Chapter 2129 Cannon fodder

"See the Dragon King!"

Lei Dong Xue Yu was in front of Wang Xian, and there was no arrogance and highness.

Compared with just now, it is totally two people!

Wang Xian stared at her faintly, her face showing a smile.

"Get up!"

"It is the Dragon King!"

Lei Dongxue stood respectfully standing beside Wang Xian, full of respect.

"Your own memory is still there, do you remember everything that happened?"

Wang Xian asked me faintly.

"I know that Dong Xue didn't know how to offend the Dragon King, thank you Dragon King for letting me be born again!"

Lei Dongxue said quickly.

"Know it, let me talk about the use of the rest of the Northern Territory for the eternal thunder!"

Wang Xian asked her.

"Dragon King, the eternal thunder was recently invaded by a large number of evil spirits, and even the magic dragon behind the demon evil spirits appeared!"

"At the time, the thunder **** appeared, but he was not able to kill it, and even he was overcast, and he was poisoned!"

"But the dragon is even worse, the dragon tail is left behind, and it is only after the desperate escape. The dragon is now retaliating against us, countless evil attacks!"

"In order to avoid losses, we eternal thunder decided to recruit all the forces in the entire northern region!"

Lei Dongxue said slowly toward Wang Xian.

"Call all the forces in the North to fight against evil spirits as cannon fodder?"

Wang Xian picked up his eyebrows.

"Almost, because of the existence of more than twenty peaks of the gods in the evil spirits, the thunder of our entire eternal thunder is not so much!"

"Under this kind of battle, even if we can win, it is estimated that it will be very heavy, and even half of the power will be destroyed!"

"So recruit other forces to reduce the loss of eternal thunder!"

Lei Dongxue nodded.

"That is, after we go to the eternal thunder tomorrow, we will go directly to the front line?"

Wang Xian looks at her!

"Yes, go directly to the pre-war position, but it is not directly used as cannon fodder to rush directly to the past, but also to say!"

"This mainly depends on our decision. As the masters of these forces, we have the right to make choices, but in order to gain merit, there are absolutely disciples who directly order other forces in the northern region to be used as cannon fodder!"

"Every time they kill a demon, we will get some merit!"

Lei Dongxue said.

"Your eternal thunder is really strong!"

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes.

"Dragon King, you can rest assured that as long as I am there, I will not let the Dragon Palace members act as cannon fodder!"

Lei Dongxue immediately said.

"How do you count the dead body of the demon? Can we get it?"

Wang Xian blinked and asked her.

"Nature, this will promise some benefits for the eternal thunder of a group of forces, otherwise, in the case of knowing death, other forces in the northern region will definitely fight back!"

"The evil body can get half of it, and the other half belongs to the eternal thunder. You can use the demon corpse to exchange items, the array method, and the eternal thunder will open the treasure house. The treasure inside is not there!"

"Some of these treasures have great temptation for the peak of the gods!"

Lei Dongxue said.

"However, it is still a cannon fodder!"

Wang Xiankou muttered, palms unfolded, holding the space ring of Lei Dongxue.

Within this space ring, there are gods and gods and various treasures she got from Wang Xian.

Seven forces, a total of more than 150 gods, plus the treasures in their nest!


Wang Xian’s face showed a smile, the treasures of the Tianyang dynasty, the treasures of the eight forces of the Suihua Shenzong, and all kinds of sacred herbs, which are enough to ignite the fire again!

"The four middle-aged women have not been affected by the killing. If there is any impact, find a way to solve it. Let's go tomorrow!"

Wang Xian said to her, turned and flew toward the Dragon King Hall.

The eternal thundering command, the Dragon Palace has to obey, but after his strength is improved, with the addition of Lei Dongxue, the danger will be reduced a lot!

Coming to the Dragon King Hall, Wang Xian pours out all the resources in the space ring and the nest.


His stature was transformed into a huge and colorful dragon, and the mouth devours various resources.

Then ignite a sacred fire, he will have the strength of the peak of the gods, when, in the North, in addition to thundering God, he is not afraid!

Just give him enough time and resources, and the thunder **** will kill you!


“Hey, congratulations on the promotion of the host level, igniting the fourth fire!”

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Yin Yang Wuxing Shenlong (People Dragon One)

Level: Four 缕神火(The Dragon becomes the fifth change)

Shenjing: 235.4 million / 100 billion

Shentong: rule the aquarium (aquarium that rules below its own level)

Phagocytic organism (phagocytic extracting crystal)

Five lines of control

Gongfa: Shenlong

Shentong: Demon Soul, Fuling, Yinyang and Five Elements.

Law: Five elements of the big mill, the palm of the dragon country, the dragon head of the world, the Wanli dragon body, the yin and yang poles, the yin and yang five elements, the dragon dragon tail!

Kingdom of God: Dragon Palace

Has Dragon Palace: Level 6.

Dragon Palace member: 33633

Ten minutes later, the entire Dragon Palace sounded a majestic roar.

The 15,000-kilometer dragon body squats in the Dragon King Hall, like a bizarre mountain.

The colorful dragon scales are shining and dazzling.

The faint Longwei, the creatures under the gods are shaking!

"This... this form!"

At this moment, in front of the Dragon King Hall, Lei Dongxue looked at the form of Wang Xian, and his face was wide and his face was shocked.

"It is almost the same as the magic dragon, but it looks more noble than the dragon. Some people say that the dragon has the blood of the legendary dragon. Does the dragon king also have it?"

Her mouth muttered,

Shenlong has long since disappeared, and only some history records the existence of this horror.

However, in the record, the dragon is extinct, and only some monsters with the dragon's blood are present.

Now looking at the dragon king of the colorful light, she feels that the legendary dragon may not be even better!

"The peak of the gods, if I now meet the existence of the rain magic sword god, it will be able to kill it within ten strokes!"

Feel the powerful power of the body, look at his own attributes, Wang Xian mouth slightly tilted!

"Congratulations to the Dragon King to break through again!"

The turtle came over and said with a smile.

"Gui Guixiang, pick 15,000 members, and tomorrow will follow the eternal thunder!"

Wang Xianhua is a human figure, and he is in a good mood and said to the turtle.

"It is Dragon King, I will prepare immediately!"

The turtles nodded.

"When will you leave tomorrow?"

Wang Xian looked at Lei Dongxue not far away.

"Report to the Dragon King, you can leave tomorrow at noon!"

Lei Dongxue nodded respectfully.

"it is good!"

Wang Xian nodded and hesitated and flew toward the extraordinary continent.

I don't know how long I will leave this time. Let's go see a group of girls!

(End of this chapter)

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