Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2338: Killing the northern city powerhouse

Chapter 2338 kills the northern city powerhouse

Everyone in the northern city is full of excitement!

They didn't even think about it, when they were about to despair on the bosses of the Dragon Palace, they would help them!

At the end of the day, the other party was attacked by four spotted dragons, and the hidden breath was exposed again, and they were discovered!

"The Old City Lord, we don't need to do it at all. He has been seriously injured under the attack of the dragonfly, and it may not be long before he has only one breath!"

An old man of the eighth-order eternal **** said to the white-haired old man with excitement!

The boss of the Dragon Palace in front of him was already injured under the attack of four scorpion dragons. They didn't need to shoot, and the guy couldn't escape!

They can grab it with little effort, and once they catch him, they will also get great benefits!

"No, the forbidden ring on his head will soon disappear. Once it disappears, he can escape immediately!"

"In addition, if the dragonfly smashes it, then we will lose it!"

"Do it now!"

The white-haired old man shook his head, his eyes staring at the front, his eyes turning over everyone, ordering!

"The old ancestors said yes, immediately!"

The Jingcheng Lord also nodded immediately, and his pale face was flushed at the moment, his face full of excitement!

The rise of the northern city is close at hand!

"Directly kill the past!"

The owner of the sect is also full of excitement at this time. He is swaying and rushing straight ahead!

The white-haired old man and the Jingcheng master did not hesitate to fly directly to the battlefield!

At the rear, several eternal gods directly follow the eighth order!

This time, definitely can't let that guy escape!


"This time, all of you have to die!"

At this moment, when I saw a figure rushing toward him, Wang Xian’s eyes flashed a hint of killing!

The plan is very smooth!


At this time, the play still has to be played!

Wang Xian’s face was stunned, and he looked at them all at the same time, and stubbornly resisted the attack of the dragonfly!

"Ha ha ha, escape, this time you still want to escape where, kid, let's get rid of it!"

The Jingcheng Lord saw the look of Wang Xianxuan, his face was full of laughter, and he was very happy!

"Boom, four beasts, give me a roll!"

The white-haired old man’s body shape is shocked, and the momentum of the eternal god’s ninth-order eruption all erupts, and the horrible power is pushed toward the four spotted dragons!


Four spotted dragons stared at them in a vigilant manner, stopped the attack, and some uneasy retreat to the side, shaking the body slightly!

"Ha ha ha, where are you going to escape?"

The white-haired old man saw the look of the four sable dragons, and laughed loudly, reaching out to the palm of the hand and grabbing it directly!

His eyes are full of excitement and excitement!

Behind him, Jingcheng Lord and Zonggezhu are the same!


However, the moment they stepped into the center of the battle, they were flying to the moment of the four dragons!

Big array, instant opening!

The array method, even if it uses the hidden array method, but stronger than Wang Xian’s strength, it can still sense the fluctuation of the array around!

But fortunately, the energy of the battle between Wang Xian and the four spotted dragons covered the fluctuations of the array!

In addition, a group of people in the northern city were full of excitement, did not look carefully, and directly stepped into the area of ​​the formation!

When the formation is turned on, the surrounding scene changes greatly!


One array starts, the second third and fourth, until the twenty-third array, all open!

Twenty-three arrays, seventeen are attacking arrays!

It is enough to reinvent the eternal God's eighth order, a total of seventeen!

Seventeen arrays are combined and erupt at the same time, and the power is terrible!

"Dare to attack me, dare to chase me, today I have to see who killed who!"

At this time, the injury of Wang Xian disappeared instantly!

The injury to him was just disguised!


This time, he did not hesitate to turn into a dragon!


The atmosphere of the array, falling!


The four spotted dragons on both sides also attacked them instantly!

All the outbreaks are in an instant!


"what's the situation!"

"No, this is an ambush!"

At this moment, the face of the white-haired old man suddenly changed!

Their excited and excited look dissipated instantly, turning into shock and anger!

The horrible array of attacks, the attack of four dragons and dragons, and the owner of the Dragon Palace Wars store, suddenly turned into a powerful creature!

Everything is all beyond their expectations!


The white-haired old man is sinking in his heart, his face is incomparably arrogant!

"Resist the resistance!"

The other six also made a fuss, all of which broke out the most powerful defense!


Seventeen attacking tactics, they will be completely covered, and the attack of four scorpion dragons will also cover it!


Wang Xian opened a huge mouth, with the law of annihilation occasions, they went towards them!

"Touch and touch!"

The sound of the explosion sounded in the array, and the outer black hole turbulence method swayed and almost collapsed!

As for the location of the center, it is completely invisible!

"No, the old man, the master of the city, save me!"

Suddenly, a scream came from inside!

"Old ancestor, save me!"

At this time, even the help of the Lord Jingzheng sounded!

Jingcheng Lord and Zonggezhu, they are also the ninth-order strength of the eternal God, but under the attack of the law fragments, the injury is extremely heavy!

If it is not for chasing Wang Xian, they have already gone back to recover from injury!

However, this time, they may not have a chance!

A horrible energy exploded, Wang Xian looked coldly there!

He can sense that one of the breaths inside is disappearing!

"I want to kill you, I want to kill you!"

After a dozen seconds, a figure suddenly rushed out from inside!

The figure is so fierce, only half a body!

At this moment, he stared at Wang Xian with a **** face, like a demon from the abyss!

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian stared at the half figure that rushed out, his face sneer!

Such a terrible blow, it may be difficult to stifle the eternal God's ninth order, but it can still be done!

At this moment, the injury is even heavier than the Jingcheng Lord and the Zonggezhu!


However, Wang Xian did not have any intentions. He screamed and ordered four spotted dragons to attack the white-haired old man!

"Ah, I am not willing, I am not willing, I will kill you!"

At this time, another figure flew out, and God loved the cabinet!

At this time, he seems to have not suffered too much injury in the attack just now, and may have withstood some of the treasures!

He wants to escape, but finds that he can't return to his own eternal god!

Since you can't escape, you will kill the Dragon Palace war pet boss!

Kill, desperately kill!

(End of this chapter)

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