Chapter 2250 makes a big profit


The second-order horoscope of the eternal god, the main monster of the hummer, rushed toward him, and the rear humming gods did not hesitate!

Here is their nest, even if they want to escape and there is no place to escape!

"Touch and bump!"

Wang Xian saw twenty-five rushing horses and gods, and the dragon tail swept directly toward them!

The continuous collision sounds, and the second-order horoscope of the eternal gods has no ability to resist, and flies out at a more rapid speed!

Their attacks can't even break the defense of Wang Xian!

"Five lines are bound!"

Wang Xian's body shape moves, and the energy of the road is bound by more than 20 Hummer gods!

The suppression of strength, so that the main **** of the sea monster does not have much resistance!


A horrified sound came from the mouth of the Hummer God Lord Sea Monster, and they were flustered one by one!

There are also two Hummer gods, the sea monsters, fleeing towards their nests!

"Oh la la!"

Wang Xian’s arm waved, and all the gray chains wrap them all around!

"I want to escape!"

His mouth was slightly tilted, and his eyes were excited!

Twenty-five Hummer gods, two of them have reached the second order of the Eternal God. If Wang Xian immediately swallows them, the level can be raised immediately!

But he didn't do it!


A majestic Longwei went to suppress them, and a singer-speaking sea monster shivered!


They are looking at Wang Xian with some horror and forgiveness, and their eyes are full of awe and fear!

"Touch and touch!"

Wang Xianfei flew over them, and the dragon claws waved, and the powerful force made them tremble slightly!

The animal trainer may be difficult for others, but for Wang Xian, it is not difficult!

With the blood pressure of Longwei and Shenlong, and then tame with the technique of animal training!

With the strength of Wang Xian, it is not too difficult, and the speed is fast, to tame the wild monsters that are lower than his strength!


Dropped into the blood containing the power of the dragon, half an hour later, in front of it, a humming horse, the main sea monster issued a weak low!

Wang Xian was the same, and it took ten hours to tame the twenty-five horses and beasts!

"Call, the harvest is good, you can make a big profit!"

Wang Xian stared at the twenty-five giant horses in front of him, and his eyes were glowing!

Selling these Hummer gods, the sea monsters can be ignited, and even the distance to the eternal God, will not be too far away!

"Right, there are their nests!"

Wang Xian's figure is moving, looking at the more than twenty holes above!

As soon as he was in shape, he flew in a hole!

"This is? Real water? The true water of the eternal **** level!"

"This is the bones of other sea monsters. There are three eternal gods. These bones can create artifacts and even eternal artifacts!"

"Hey, there are also the main monsters of the Hummer God, a total of seven, haha, get rich!"

Entering the nest of the main sea monster of Hummer, Wang Xian soon found a piece of treasure, in addition to this, there are actually seven Hummer gods and sea monsters!

The value of these young cubs is not as high as those of the tamed Hummer gods, but it is also very valuable!

In addition, there is also an eternal **** liquid, this **** liquid is also not low value!

"Take your nest into the nest!"

Wang Xian searched all the good things and ordered them to the sea monsters!

Sea monsters are natural enemies in this land and human beings. They have no wisdom, bloodthirsty, not only the same kind of killing, but also like to devour human power!

Although Wang Xian belongs to the Shenlong family and belongs to the aquarium, there is no scruples for this wild aquarium!

The competition of aquarium creatures has a saying that big fish eat small fish, that is, killing, far more terrible than humans!

"Go back, first upgrade your strength and say it!"

Wang Xian did not stop here, and immediately flew outside!

This area is still too dangerous, even if Wang Xian is not careful, it will fall!

This is only the second floor of the underground sea, but the entire underground sea has ten layers!

The strength of the sea monsters is deeper and deeper, and the strength of the entire Tianze mainland sea monster is stronger than humans!

If the underground sea is more suitable for them to survive, it may be that the mainland has perished!

In the past ten thousand years, it has been better, and human beings have become more and more powerful from technology to cultivation!

Wang Xian’s speed is very fast. When he encounters an attack, he immediately avoids it and does not have too much stop!

In the middle of the way, Wang Xian encountered several waves of humans who came to the underground sea to take risks. There are strong people at the level of the eternal god, and some weak people!


Wang Xian rushed out of the water and flew directly into the sky, which relaxed some vigilance!

On the sea, it is relatively safe. There are some sea yachts around, and there are flying cars and planes in the sky!

Wang Xian flew into the sky, took out the brain, and showed a smile on his face!

Now, he wants to sell the Hummer Lord Sea Monster in his hand!

The main character of the Hummer God is not very big, ten meters in size, water property, reaching the eternal kingdom, their fighting power is not too much in the ocean and the ground, but they are closer to the ocean!

Such a pet mount is an ideal combat partner for many people.

"Tianhai Island, pet eggs, animal shop!"

Soon Wang Xian found a message!

The choice of the mainland is placed in the vast world of the world. It is a relatively good continent, and there is an immortal king sitting on the town!

Most of the mainland of the planet, there is no bustling mainland of Tianze!

Tianhai Island is an island off the coast of Xuantian, and is also the most prosperous trading place in Xuantian!

The entire island is a thousand kilometers away!

Entering the underground sea to find treasures, people who hunted the sea monsters return, usually pass here!

Over time, there are a large number of people gathered here to trade, and millions of years have passed, making it a separate trading area!

Even people from other parts of the Tianze mainland will come here to buy items or sell items!

There are pet eggs here, there are animal shops!

Tianzhao is a continent with a population of 780 billion. Even if it is a rare animal trainer, there are thousands of people across the continent!

The animal shop is also natural!

“Go to those petting shop pet shops and see if you can sell them, you can save a lot of trouble!”

Wang Xian's body shape moves, according to the brain navigation, flying toward the island of Tianhai!

Selling directly to those pet shop animal trainer stores can save a lot of time, as long as the price is not too low, Wang Xian will sell!

By the way, he also wants to look at the market!

Tianhai Island is not too far from the north coast of Xuantian College. After flying for more than two hours, Wang Xian saw a huge island!

The entire island is divided into five areas, the gods, the weapons, the array, the cultivation, and the central core area, also known as the valuables area!

(End of this chapter)

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