Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2209: God Lord's Order 4

Chapter 2209 God Lord's Order 4



Just when all the members of the Dragon Palace are ready to do it, when the eternal Twin Fox disciples are full of horror and despair!

In the forefront of the tomb of the **** of the gods, there is a vast voice!

A touch of gray earthy energy, rendering a range of billions of kilometers!

The heavens and the earth are screaming, and the sound of heaven and earth congratulations is heard in everyone’s mind!

At this moment, everyone's face changed, and they quickly looked in the direction of the tomb of the **** of the gods, and they opened their mouths slightly!

Even Wang Xian, who was attracted by this vast momentum, his eyes swept away, his eyes filled with shock!

"This is? Someone is promoted to the eternal God!"

There was a strange look on his face, muttering in his mouth!

"Dragon King, someone is promoted to the eternal God!"

The crab and the dark magic dragon looked at it and said to Wang Xian!

"The Lord God is born!"

The eyes of the double fox gods look, the face is also shocking!

Recently, God's Lord has been born frequently, and the calm innocent star field has been broken!

"First, the rise of the Dragon Palace, and the birth of the Dragon Lord in the central area, and now the birth of the Lord of God, the innocent star field is divided!"

"It should be that someone has obtained the inheritance of the tomb of God and promoted to the Lord of God. The inheritance in the tomb of the **** was obtained!"

A voice exclaimed from the surroundings, everyone looked in the direction of the tomb of the gods in awe!


"Ha ha ha ha, holding the eternal kingdom of God, comprehending the laws of God and fulfilling the position of God!"

"You quickly get out of my eternal kingdom, don't bother the Lord's high!"

Just then, a more powerful roar sounded.

Everyone saw that the island in the center of Xianshen Island slowly rose up!

The sacred glory of the earth is shining for thousands of kilometers!

An excited voice suddenly came from inside!


At this time, a figure surrounded by the energy of the wood property flies out from inside!

The figure stared at the eternal godland that was lifted, and his face was a little embarrassing!

"That is? The **** of the gods in the Eastern Region, is he in conflict with the newly promoted God Lord?"

Some people saw this scene, his face was full of strange looks!


At this time, the position above the sky, the main island of Xianshen Island is suspended in the sky!

Below the island of God, a body with a height of 10,000 meters stands between the heavens and the earth!

The gray body around him, the whole person is like a sacred mountain!

Around him, a shield like a city wall slowly rotates around the body!

"Good horror!"

Everyone feels the horror of the giant, and his face is full of shocking look!

"That... that is!"

Suddenly, around the Double Fox Continental Square, an old man close to the eternal double fox suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the shadowy figure in the sky!

"Yes, yes, that's right!"

The old man stared at the sly figure in the sky with excitement!

His body trembled fiercely!

"Ha ha ha, it is flying, yes, it is flying, he has gained the inheritance of God, he turned out to be God!"

"Our dust gods are going to rise, and our Protoss is going to rise!"

An old man next to him stood up and excitedly roared!

Around him, hundreds of ethnic people are also full of flushes, full of excitement!

They did not think of it, their own disciples, the inheritance of the tomb of the gods, and also become the eternal God!

Once they can become God's Lord, their Protoss will fly to the sky!

"What? Is it a dusty protoss?"

"The **** Lord is a man of the dust gods?"

Around the Double Fox Continental Square, a group of forces heard the words of the old man, and looked at him in a row!

Their faces are showing an envious look!


Everyone of the Eternal Double Fox is also looking towards the Dust Protoss!

"God Lord, the Dust Protoss is the power of our Western Region, a small family affiliated with our eternal double fox!"

At this time, the strongest of the eternal double fox gods flew to the front of the double fox god, said with hope!

He said, looking at the direction of the Dragon Palace, his eyes filled with cold colors!


The Lord of the Double Fox has a slight glimpse, and a glimmer of shine in the eyes, with a touch of hope!

Now the eternal double fox has fallen into a desperate situation. If there is no powerful helper, their eternal double fox will flow into the river!

"Friends of the Dust Protos, let your Protoss disciples help us the eternal double fox, our eternal double fox will give you half of the Western Region!"

"In addition, our eternal double fox is willing to be an ally with you to help you train your disciples!"

The double fox **** immediately said to the dusty protoss!

"Well? This..."

Everyone in the dust gods suddenly heard the words of the double fox god, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes!

Give them half of the Western Region!

This is a terrible resource!

Can make their dusty protoss soar!

"Double Fox God Lord, this we can not do the Lord, but also need to fly to personally decide!"

"However, we will try to persuade, after all, the Western Region is our home!"

The patriarch of the Dust's Protoss suppressed the excitement in his heart and said!

Even the fox gods call them friends!

Rise, the real rise, soaring!

"it is good!"

The eyes of the double fox **** also shot a hopeful color!

No matter how much you pay, you must bring this newly promoted God Lord into your camp!

Otherwise, the entire eternal double fox is fierce!

"As long as you pull it into the camp and join the eternal thunder, even if you have two existences that can compete with God, we can destroy you!"

"Dragon Palace, you are waiting!"

The face of the double fox **** is full of cold cold mans, today's shame, only to destroy the entire Dragon Palace can hate!

"Dragon King, do we want to do it!"

Everyone in the Dragon Palace heard the conversation from the eternal double fox, and frowned slightly, and immediately asked!

"No need to!"

Wang Xian looked at the sky and looked a little smile on his face!

"This guy, is it the son of the destiny of the innocent star field? The son of fate?"

He muttered in his mouth!


At this time, the position above the sky, covering the sacred sacred energy of hundreds of millions of miles toward the 10,000-meter body!

In just a few ten seconds, the soil property energy is all poured into the body!


Located in the void, the eternal godland blooms with a strong radiance, and the world shines!

"Ha ha ha, I am a dust, I want to be high on my God, look down on all beings!"

"Today, I am the eternal God, title, mountain!"

The vast sound of the sound throughout the sky represents the birth of an eternal God.

Representing the innocent star field, the birth of one of the overlords!

Since then, its high and high, invincible and innocent!

Title, the mountain god!

(End of this chapter)

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