Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2159: On the verge of innocent area

Chapter 2159, the name of the dynasty



A group of darkness, directly covering that thunder, the purple thunder violently breaks away in the darkness to make the darkness change shape!

Slowly, the lightning dissipates and the darkness dissipates!


When I saw the Dragon Palace, there was a person who directly resisted the attack of the thundering god, and all the strong players on the planet were slightly surprised!

"Sure enough, the Dragon Palace is not sending death, but they have the cards to fight against!"

Everyone’s heart is dark, and his eyes are flashing.

"God Lord, the young man, should be the guy who kills nine thunders!"

The two Thors saw that the darkness had resisted the attack of their Lord God, and their faces were tight, and their eyes were staring.

However, the thundering gods on the side did not pay attention to them, and his eyes were equally staring at the dark!

In his purple pupil, he shot a horrible luster.

"It's you... this beast!"

The whistling roar came out of his mouth!

Everyone can sense the anger and murder of the thundering Lord.


The two Thors were slightly surprised and stared at the dark.

"Dog things, talk a little, don't look at the side of yourself, there are a few Raytheon, hehe!"

I heard the words of the thundering god, and said to him coldly.

Under this public eye, directly called the thunder **** to be a dog thing, this looks for hundreds of thousands of years, he is estimated to be the first person!

"Oh, this... what is this?"

Everyone saw this scene, his face was full of shocking colors.

Some people on the planet looked at the darkness standing in front of the dragon chair, and the eyes were full of shock!

He even called the thunder **** to be a dog thing!

The thundering **** obviously knows the young man too!

" you, the dark dragon, the dark dragon!"

At this time, the two Raytheons guessed the dark identity and shouted with wide eyes!

"I didn't expect that your Dragon Palace would be in harmony with the Devil's Dragon!"

A Raytheon's face changed slightly and he screamed.

"Hey, I secretly know that the killing is too heavy, and I will abandon the dark cast and vote for the Dragon King, join the Dragon Palace, create a harmonious world, what the magic dragon, and call me Dragon Palace Dragon, oh!"

I heard the words of Raytheon secretly and said with a smile.

"Dark Cave?"

"Dark Dragon?"

On the planet, everyone heard their conversation and their faces were horrified.

They stared at the dark, and couldn't think of it. He turned out to be the dark dragon of the magic cave.

The dark dragon that caused the eternal thunder to lose a lot!

"Abandoning the dark cast and relying on the Dragon King, what is the situation?"

"The Dragon Palace has conquered the dark dragon?"

An individual listened to the words of the dark, and his face was a little worried.

"The Dark Dragon, let you escape the last time, this time I will hang your first level on my eternal kingdom!"

The thundering **** stared at the dark, and the eyes shot a horrible murderous.

Because of this dark dragon, they lost more than a dozen Raytheon.

Lost nearly ten million disciples!

Even more treasures of a planet have been looted!

Even he was injured, but this time, he decided to kill even if he paid a heavy price!


The violent thunderbolt exploded around him, and a horrible energy was brewing in his body!


However, at this moment, the communication stone plate on the side of a thunder suddenly trembled.

His face changed slightly and immediately opened the communication stone plate.

When he saw the above information, his face changed wildly!

"God Lord is not good, the steel planet has been invaded by evil spirits!"

His face was extremely embarrassing and whispered to the thundering god.


The thundering **** turned his head and his eyes shot a horrible luster.

He slowly stared at the dark dragon, his face slightly awkward!

"Bee, I will kill you in ten minutes!"

His face violently groaned, and a whole burst of noise rang, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

The purple thunder covered the whole body, and a thunder covering a few thousand kilometers appeared in the sky above the void!

If the Thunder wants to die, it will go directly to the Dragon Palace.

Seeing this scene, even Wang Xian took a slight breath.



At this moment, a dark roar screamed, and he looked up and the whole body had a terrible change.

The dragon head, dragon body, and dragon tail slowly covered the whole body. His **** red dragonfly stared at the thunder in the sky, and Zhang Kailong spit out a group of dragons.

Dark dragons fly directly to the sky.


At the same time, he swayed more than 20,000 meters of body, directly attacking the thunder god.

"Give me death!"

Thundering the gods with a wave of hands, a thunderbolt and a thunder hammer, crossed together, directly bursting out a cross of thunder.

The Thunder went to the dark attack.

"Thunder, do you think Laozi was the oldest bull who was bullied by you?"

With a violent scream, he explored his dragon claws, covered with horrible black awns, and directly grabbed the Thunder.


The Thunder was caught by him. He opened his mouth and squirted it, directly dissipating the Thunder!

Although the two tricks cracked the attack of the thunder god, but this step has been very strong.


The thundering **** saw this scene, the pupil slightly shrunk, and his face showed an embarrassing look.

He can sense that this dragon is much stronger than the last time.

Last time, this dragon could only escape, but this time, it can compete with it!


His face is eager to see, if not able to kill it in a short time, then the evil spirits will ravage the entire eternal thunder.

Now the eternal thunder and thunder are all here, and the rear base camp will be ravaged into ruins.

The foundation of hundreds of thousands of years will be destroyed.

"The battle must be resolved as soon as possible!"

The thundering **** is angry with the heart!

"Oh, give me a kill, today, let us Dragon Palace to teach you, shocking the eternal thunder of hundreds of thousands of years in the North!"

At this time, the position below, Wang Xian's voice sounded.

He saw that the eternal thunder was secretly restrained and immediately released the command of the attack.

Darkness is not an opponent of eternal thunder, so during his time of restraint, he should make good use of it!

Only in this way, the thundering **** will be jealous and will yield!

"Hey, kill!"

A group of Dragon Palace strong eyes stared at the eternal thunder in front of a strong, screaming!

The members of the Qiqi 敖 敖 敖 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及 以及

They carry horrible murderousness!


In the rear, the 20,000 members of the Dragon Palace followed closely!

Challenge the eternal thunder, no fear!

Wang Xianyi sat on the dragon chair and stared coldly at the front.

There are only four of the opposites in the opposite world, he does not need to shoot!

Just sit here and look down!

(End of this chapter)

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