Dragon Palace emerged, and Wang Xian immediately ordered the turtle to order.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The turtles nodded immediately and specifically let the members of the Dragon Palace pack their bodies into the dragon pool!

"Fortunately, there are other forces in the rest, otherwise the Dragon Palace wants to gain so much, it is impossible!"

Wang Xian’s face showed a smile, a dangerous cave, a huge opportunity for the Dragon Palace!

(End of this chapter)

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