Chapter 2176 Killing Sword 2

Ten days ago, Gu Shaotian and the 恬然公主 went to the Fox-like Protoss to remarriage, and the result of being humiliated and sneaked away has already spread throughout the major forces and disciples of the Tigers!

In particular, Gu Shaotian was trembled on the ground by the fiance of the fox smoker, and it was advertised by the Fox-like Protoss!

Afterwards, a group of disciples were shocked when they got the news.

Later, when I heard that Gu Shaotian had come forward to defend, everyone was basically able to confirm that this was completely true!

This makes the ancients and the lost people completely lost!

Even with the help of the ancient and the poor, the county governor has also been ridiculed by many people.

Call it a boyfriend who is not wanting others!

When this matter was known to them, the two were full of anger, and for the Fox and Wang Xian, the heart hated deeper!

Now I saw the arrival of Fox and Wang Xian, and their faces are even more embarrassing!

"We are waiting here!"

In front of the position, Fox Dongyang said to a group of disciples of the Fox-like Protoss.

In the fox-like protoss, Fox Dongyang belongs to the leader, and his words, everyone must still obey!

The little fat young man will not provoke him in some things!

On the strength, the micro-fat youth is not as good as the Fox Dongyang!


A group of people fell to the ground, Wang Xian sensed two bad eyes, looked at the eyes, and saw the ancient Shaotian and the sinister county, smiled at them faintly!

However, when the two saw Wang Xian’s smile, their faces were even more embarrassing. They thought it was provoking them!

"Which is the fiancé of the fox now?"

"It should be next to the fox, the young man with a double horn!"

"Is it that he made the ancients and Shaotian not even dare to shoot, and the young people who are directly on the ground?"

At this moment, a voice was introduced into their ears, which made Gu Shaotian and Yan Ran’s main face even more embarrassing.

"Damn guy!"

Gu Shaotian stared at it, his face whispering coldly.

"Hey, you are not his opponent, what is the use of anger!"

Aside, the county magistrate screamed at him with embarrassment.

This makes Gu Shaotian's face even more embarrassing!

"Awkwardly, the strength of his demigod, the younger generation of our entire tiger, no one is his opponent!"

Gu Shaotian lowered his head and clenched his fist!

The face of the county is full of unwillingness!

"The tiger sword is coming, it seems that he will go this time too!"

"The tiger that is next to the tiger sword is so handsome!"

Just then, a voice of astonishment came and many of the disciples around looked around.

A burly young man with a tiger's back and a strong look!

He has a king on his forehead. This word is not engraved later, but it is owned by itself.

A tiger tail swings behind him. He holds a sword and he is extraordinary!

"Who is the young man next to him? In order to take care of the young man, the tiger swords are not riding on the tiger!"

"Good familiar? Broken into a sword! Yes, it is broken into a sword, it is actually him!"

"He went out? A year ago, he became an apprentice of the sword-killing god. At that time, even the tiger sword was not able to succeed, but he alone succeeded!"

The voice of discussion and shock came, causing the attention of all the disciples around.

The tiger sword, the most outstanding young disciple of the latent tiger star, the son of the **** tiger god, the first king of the tiger!

And broken into a sword, once can be said to be the second person of the latent tiger star, in addition to the tiger sword, he is the strongest!

But a year ago, when it was broken into a sword and a tiger sword, the teacher killed the sword god, and the tiger sword was not successful, but it was broken into a sword!

The previous stage of breaking into a sword and a half **** is now more powerful!

Even, watching the attitude of the tiger sword, it should be no worse than him!

"The first and second generations of the younger generation of our Tiger Stars, hey, this momentum, really can't be compared to others!"

"Especially broken into a sword, this moment is like a sword, it is not dare to look straight!"

Some people sighed at the two young people who came over.

Four or five thousand disciples looked at it, and naturally they also caused a group of disciples!

"Hey, the first person of the latent Tiger Star, the second person, how strong is the strength? Half-god seventh-order eight-order top!"

The little fat youth looked at it, and said a little disdain!

The fox-like protoss looked at the disciples and smiled a little.

The semi-god seventh-order eighth-order, the disciples of their fox-like protoss family, do not look at it, at the very least, many of them are stronger than them!

"How strong? Anyway, it is much better than you, especially if we break into a sword schoolmaster, it is definitely very strong now!"

However, not far from the location, a girl who looked good was heard from him and looked at him.

Seeing a little fat, a young man with a fat foxtail, some contemptuous!

"Haha, laughing at me, fat man, even some people who are diving tigers look down on you!"

Not far away, Fox Dongyang saw this scene and finally found the opportunity, sarcasm.

The fat man turned red and stared at the girl in disgust.

"Little girls, talk a little, or I will smash your clothes!"

His anger is full of anger!

"Dead fat, you talk and pay attention!"

A young girl next to the girl heard his words, and sullenly greeted the fat man!


When the youth finished, the fox Dongyang heard it and couldn't help but laugh.

"Kid, I think you are looking for death, I don't care about women, but it doesn't mean not giving you this stupidity!"

The fat man showed a stern color in his eyes, and his body shape suddenly appeared next to the young man.


His fist instantly fell on the face of the young man, letting him fly straight out!


The girl saw that the young man beside him was flying directly out of the blood and gave an exclamation!

The excitement of the girls instantly attracted the attention of everyone around me. Thousands of disciples from all walks of life looked around and their faces were full of wrong colors!


In the central position, the powerful powers of the powerful forces and the gods heard the sounds here, and glanced at them!

"Young and energetic, huh, let the little guys solve it themselves!"

The elders of the fox-like protoss swept over and said with a smile.

"Haha, children are playing small, with them!"

The strongest of the Wangfu stars of the Tigers did not care about it!

Disciples are contradictory, and it is very normal to make small fights, and the rules of the gods and tigers are forbidden to kill!

A group of disciples are also aware that they are hurt by a little injury!

"Garbage things, I dare to challenge Lao Tzu!"

The fat man saw the young man fly straight out and said coldly.


In front of the position, just arrived, the tiger sword and the broken sword heard the exclamation, and looked at it.

When I saw the youth who fell to the ground, I broke into a sword and picked up my brow and immediately walked over!

(End of this chapter)

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