Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2385: Swallowing secluded sea monsters

Chapter 2385 devours the sea monster

"It is the Dragon King!"

The voice of the demon they responded came!

More than two hundred demons who have been turned into thorn dragons have never shot!

They are not good at group battles, they are good at single-point attack!

Those who are good at assassination, although they can not fight more than three levels, but they have a great chance to instantly kill the second-order existence than themselves!

This is also a very scary point!

As soon as the demons of the squad are moving, they immediately flew toward the surrounding position!

The surrounding battlefields are not as easy as the Dragon Palace here, and the sea monsters they killed are all sunk into the sea floor!

There is no time to get the spoils!

The demon can go to other places to get the body back, it is a million!

The demon took them away, and Wang Xian’s body shape flew directly from the bottom of the sea and landed on the wall of the guardian city!

"General, you and your soldiers are all right!"

The smoke came immediately in the early morning, and some worried asked!

A dozen hours of strangling war, only they did not open weapons bombing here!

“It’s still easy!”

Wang Xian said faintly!

"General Wang, take this time to talk about it!"

At this time, the voice of the mysterious leader was heard on the right!

Wang Xian looked at him, and the figure moved and instantly moved to their side!

The remaining dozens of generals are also gathered together!

"General Wang, how?"

Xuan Tong led several people to look at him and asked!

“It’s still easy now, if there is a need for support, please let me know!”

Wang Xian said faintly!

The other generals were stunned and their faces looked bitter!

"General Wang, your men are really fierce. Now, just starting my side, I lost a few eternal gods!"

A general shook his head and said helplessly!

"At this time, you have to withstand it. If you really need a second wave of people to come, you will have more deaths and injuries!"

A general looks at the ocean in front!

There, there was a roar of sea monsters from time to time, and two huge sea monster races were confrontational!

Obviously these two natural enemy races have disrupted the rhythm of the sea monsters!

This happened in the first catastrophe and the second catastrophe, and it will not last long!

Soon the other party may continue to attack!

"It is going to rain!"

At this time, a general looked at the dark clouds, said faintly!

"Let's go, it won't be long before there will be a rainbow!"

The only female general’s face showed a smile!

The rest of the people smiled and left!

Wang Xian returned to the 51,520 area!

"We have reported the Dragon King, and we have found a strange situation at the bottom of the sea!"

At this moment, the figure of the demon suddenly appeared beside Wang Xian!

There was doubt on his face: "What is the situation?"

"Dragon King, the strange sea monster below is swallowing the body of the sea monster being killed, is evolving at a horrible speed!"

敖 汇 汇 report!

"Amazing sea monsters devour the body?"

Wang Xian was shocked!

"Go, take me to see!"

He did not hesitate to fly directly into the ocean!


Entering the bottom of the sea, the demon with Wang Xian has been swimming towards the deepest!

The bottom of the sea, even the most marginal areas, is also a million kilometers deep!

During the outbreak of this catastrophe, no one dared to go deep into the sea!

The distance of 100 kilometers is not very far. When Wang Xian is about to reach the bottom of the sea, I see a monster like black mud not far from the front is swallowing the body of a sea monster!

As it swallows, its size is getting bigger and bigger!

These sea monsters seem to have no bones and look a little strange!

Devouring the secluded sea monster: the ninth order of the gods (Eternal God Lord eighth-order cub)

A message appeared in Wang Xian’s mind, and he was slightly surprised!

"It turned out to be the eighth-order cub of the Eternal God, with such a high level!"

Wang Xian’s face showed a trace of surprise. He was slightly shocked and directly ruled!

Holding it in his hand, he looked at it and found no difference!

"Dragon King, there are other places, this sea monster is very much, to a point of horror!"

The demon on the side said!

He was in shape and immediately flew toward the front position!

Sure enough, in the underground sea, the number of such sea monsters is dense, and there are only a hundred thousand in this piece!

"The speed of these sea monsters is fast, but it is faster, and the energy in the body must be digested. It is impossible to quickly ascend to the eighth order of the Eternal God!"

Wang Xian frowned slightly!

"Oh, toot!"

At this moment, Wang Xian sensed his powerful sea monster lock, and he looked at it, and the sacred sea monster of an eternal **** was staring at him!


The next moment, the diaphragmatic sea monster directly attacked Wang Xian!

"return to!"

Wang Xian frowned, his body shape, flying directly to the sea!

The diaphragmatic sea monster saw him escape, not even chasing!

This made him frown slightly!

What should this group of sea monsters do? Planning what?

Sea monsters have such high intelligence?

Wang Xian frowned!

"All the soldiers are ready!"

He rushed out of the sea, and the voice of the highest commander came into everyone's ears!

Looking at the depths of the ocean, Wang Xian’s eyes saw huge waves coming in from hundreds of kilometers. As the distance got closer and closer, the waves were getting higher and higher!

When it reaches about 100 kilometers, the huge waves have reached several kilometers!

Among the huge waves, there is a huge sea monster hidden!

"The first wave of the guardian wall is open!"

An icy sound sounded, and the guardian's wall shone with a layer of water blue light!

"Ready to meet the enemy!"

A mad rush came!


Wang Xian saw the sea monster race in front of him, and his eyes shot a strong luster, screaming!


Members of the Dragon Palace immediately flew into the ocean, standing in the middle of the sea, staring at the sea monsters coming from the impact!

They will tell this group of sea monsters, who is the land of the ocean!


Two races of sea monsters come from impact, the strength is stronger than the previous wave of sea monster race!

But it is only stronger, and it has no effect on the members of the Dragon Palace!

Nowadays, once the members of the Dragon Palace reach the realm of the eternal God, most of them can fight the third-order of the eternal God, and even the fourth-order sea monster!

In addition, the Dragon Palace has dozens of fifth-order, sixth-order, seven-order combat power, which can easily resist!

When the killing began, Wang Xian’s rule continued to begin!

A large number of resources have also been poured into the Dragon Pool of the Dragon Palace, and the rest of the Dragon Palace has been upgraded at a horrible speed!

As time passed, the sound of screams came slowly around the guardian wall!

The end of the war began, more and more people are falling!

More and more eternal gods and sea monsters appear, the gods and sea monsters desperately kill, humans have to desperately kill!

(End of this chapter)

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