Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2171: Face you, I don't need to be hands-on

Chapter 2171 faces you, I don't need to start


what's going on?

At this moment, when everyone saw that Gu Shaotian suddenly fell to the ground and shouted and shouted not to kill him, everyone in the hall was so powerful!

what happened?

Gu Shaotian What is this doing?

"The trough, Gu Shaotian, what is this doing? Is it scaring the urine?"

Fox's brother couldn't help but say loudly.

Are you scared of urine?

The four words echoed in everyone's mind.

The fox's palms slowly moved away from the palm of his face, and the old days of shivering on the ground shook his face.

He quickly looked at Wang Xian, and saw that his face was flat and staring at the ancient days in front of him, his mouth wide open!

"Low days!"

The sound of a light drink sounded, and the sound was directly poured into the ear of Gu Shaotian!

At this time, the entire face of the entire Quran Shenzong more than twenty people looked so embarrassed and embarrassed to see a scene!

Gu Shaotian’s father’s face is gloomy!



At this time, the ancient days of the earth suddenly woke up, and his body trembled, staring at Wang Xian with horror.

He quickly stood up and hid in his father's position!

"Father, he... his power is too horrible, too horrible, he..."

Gu Shaotian was pale, his forehead was filled with cold sweat and pointed to Wang Xian, said with fear.

The horror pressed the pressure of his suffocation, deeply buried in his heart, making it tremble!

"You...a little day, wake up!"

"Some days, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you!"

The middle-aged face is very ugly and stares at his son.

The stunned county owner is also holding a panic of ancient days!

"I... I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Gu Shaotian saw his father and girlfriend, and his mind was slightly stabilized!

But when he looked at Wang Xian, he still had a trace of fear!

"As you are, I want to let me stay here!"

"You don't even have the qualifications for me to shoot. I don't need to do it to face you!"

Wang Xian looked at Gu Shaotian and said faintly!

Even if he is seriously injured, but in the face of the demigod level, he does not have to shoot, tightly with imposing power and pressure, it can make the other side have no fighting power!

A semi-god sixth-order also wants to let him kneel down, no doubt an idiotic dream!

Even if Wang Xian does not need momentum, just the momentum that has fought with many powerful people for a long time, to this station, the other side will also tremble!

The disdainful voice was introduced into everyone's ears, and everyone in the entire hall was wonderful.

The ancient people of Quran Shenzong were extremely embarrassed.

They originally thought about the embarrassment of Gu Fei’s son-in-law by Gu Shaotian, but they did not expect that the other side stood there, and they did not move. The family’s young masters almost scared the urine!

If this is spread out, the young masters will become the laughing stock of the entire tiger star!

It may even be passed down. The fox-like protoss is not satisfied with the son-in-law of Gu Shaotian, who directly regrets marriage and finds another one!

In this way, it is a green hat down, and they are lost in the Quran Shenzong!

The eyes of the county magistrate looked at this scene, and his face was embarrassing!

What would an outsider say about her?

Got a fiancé that others don't want?

More than 20 people stood there in a gloomy position, and the middle-aged body even shook!

"Haha, it’s not the son-in-law of our Huwen Protoss, it’s not bad!"

In front of the center, the old man stood up with excitement and looked at Wang Xian with great appreciation. He was in a good mood!

The sound of the sound is heard throughout the hall!

Whether it is a true son-in-law or a fake son-in-law, he is very happy about this matter today!

Especially this female costume is pretending to be good!

Face you, I don't need to do it!


"Yes, or our second brother and the smoker have a vision!"

"Haha, only this kind of pride can be worthy of the smoke, and others are not worthy!"

The fox-like protoss were all laughing with excitement.

As they spoke, they looked at the Quran Shenzong people with sarcasm!

"You... what did you do for the little days?"

When the lord of the county heard the sarcasm of Wang Xian, his face showed an angry look.

She pointed to Wang Xian’s face full of redness.

"After defeat is defeat!"

Wang Xian faintly looked at the county governor, calmly said.


The owner of the county is slightly stunned, and his eyes are full of anger!

"Call, since Shaotian lost to you, then I want to challenge the Fox Girl!"

"I want to let Shaotian know that he has not chosen the wrong person!"

Her eyes were cold, her eyes were on the direction of the fox, and she said coldly.

She is a stunned county owner, not only has a strong background, but also the number one of the most fascinating tiger stars!

Gu Shaotian lost in the hands of Wang Xian, she is looking for it!

"Oh, oh, the county owner, we are not your opponent, today is our thing with the ancient gods!"

"Since things are finished, we have to send customers away!"

The old man in front of the center heard the words of the lord of the county, and immediately said!

Fox smoke is not the opponent of the lord of the county, plus the background of the lord of the county, he simply admit defeat!

Admit defeat, not shame!


The fox smugglers saw the provocation of the lord of the county, and some of them were dissatisfied with a grin!

But when I saw the pale face of pale, she was in a bad mood!

"Call! Let's go!"

The middle-aged face of Gulan Shenzong’s middle-aged face was embarrassed and snorted, turning and walking towards the outside!

Staying here is even more humiliating!

"Oh, let us... let's go!"

Gu Shaotian pulled the arm of the Lajun County, and whispered.


The county magistrate was a little angry and swayed, his face gloomy toward the outside!

Sitting in front of the middle-aged, he stood up and walked toward the outside.

When passing by Wang Xian, his body paused and he looked at it with great emphasis. He did not say anything and left directly!

"Haha, it’s just too deflated. I came to our fox-like protoss to retire. After a while, I have to give them a publicity propaganda!"

Seeing that they were gone, Fox's brother said loudly with a sigh of relief.

"This time I would like to thank this little brother. The little brother is very strong. Just now, I should suppress the ancient days with imposing manner. If I didn't guess wrong, the little brothers have at least the strength of the gods!"

The old man in front also walked over with a smile on his face. His eyes looked at Wang Xian, and his eyes sparkled!

"The old man's eyes!"

Wang Xian nodded, and now he is physically heavy, and he can only play the strength of the half-length!

"Hey, the **** of the gods, this...the pride of the sky!"

"The demigod of the gods! This is placed in the whole tiger star, nowhere!"

A group of people around the fox-like protoss heard the words of their homeowners, and their faces were shocked.

Their entire family, only three of the strong gods, the peak of the gods, in the Fox Gods, has fallen to the peak!

The most important thing is that the other party is young!

(End of this chapter)

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