Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2409: Memorial! Big fight! 4

Chapter 2409 Memorial! Big fight! 4

"Oh, ice, do you say that Teacher Wang is still our teacher in the future?"

"Yeah Bingbing, Teacher Wang is Dragon King, and Teacher Wang has become the fifth immortal king of our Tianze continent. Who can imagine that we are the students of Dragon King!"

Xuan Tian College freshmen a class!

The robbery broke out, and the Dragon King was an immortal king. It was a huge shock for the new class!

Their teacher turned out to be the fifth immortal king of Tianze mainland, which... they never dreamed of it!

A group of girls asked a few people to the fish ice ice Huang Jiajia!

After all, in their view, the fish and ice, Huang Jiajia, Situ Yan Xiaoyu, who are close to the teacher, are half disciples!

"We don't know, the teacher is the king of God, should... should not come!"

The fish ice and ice, several of them shook their heads, and their faces were both proud and lost!

Will a **** king continue to teach them?

Obviously impossible!


But at this moment, a group of figures suddenly appeared next to them!


A group of girls saw the figure that suddenly appeared, and saw the king of the center, everyone glimpsed!

"Teacher Wong!"

A group of girls quickly shouted toward Wang Xian!


Wang Xian nodded to them!

His eyes swept over the girls, his face smiled!

This group of people is his student, but he is obviously not a qualified teacher!

After this time, it is estimated that it is not possible to teach them here every month!

"I am staying here for two days. You don't know what to ask me. I will arrange for future events!"

Wang Xian said to them, walking toward the room!

A group of girls saw Wang Xian put a word and walked inside, some face to face!

"It seems that Teacher Wang should not teach us in the future!"

"Don't think about it, Teacher Wang is the king of God, the king of God who is high above, we can become a student of the king of God, it is already a gift from heaven!"

“Is the teacher just coming back from the outside? Will the mainland memorial teacher go tomorrow?”

Some girls are somewhat lost and have some doubts!

However, they do not dare to enter the disturbance, after all, is the immortal king, one of the strongest in the mainland!

The hearts of girls are still full of awe!

"Wang Xian Xiaoyou!"

However, it didn't take long for Wang Xiangang to sit down, and a voice would ring in his ear!

"Xuan Tianzi seniors!"

Wang Xian looked at a slowly condensed figure in front, with a smile on his face!

"Wang Xian Xiaoyou is coming back so soon, is this preparation?"

Xuan Tianzi looked at Wang Xian with a smile on his face and said!

"Prepare to attend the memorial of tomorrow, and another Xuantianzi predecessor, I am going to build a force in the underground sea, and then announce it!"

Wang Xian said directly to Xuantianzi!

He had just seen some news from the brain and knew the roar of the two gods. He did not care about it!


Xuan Tianzi gave a slight glimpse, and he did not think that Wang Xian actually had such an action!

“Participate in the memorial? Establish the power?”

"Wang Xian Xiaoyou, you have to be prepared, the sky **** Wang Jianshen Wang, they hate it for you!"

Xuan Tianzi said with a face full of dignity toward Wang Xian!

The two gods are resentful, even if it is difficult to kill Wang Xian, but it is still a powerful threat!

In particular, as long as Wang Xian dares to build power, he can almost certainly determine that the Sky God and the Sword King will definitely attack the past!

At this time, build power, 90% will be destroyed by the two kings!

"Xuan Tianzi's predecessors are relieved. Since I dare to build power, I am not afraid of the gods of the sky and the king of swords. I will participate in the memorial service tomorrow, and also ask the predecessors of the mysterious propaganda to go out, so that the gods of the sky and the king of swords are ready! ”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face!


Xuan Tianzi gave a slight glimpse, and looked at Wang Xian with a sly look: "Is it sure?"

"The Sky God and the Sword God are, after all, the people of Tianze, and I may not be able to help you!"

"I would like to thank the mysterious minds of Xuantianzi's predecessors, I will be prepared, I hope they will not let me down!"

Wang Xian said confidently to him!

"Well, since you are sure, I don't say anything. Your potential and talent are not what I can compare. Everything is ready!"

Xuan Tianzi looked at Wang Xian deeply and said!

"Will do!"

Wang Xian also nodded!

"Then I will not bother Wang Xianxiaoyou. When Wang Xian Xiaoyou is built, I will congratulate myself when I arrive!"

Xuan Tianzi’s face also showed a smile, and his body shape disappeared instantly!

"The **** of the sky, the king of swords, I hope you will not let me down!"

Wang Xian saw the two leave, muttering in the mouth!

Now neither of them knows the strength of his Dragon Palace. The other party came to besiege him, he can just solve it!

If the strength of the Dragon Palace is exposed, he is sure to destroy one of them, but the other will definitely escape directly!

The other party is afraid that he will escape, and he is not afraid of the other party to escape!

The news of Wang Xian’s arrival did not attract attention, but after two hours, Zhinao sent a notice and information there!

Tomorrow will pay homage to the heroes of Tianze mainland human beings. At that time, the four kings and dragon kings will be present in person!

When this news came out, it still caused a lot of sensation!

"What? The four kings of the king are not unexpected, but the dragon king is on the scene, is not going to break the battle of the gods!"

"Yes, isn't it true that the Dragon King has left Tianze mainland? How do you suddenly announce that you want to participate in tomorrow's memorial!"

"This... angry sky king and sword king will let the dragon king? Will not break out?"

Many people on the brain are worried about the discussion!

It is not impossible to break the battle of the gods at the time of the memorial!

The king of God is high, no matter what the occasion is!

Even if it is fighting, who can dare to say?

"Does the Dragon King dare to appear? If he dares to appear, our God King will kill it!"

"Killing the Dragon King, my grandfather was killed by him, and tomorrow we will take the life of the Dragon King to pay homage!"

Some people in the sky city and the sword field have some venting information on the brain!

Obviously, many people in the sword field and the city of the sky are full of resentment and hatred for the dragon king!

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't think of it!"

At this time, within the swords of the sword field, a sword-mantle that passes through the sky instantly rushes into the sky and flies in the direction of the city of the sky!

"The king of the sky, the dragon king is very arrogant, and he dared to participate in the memorial tomorrow. If so, take his blood to pay homage!"

The king of swordsmen rushed directly into the highest palace in the city of the sky, and the sound was heard!

"It's a bit arrogant, he is very confident that we two can't keep him!"

Inside the shrine in the hall, the figure of 巍峨 appears!

"We are waiting here for a few hours!"

(End of this chapter)

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