Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2425: Flat top underground sea 3

Chapter 2425 Flat Top Underground 3


The sea monster's attack comes quickly, and the death is fast!

In the face of the absolute strength of the Dragon Palace, countless sea monsters fell in front of the Dragon Palace and turned into Dragon Blood in the Dragon Pool!

With so many sea monsters, it is able to increase the strength of the entire Dragon Palace by two or three times, or even four or five times!

After all, the dragon's devouring dragon race, after consuming a large number of eternal gods and immortal gods, the strength will change qualitatively!

"Sorry, you can't entertain you, our Dragon Palace is ready to take the opportunity to destroy the dozens of immortal gods and sea monsters that escaped!"

Wang Xian returned to the front of a group of people in Tianze, and said with a smile!

"Thank you for the Dragon King to help us in the Tianze continent to relieve the scourge, thank you Dragon King!"

At this time, Xuan Tianzi’s face was sincerely bowed to Wang Xian, and he was grateful!

"Thank you for the grace of the Dragon King, thank you Dragon Palace for calming the underground!"

The ink marks of the warfare are also respectfully squatting down!

"Thank you for the grace of the Dragon King, thank you Dragon Palace for calming the underground!"

At the rear, everyone is half-squatting on the ground, shouting with respect and gratitude!

A few days ago, the Dragon King said that he would settle the underground sea. There were not many people who believed in it. However, today, the underground sea is almost settled!

Just rely on the Dragon Palace!

The Dragon Palace is flattened in the underground sea. Every year, Tianze mainland has to die a lot of people!

"You don't have to be so polite!"

Wang Xian looked at all of them and smiled faintly!

"This worship is what we have to do. Since you are very busy with Dragon King, then we are not bothered!"

"A few days later, Tianze will hold a day of liberation. When the Dragon King does not know if there is time?"

Xuan Tianzi shook his head and smiled and asked Wang Xian!

"The day of liberation? Let's watch it. If I don't go, I will send people from the Dragon Palace!"

Wang Xian nodded and said!

"That's good, we won't bother!"

Xuantianzi arched his hand and led everyone in Tianze to leave!

At the rear, everyone’s face is full of excitement!

This time, their arrival, not only increased their knowledge, but also got this huge and great news!

Today, it can be said that it is the liberation day of the entire Tianze continent!

In the future, they will no longer have to worry about their own comfort. The soldiers will no longer have to guard the front line and the sea monsters!

"If today's things are announced, I am afraid that our entire Tianze mainland will boil!"

Everyone is holding back the excitement in my heart!

Some young men and women are ready to go back to the brain to show off their abilities!

"Dragon King, all the sea monsters outside have been cleaned up!"

It was not long before the people of Tianze mainland just left, and they rushed over and reported to Wang Xianhui!

"Be prepared, I will completely solve the eleven immortal gods and sea monsters in the underground sea!"

Wang Xian immediately said!

"It is the Dragon King!"

A group of Dragon Palace members nodded!

Soon, all the members of the Dragon Palace’s immortal kings’ fighting power gathered!

"set off!"

Wang Xian took out a drop of blood and used the array method to find the location of the sea monsters!

Locking a sea monster, they are moving and flying away!

The 12 immortal gods of the Dragon Palace are driving in the underground sea!

No sea monster dare to approach!

I thought that when Wang Xian entered the underground sea, he must be careful. Now, there is no fear!

Ten minutes later, Wang Xian came to the field of an immortal **** sea monster!

The godland of the immortal **** sea monster is hidden in the crack of the void, it is generally difficult to find!

But Wang Xian has a rough position, a dozen gods search together, still can find!

Wang Xian, they found the old nest, the next is much simpler, or surrender or die!

Time has passed slowly, it is not a simple matter to find these dozens of immortal gods and sea monsters!

There are several immortal gods and sea monsters hidden in the nest is very secret, even if they understand the approximate location, they have spent more than ten hours!

And when the Dragon Palace received the sea monsters one by one, the Tianze mainland in the upper position completely boiled up!

Not only the young men and women who came to the underground sea like to show off, but even the warfare ink king of the warfare also likes to show off!

The first thing he came out of the ocean was a slap!

"The strength of the Dragon Palace is invincible. Ten minutes ago, sixteen immortal gods and sea monsters in the underground sea led the 80% sea monsters in the underground sea to invade the Dragon Palace. They were strongly killed by the Dragon King's strongmen!"

"With the strength of the Dragon Palace, the underground sea will be settled within a few days. In the future, the entire underground sea will be respected by the Dragon King, and the Dragon Palace will be the main one. We will completely liberate the Tianze continent!"

This scorpion makes the ink marks of the warfare look red!

It is completely the strength of his whole body!

The ink marks in the warfare are also exciting!

A **** king has been tied to the Tianze continent, they are not reconciled, but what can they do if they are not willing?

Here is their hometown, his homeland, and his descendants are here!

And because of the existence of the underground sea, there are at least tens of thousands, even more, of his sons and gods!

The calming of the underground sea represents the stability of Tianze mainland!

The scorpion of the ink mark of the warfare directly rang through half of the Tianze continent!

All the people who heard this sound suddenly stopped!

"This...this seems to be the voice of the ancestors of the warfare, his voice!"

"What? A dozen of immortal gods and sea monsters in the underground sea invaded the Dragon Palace, and were killed by the Dragon Palace, and the underground sea was to be settled?"

"This is true and false. It won't be a lie. Is this the voice of the ancestors?"

People who hear this sound feel incredible!

More than a dozen gods sea monsters invade the Dragon Palace?

Was all solved by the Dragon Palace strong?

The underground sea is flattened?

Every message is amazing and unbelievable!

Some people even suspect that this is the voice of the ancestors of the war, the voice of the king of warfare?

"The head of the brain is immediately announced this good news to the entire Tianze continent, immediately!"

"The announcement will be positioned three days later to liberate the day and celebrate the whole continent!"

At the wall of the guardian, the highest commander also pouted, and said to the old man on the side with a happy face!

"It is the head!"

The old man is also excited to nod and immediately give orders!

Soon, a pop-up window is forced on the brain!

The Dragon Palace is set in the underground sea, and the underground sea will be respected by the Dragon King in the future.

A title, followed by a brief introduction to the situation just now!

When everyone saw the picture that was forced on the brain, the face shook a little, and the body trembled!

If the smear of the ink marks of the warfare has caused some people to have some doubts, then the announcement on the brain will be completely announced, and the liberation of Tianze mainland!

Today, destined to go down in history, the Dragon Palace and the Dragon King are destined to Megatron throughout the Tianze continent!

(End of this chapter)

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