Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2139: The peak of the gods is falling

Chapter 2139, the peak of the gods is falling

Four magic caves, the demon of the four gods.

It is a long-term battle to fight the other side and want to kill the other side. It takes a long time.

Unless the gap between the same level is a little big, or the two are just beginning to work hard!

In addition to this, the battle lasted for half an hour was very normal.

Wang Xian and the president of the Northern Expedition Bank can kill the same level of evil spirits within half an hour, which is already relatively strong in the same level!

The bright old man and the lord of the gods are still fighting against the evil spirits.

The bright old man is still fine, and he has not been seriously injured in dealing with the evil spirits, but the sorcerer is a bit miserable.

Before he fought the evil spirit, he suffered a blow from Wang Xian. The blow caused him to be seriously injured. He could play 70% of his strength.

Under such circumstances, in the face of the demon of the peak of the gods, immediately suffered a repression!

It is even more tragic now!

He saw that the president of the Northern Expedition Bank would kill the evil spirits and immediately asked for help!

"Our master of the door was injured by the Dragon Palace before the battle, and now there is some crisis!"

"Damn, it’s because of the Dragon King, if not..."

Some disciples who are enchanting the gods and the powerful gods see this scene, their faces are slightly changed, and they whisper.

"Business president, trouble you to help!"

Lei Tianming saw the situation of the sorcerer, and his face was a little embarrassing and immediately said to the president of the Northern Expedition.

The president of the Northern Expedition Chamber of Commerce gently lifted his bamboo hat and nodded slowly.

"it is good!"

He snorted and prepared to shoot.


At this time, Wang Xian, who was suspended in the members of the Dragon Palace, saw the dangerous door of the door of the gods, and a smile appeared on his face.

He saw that the president of the Northern Expedition Bank was ready to go to support and slightly narrowed his eyes.

A coldness directly went to the president of the Northern Expedition Bank.

The icy murder has no cover, and it is completely locked!


The president of the Northern Expedition Bank sensed this murderousness and looked awkward. He immediately turned to look at Wang Xian.

"How is the Dragon King? You want to be an enemy of our Northern Expedition?"

He stared coldly at Wang Xian, and asked for it.

"Well? What is the Dragon King going to do?"

Some people around to see this scene, his face changed slightly.

"How come, I can't dare to be an enemy of you, the president of the Northern Expedition Bank, you will take a break after killing a demon!"

"We both have a rest for a while, don't bother troubles for no reason!"

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face toward the president of the Northern Expedition.

The door of the sacred door of the gods attracts the demon of the peak of the gods, and wants to blame them for the Dragon Palace!

If it wasn't for Wang Xian, the strength would be raised to the four sacred fires shortly before, this time the Dragon Palace may have to be planted!

How could Wang Xian let him go like this!


The president of the Northern Expedition Bank changed his face slightly and stared at him coldly.

Wang Xian also stared coldly at the president of the Northern Expedition Bank. Once the other party took the shot, he shot.

Do not seek to seriously hurt or even kill, just hold him back!

"Dragon King, here is the battlefield, at this time you do this, some have passed!"

The president of the Northern Expedition Bank said faintly toward Wang Xian.

"Oh, why didn't you say that it was a battlefield when you just lured that evil spirit?"

Wang Xian stared at him coldly, and slightly shook the dragon sword in the handshake!

"Dragon King, you are arrogant, if you dare to stop the Chamber of Commerce from saving people, I will report this to us for the eternal thunder and thunder, when your Dragon Palace is waiting for the trial!"

Lei Tianming saw that Wang Xian actually stopped, and his face was awkward and shouted at him!

The words are full of threats!

"Judge? Lei Tianming, you are not qualified to say such a thing, just bet the door of the door of the gods, and all the people are clear and clear, it is good to not kill it on the spot!"

Before Wang Xian opened, Lei Dong Xue flew to the side of Wang Xian, and said to Lei Tianming without fear!

"The consequences of this thing, I am carrying!"

She finally added that it is full of strength!

"Lei Dongxue, you..."

Lei Tianming's face changed slightly, and some gag his teeth staring at him!

"Hey, don't think that I don't know what you and Lei Beichen are playing. I want to let the devils of the gods weaken the power of the Dragon Palace. I don't want to get more merits. Today, the Dragon Palace prevents the Northern Expedition from taking the shot. You can take me. how!"

Lei Dongxue tilted his head slightly.

"you you..."

Lei Tianming was a little angry and trembled.

Lei Beichen also frowned, and the president of the Northern Expedition Bank saw the battle between the eternal thunder and disciples. He was silent!

Once the Dragon King shot to stop him, he couldn’t help the door of the demon!

"This dragon king...they...they..."

The disciple of the demon sacred door saw this scene, his body was a little trembling, his face was very unremarkable.


At the same time, the Lord of the Gates, who is fighting the demon and evil spirits of the gods, heard the conversation here. Under a distraction, he was directly hit by the evil spirits.

The demon of the peak of the gods, the sharp tip of the tail directly penetrated his body, making it a fierce cry.

Everyone looked at them together and their faces changed dramatically.


Lei Tianming and the demon sacred disciple saw this situation, his face was awkward!

"Save me, the Chamber of Commerce saves me!"

He sternly pointed to the president of the Northern Expedition Bank.


Wang Xian’s body was shocked, and the five elements of the big grind appeared on the top of his head. He stared at the direction of the Lord of the Gates!

"Be yourself, don't live!"

He said coldly, and he set his sights on the president of the Northern Expedition.

Once he starts, he will do it himself!

The president of the Northern Expedition Bank stared coldly at Wang Xian, without any action!


"Death, you will die for me!"

The dying demon slammed the door of the door of the gods, and the face was smashed toward the demon in front of him, and the counterattack before dying.


The long gun fell into the eyes of the evil spirits, directly inserted into the pupil, making it angry roar!

"Puff puff!"

More crazy demon evil one paws torn away toward the sorcerer.

"Oh, toot!"

The big mouth of blood spit out from his mouth, and everyone looked at this scene!

Fallen, a strong man of the peak of the gods, fallen!

"The doorkeeper!"

The disciple of the demon sacred door shouted loudly.

"Oh, this is the demon of the gods, I shot!"

Wang Xian looked at the demon smashing the door, and he was in a good mood. He smiled and said to the president of the Northern Expedition.

"Stop, that evil spirit is ours!"

The voice just fell, and Lei Beichen on the side would scream.

"Dragon King, you are very good!"

The president of the Northern Expedition Bank said coldly, and his body shape moved directly to the demon.

The demon of the peak of the gods has been hit hard, and he wants to kill it, it is not difficult!

I was very satisfied with the death of the sacred door of the **** gate, and there was no competition!

(End of this chapter)

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