Chapter 2192, Assassination

"Smoke, the double fox **** said that after five days, a teacher ceremony will be held here, and the major forces will be invited to witness!"

Hu Feihu Emperor walked out of the room behind the main hall and walked toward the fox smoke with a smile.

"Apprentice? Hmmm!"

Fox smoke nodded!

An eternal **** is the recipient of the sacred, such a big event naturally tells the world!

If a teacher's ceremony is held in this place, then it may not only be the arrival of the forces of the Western Region, but some forces in the central region may come.

Even other gods have the possibility to give the double fox **** a face and come to observe it!

After five days, it must be a huge thing!

"At that time, the smoke has become the princess of the entire eternal double fox!"

Wang Xian said with a smile!

"I am not a princess!"

Fox smoked his face and smiled at him.

"The foxes of the Protoss, wait for us to take you to the place where you live."

"Because this continent is only temporary, there is no place to live in the hall, and everyone lives hard by the main hall!"

Finally, the old man who came out looked at all of them and said apologetically!

"no problem, no problem!"

Tiger Emperor responded quickly!

"Old Seven, you go take them to see, Fox Little Princess, these days I am looking for someone to teach you some of the etiquette and rules of our eternal double fox!"

"In the last few days, you will not go out to the little princess. You can come to see her in the Foxes Protoss!"

The old man continues to add!


Fox smoke nodded to him!

"Old Seven, you should first familiarize yourself with the place to live, and we will have a meal together at night!"

The old man said to a strong peak of the gods!

"Well, come with me!"

The strong man gestured to them and took them out to go outside!

Fox smoke also followed in the past!


Seeing them leave, the old man looked to the side of the **** fox night, shouting at him!

Walk towards the outside!

"Grandpa, what is your command!"

The **** fox night is behind, with a puzzled look on his face!

"The fox is very good. In the future, it is possible to inherit our eternal double fox. Your talent is also the best of our eternal double fox in the past tens of thousands of years!"

"You have a lot of contact with the foxes!"

The old man looked at him and said faintly!


The fox night is a little glimpse, and he is very willing to contact him more.

But just like when he was in the past, he talked with him in the past, and the fox smoker ignored him. He only talked with the youths around him with a faint sum of two sentences!

"She is likely to inherit the eternal double fox, and our eternal double fox naturally does not agree to let her marry an outsider!"

The old man looked at him and continued!


God fox night flashes!

Even if there is a trace of fox smoke that may inherit the eternal double fox, they will not even agree that she will marry an outsider!

Only married to their eternal double fox, she is considered to be her own!

He suddenly raised his head and his eyes showed a fiery look!

"But... Grandpa, she has a fiancé now!"

Shenhu night whispered.

"Take this thing to you, remember, you can't let the fox know, otherwise you know the consequences!"

The old man said to him!

The fox night body paused, and the eyes burst into the light!

"Grandpa, a powerful killer organization in the central region in recent years!"

There was a hint of excitement on his face, whispered!

"Well, remember, you can't let the fox know!"

The old man reminded again!

"Don't worry, grandfather, there will be no problem!"

Shenhu said with a confident face at night.

"This is some information about the young man!"

The old man nodded and handed him a few sheets of paper and walked straight ahead.

Shenhu night took over the paper body and paused. After looking at the above content, the original road returned to the hall and gestured to a young man!

"Big brother!"

The young man came over and shouted at him with a smile!

"The last time you said that there is a strong killer organization in the central area, it is not reliable? You contact, the fiance of the target fox smoker Wang Xian!"

Shenhu said to him coldly in the night.


The young man looked at him with a stunned look!

"The youth identity is very mysterious. Even our eternal double fox has not found his information for the time being. The fox and the fox gods do not know his identity!"

"This kind of person will die if he dies, but even so, don't leave any clues!"

Shenhu said in a faint night.

Wang Xian’s information was not found in a short time, but they don’t care how mysterious it is, just don’t let the fox know it!

"Big brother, really want to do it? The killer organization is very reliable, there are no people they dare not kill, many of the nine gods and gods are assassinated, killing that guy is easy!"

The young man blinked and said!

"contact them!"

Shenhu night said faintly!

"Well, I will contact you. It is estimated that within two or three days, I will be able to kill it!"

The young man nodded!


God Fox nodded at night!

His grandfather is so cautious, he naturally has to clean up all the things, and give him the peace of mind. Even if something goes wrong, he can stand up against himself!

"Fox smoke!"

At the thought of the appearance of the fox smoke, his face showed a hot look!

"This is the place where you live temporarily!"

Outside the main hall, the eternal twin fox's gods and peaks took them to the residence and said to them one by one!

"Trouble elders!"

Tiger Emperor said quickly!

"No trouble, you look here now, someone will come over and pick you up at night!"

The old man shook his head and turned away!

"Wang Xian brother, I look at your place!"

The fox smoked Wang Xian toward the side of the courtyard.

A small yard gives them a familiar feeling!

"Fo Fei, Fox Yaoguang, let's talk together!"

Aside from the position, the Emperor of Tigers shouted at the grandfather of Fox Fox.

"Well, Your Majesty, Queen Empress, what's the matter?"

The two immediately came over!

"Talk to the house!"

Tiger Emperor looked at the back of Fox and Wang Xian and said to them.


Foxie looked at his father and walked toward it!

"Fo Fei, can you understand the meaning of the double fox **** today?"

Four people sat in the room, the Queen looked at them and said!

"The double fox **** does not seem to want the smoker to have a fiancé!"

Fox Yaoguang frowned, said faintly!

"I don't want to have a fiancé, but I don't want to have a fiancé outside. After all, the smoke may inherit the eternal double fox!"

"Double Fox God naturally hopes that Fox Smoke is his own, not just an apprentice!"

The Queen’s eyes flashed and said.

(End of this chapter)

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