Chapter 2150 Strength Surge


"Dragon King, we will not let you go to the thunder of the Lord, we will not let you pass the eternal thunder, and it will not take long for you to kill all the Dragon Palace, one will not stay!"

"Dragon King, you must not die, you wait, it will not be long before you will be destroyed!"

A scream of screams and anger is endless!

The thunder of the eternal thunder is full of anger and anger towards the king, their **** eyes, full of hatred!

Wang Xian was suspended in the air in front, heard some cursing voices, and his face was full of sneer.

Weak meat!

If today he did not happen to encounter the magic dragon, but to meet other people, then today is the death of him, the dragon palace is also destroyed.

Now, since he is alive, those who want to kill him will bear his revenge!

For the eternal thunder, Wang Xian has no good feelings!

In order to survive, the dragon is desperately raging among seven or eight million people. No one can withstand his attacks, and no one can escape from here.

Even if five Thors want to break through from one place, they are easily resisted by him.

The magic dragon is arguably a 100% strength.

Under this circumstance, seven or eight million people are reduced at a horrible rate.

In less than half an hour, the death of the dragon and the evil spirits and the hands of the Dragon Palace reached 90%!

The last seven or eight hundred thousand people struggled there.

"The road of the strong is made of bones, and the throne of the strong is made of blood!"

Wang Xian looked at the front quietly.

Whether in the super-continental continent or in the cosmic sky, you want to be strong and never be able to fight and kill!

This made Wang Xian think of the scene that appeared in his mind when he first established the Dragon Palace.

The war of race, the war of the stars... and the last scene of the war with the endless Zerg!

Compared to those wars, this battle is not a big deal!

Strong, have a strong heart!

Wang Xian’s face showed a smile and waited for the fruit of the war.

"Report the Dragon King, all the enemies have been solved!"

When the last scream ended, the members of the Dragon Palace flew over and swayed the huge body and quickly came to Wang Xian’s body.

He reported to Wang Xianhui with respect and respect.

"Not bad!"

Wang Xian nodded to him with satisfaction.


Seeing the look of Wang Xian, he was slightly relieved.

"Dragon King!"

At this time, a group of members of the Dragon Palace flew over.

"Collect all the bodies and put them on the back planet!"

Wang Xian ordered them.

"It is the Dragon King!"

A group of Dragon Palace members nodded.

"We are in the past!"

Wang Xian said with a sigh of relief, flying directly toward the central planet.

"Dragon King, these three planets are my old nest!"

Darkened into a human form, followed by Wang Xian, with a smile on his face.

"The demon invasion of the former Galaxy of the Earth, is it done by people like you?"

Wang Xian’s eyes swept around and saw some evil spirits and asked him.

The strength of this magic dragon on the earth, the forces are much weaker than the Dragon Palace, and now in a short period of time, it has a stronger power than the Dragon Palace.

I was amazed at his heart.

"Dragon King, I was only a small person hundreds of thousands of years ago, can destroy a star field, the villain does not have this ability, it is the strongest of our sacred gods!"

"In fact, the main reason is that because the evil spirits are out of control, the entire star field is destroyed!"

Darkly and carefully said, for fear that the wrong Wang Xian directly killed him!

"The evil spirit is out of control?"

Wang Xian looked at him with doubt.

"Dragon King, summoning evil spirits requires sacrifices, and the evil spirits summoned must be suppressed with powerful strength!"

"But the evil spirits grow very fast. Once the strength of the evil spirits exceeds itself, it will get out of control, and there are some other situations that will cause the evil spirits to get out of control!"

"If the evil spirits are out of control, they will be very troublesome. They will breed and produce a small evil spirit!"

Silently replied immediately.

"That said, the devils in the East and other stars in the starry field are all you doing?"

Wang Xian looked at him!

"Cough, Dragon King, is caused by the villain's mistakes in the innocent star field. Now the group of demons grows too fast, I can't control it!"

"But when I break through to the eternal God, I will be able to conquer all the evil spirits, or kill them!"

"It is also possible that I will be able to solve it without using my shots. After all, the crisis is not very big!"

The dark magic dragon said.

Wang Xian did not pay attention to him and landed on a mountain peak.

"Dragon Palace!"

He was shocked and the Dragon Palace slowly floated in front of him.

A huge incomparable ocean dragged the dragon palace, exuding the mighty momentum.

"Gui Guixiang, immediately send all the members of the Dragon Palace out!"

He snorted and ordered the turtle inside.

"It is the Dragon King!"

Soon, the turtles led a group of members of the Dragon Palace to fly out.

"Go to help Qi Tian, ​​they cleaned the battlefield, and then used to enhance the strength of the Dragon Palace members!"

Wang Xian told them to them!


The turtles looked at each other and followed the face with a hot and incomparable look.

In the void in front, the suspended bodies are densely packed, reaching more than one billion.

Among them, there are seventeen bodies in the peak of the gods, and more than thirty of the nine fires!

Above the gods, there are more than seven or eight hundred.

With so many bodies, the dragon blood that can be converted will reach a terrible realm!

In addition to the corpse, there is a huge country of the gods in the void, and every **** will have enormous resources.

"Immediately move the body and the kingdom of God, and transfer the gods and gods in the gods to the Dragon Palace medicine field!"

The turtles screamed at all the Dragon Palace members.


The members of the Dragon Palace nodded and immediately passed.

It took a full two hours to move all the resources.

"Dragon King, how many evil spirits and strong corpses, how to improve!"

Turtle came to Wang Xian's body and asked Wang Xian.

"All the bodies of the demigods and the bodies of the half-naturally strong, enhance the bodies of ordinary members of the Dragon Palace!"

"The rest of the corpses, to enhance the strength of the disciples of the Dragon Palace, and at least cultivate the members of the five or six sacred battles!"

Wang Xian thought about it and told the turtle.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The turtles nodded excitedly and immediately entered the Dragon Palace.

After this upgrade, the strength of the Dragon Palace will undergo earth-shaking changes!

(End of this chapter)

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