Chapter 2248


Three Hummer gods, the sea monsters, stare at Wang Xian!

They have already treated Wang Xian as a prey!

From the momentum of the outbreak of Wang Xian just now, they can be roughly sensed!

This human is a good bully and can eat!

Wang Xian stared at the main monster of the Hummer God who came to attack himself, and did not have any action!

He slowly condensed, preparing for a move to kill the three god-level sea monsters!


At this time, the main humour of the Hummer in front of the open mouth is full of mouths, the teeth in their mouths are blood red, and they look full of blood!


Seeing the three giant horses of the Hummer entering the range of one kilometer, the next moment, Wang Xian’s arm moved!

He stretched out his arm and turned it into a dragon claw for a moment. The huge dragon claws directly covered the whole sea monster of the Hummer!

The annihilation energy contained above makes the sea water in the dragon claws boil!


The strength of Wang Xian’s sudden eruption made the Hummer’s main sea monster show the fear!

This momentary explosion is enough to counter the fourth-order sea monster of God!

They can be spiked!

The threat of death enveloped the three giant horses of the Hummer, and their faces looked terrified!


But the next moment, the horrible dragon claws fell on the front of the Hummer God Lord Sea Monster, and in a flash, the body of the Hummer God Lord Sea Monster began to collapse!


The screams of screaming screamed out of his mouth, and the sorrowful look of the sorcerer’s main sea monster!


In the rear position, two other eternal god-level sea monsters panic, and the figure is flashing!

"Want to escape?"

Wang Xian’s eyes showed a cold look, and his arms suddenly accelerated!


The dragon claws fell on a sea monster with a body flickering, and the large flesh and blood was caught directly in the hands!


But the next moment, the two Hummer gods and sea monsters disappeared instantly, and one of the most half bodies was caught in the hands of Wang Xian!

But most of the body was caught, it still escaped!

With the resilience of the Eternal God, you can fully recover in ten days and a half!

"Damn, only one, these sea monsters of the eternal **** level are perfect!"

Wang Xian looked at the flesh and blood in his hand and a corpse on the side, his face was not good!

Instantly kill a Hummer God Lord Sea Monster and escape two!

The eternal god-level creature is too hard to kill!

"And these sea monsters of the eternal **** level are in danger and flee. It is difficult to kill them now, let alone tame!"

Wang Xiankou muttered, looking at the body on the side!

He turned into a dragon head, directly swallowed the main monster of the Hummer god, looked at the other half of the body, hesitated!

"Check it out!"

Wang Xian’s arm moved and painted two arrays in front!

Blood connected!



The two formations went on, and soon a picture appeared in Wang Xian’s sight!

This is a place in the underground sea!

This place is very strange, the position above is mud, a water grass hanging below!

In the picture, there are a row of caves located there. As for how many, Wang Xian does not know!

"this is?"

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes and his eyes sparkled!

Hummer God Lord Sea Monster's nest!

And it is still a group of Hummer gods and sea monsters!

Whether it is the human eternal God, or the eternal God of the sea monsters, they will hide their eternal kingdom in a safe place!

As long as your own eternal kingdom is not found, hide yourself and don't want to kill it!

The Eternal God Lord will place his kingdom of God in a safe and concealed place, and the immortal king will be even worse!

Immortal gods can open up a dimension space, they put their own immortal gods in the dimension space, it is more difficult to find!

This group of Hummer gods and sea monsters is obviously very safe, and this is a small group of nests!

"The distance from yourself is about 100 million kilometers, not too far, and this place should be..."

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes!

The place shown in the image should be below the heavens!

The underground sea is below the sky, and the seaweeds that hang down, the old nest of the main sea monsters of the horses and horses should be within the natural selection of the mainland plate!

"The strength of the main sea monster of Hummer is based on the information, it will not exceed the second order of the eternal god, even if there are dozens of dozens of a group, you can kill it!"

Wang Xian thought about it!

Do you want to take a trip?

As long as they are at their nest, their eternal kingdom is there, then they don't want to escape!

"Go and have a look, if you are in danger, you will immediately escape!"

Wang Xian decided in the heart!

His body shape, according to the blood connection method, immediately flew to the south position!

There, it is below the Tianze Continental Land Floor Block!

The distance of 100 million kilometers is not too far away. If it is not transmitted at his speed, it will be twenty minutes!

Soon, a line between the land and the ocean appears in Wang Xian’s line of sight!

It is about 20 million kilometers from the ground!

Below the mainland plate!

Wang Xian stared at the front, below the mainland, a seaweed was suspended, and there were some strange corals that exude light!

This makes other colors appear on the dark sea floor!

“It’s going to go down to 20 million kilometers!”

Wang Xian stares at the front, this area is really a real underground area, just the area where it is located is safer than here!

Once you are in danger, it is difficult to escape!

"The God Lord who masters the four principles is comparable to the fourth-order sea monster of the eternal God. If luck is not too bad here, it should be a problem!"

Wang Xian slightly moved and concealed his body shape and flew forward!

Everything around the yin and yang five elements dragons are always vigilant!

He didn't dare to be too close to the upper continental plate, but was located about 50 kilometers below!

Going straight ahead, there is occasional sound of a sea monster roaring around!

Wang Xian did not dare to fly at full speed!


Suddenly, in the position above, the black energy of a poisonous arrow is attacking toward Wang Xian!

The dense poisonous arrow covers a range of hundreds of kilometers!


Wang Xian’s face changed slightly and immediately raised his head!

Around his body, he was instantly wrapped in yin and yang!

Over the sky, countless horrible black poison arrows covered him, and in the center position, a cold sea snake with a triangular head swooped down!

"God's third-order sea monster!"

Wang Xian’s hole shrinks, and the Tai Chi pattern rotates around, slowly covering the countless poison arrows!

"Touch and touch!"

The poison arrow fell on the taiji diagram and made a sound of impact. However, the poison arrow did not completely dissipate, but turned into a dark green poisonous mist!

A few hundred kilometers in a square, instantly covered by this dark green poisonous fog!

(End of this chapter)

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