Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2233: God on the battlefield

Chapter 2233 on the battlefield of the gods

"The Dragon Palace has gathered all of you here, and there is no other thing. First, the Dragon Palace will establish the Dragon Palace in the entire planet of life."

"Second, from today onwards, all aquarium creatures can marry the Dragon Gate, and those who break into the Dragon Palace will become Dragon Disciples!"

"The rest of the innocent star, our Dragon Palace is not involved, not to hurt the world!"

The sound of Wang Xian sounds in everyone's mind!

He did not say too many things, the innocent star field, the Dragon Palace only controls the ocean, and other things Dragon Palace can not control!

Today, the Dragon Palace only has more than 50,000 disciples, and there are seven or eight hundred life planets in the innocent star field. Relatively speaking, there are too few and too few people in the Dragon Palace!

Being able to take full control of the ocean is a good thing!

Even if the Dragon Palace recruits a large number of members in the future, the number will be more than 100,000!

Of course, there is a premise that the dragon that swallows in the crab body is not counted!

The dragon that swallows in the crab body has reached millions!

But the dragon that swallows is not comparable to the ordinary members of the Dragon Palace!

Next, the major forces will present a gift, congratulate the Dragon King, congratulate the Dragon Palace and the like!

The forces that can enter here, each force has several strong gods, the items they take out, the lowest is the level of the gods!

The gift that so many forces have sent is also a huge resource!

Even comparable to a treasure trove of eternal power!

A variety of treasures are delivered!

At the end of the day, even the **** of the gods also sent a gift!

A dry sapling, when Wang Xian looked at the sapling, it sensed that the ancestral tree trembled slightly!

This made his eyes shine, but Wang Xian did not check on the spot!

The entire huge banquet was held for about five hours, and the Dragon Palace prepared some food!

Hundreds of millions of people eat together, so the scene is huge!

Since the end of the banquet, there are countless aquarium creatures!

Countless aquarium creatures rushed toward the gantry!

A leaping dragon door, incarnate as a dragon!

As long as they can enter the Dragon Palace and become a disciple of the Dragon Palace, they will become the existence of the innocent star field in the future!

In the next few days, the Dragon Palace has thousands of new members coming in every day!

The Dragon Palace also began to train the aquariums that joined in!

Now the number of dragon dragon species has reached several hundred, and the dragon dragon species are also fifty or sixty!

The strength of the Dragon Palace is rising rapidly every day!

Windshirt tree:? ? ?

"Wind shirt tree?"

In the Dragon King Hall of the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian stood in front of the ancestral tree, looking at the branches of the wind-shirt tree, and the eyes sparkled!

This branch was given to him the day God God Lord!

This branch is one of the three branches of the **** of the gods who got the big chance!

One of them is a god-twig, almost withered, an eternal **** twig, and he is cultivated in his own eternal goddom!

The last one is this windshirt tree!

According to the **** of the gods, the windshield tree was placed in the most central position.

"The level can be compared with the returning soul wood, in addition to being able to increase the speed of the wind property members of the Dragon Palace four times the speed of cultivation, but it seems to be useless for the time being!"

Wang Xiankou muttered!

Nowadays, he has four kinds of **** trees, which are inexhaustible, returning to the soul, serving the evergreen tree, and the Nere tree. Each kind of **** tree has a powerful ability!

Especially returning to the soul wood!

"Little friends, things on your side have been dealt with almost, when will you leave!"

"This area is still too remote, the aura is fairly average, but it is difficult to understand the law, and resources are relatively small!"

"You talent, stay here for a day, you will waste a day's life!"

At this time, Wang Xian’s phantom appeared in front of the gods, and said to him!

"Go to that land?"

Wang Xiang’s eyes sparkled with luster!

"Yes, after you get there, the old man will find you a backing, so that you can quickly improve your strength!"

"In addition, isn't your little girlfriend also entering there, just looking for a search!"

God of Heaven God said directly!

"Going is going, but wait!"

Wang Xian’s face looked hesitant!

The innocent star field is now the king of the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Palace also controls most of the resources. In the future, the members of the Dragon Palace will improve quickly!

But if you want to ascend to the eternal God, you will have a lot of difficulties!

Even the current resources are not enough to support the Dragon Palace members to reach the eternal God!

Whether it is the innocent star resources have reached the limit, or because of the Qingyue Lingxiu things, Wang Xian has to go to that place!

But in the past two years, he has not prepared for the past, to accompany a group of girls, to be fully prepared!

"Since the little friends have to wait, then wait, you can learn the rest of the formation during this time!"

God of Heaven God obviously wants Wang Xian to inherit his battle!

Even Wang Xian wants to worship him as a teacher!

He also knows that the inheritance of Wang Xian is not comparable to the one he masters!

Unless he is a great witch, he is qualified to accept the king as a disciple!

"it is good!"

Wang Xian nodded!

Although the battle of the formation is more sloppy for Wang Xian, the auxiliary aspect is very good!

Especially in the search for people, locking the enemy!

In the next period of time, Wang Xian accompanied a group of girls every day. When nothing happened, he followed the sacred gods to practice the formation!

A group of girls also know that Wang Xian may leave after a while, and he cherishes his time!

Time passes slowly, one year and two years, for them to be fleeting!

Three years later, Wang Xian took a group of girls from the outside to return to the Dragon Palace!

In the past three years, they have visited most of the innocent stars and visited most of the mountains and rivers of the innocent stars!

After three years of free time, Wang Xian will also establish a rule of law along with the law!

However, although he has mastered a lot of rules, he can only lay down a first-order array of Gods with his strength!

Fighting power can compete against God masters who master the two rules!

In general, his approach to the battle is still not as good as his own!

After all, even if it is a big witch, it is just a dragon that can compete against the peak!

Back in the Dragon Palace, the Dragon Palace, which is thousands of kilometers away, is much more angry than ever!

Now the members of the Dragon Palace have reached about 150,000!

In three years, the Dragon Palace has increased by 100,000, and the number of members of the Dragon Palace is still increasing!

After all, the aquarium of the entire innocent star wants to join the Dragon Palace. How many trillions of this aquarium?

Every member of the Dragon Palace is one hundred million miles to pick one, and even one billion to pick one!

The strength of the Dragon Palace has also improved a lot in the past few years!

With the resources of the Dragon Palace, you can create more than a dozen powerful gods every day!

The members of the Dragon Palace who have ignited the fire have already broken through 5,000!

(End of this chapter)

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