Chapter 2427 Planning

"Dragon King, this is the resource we found these times, and some things we got!"

In the Dragon Palace, the turtles handed over something to Wang Xian!

In the two months, in addition to the strength of the members of the Dragon Palace, the Turtles also sent people to investigate the outside world!

This outside world is the place around Tianze mainland!

Tianze Mainland is only one of the hundreds of billions of stars in this land of shackles. Although it is not weak in this world, it is definitely not strong!

Nowadays, Wang Xian is not very familiar with the outside world except for the star planet and the star beast!

At the location of Tianze Continent Tiantian College, there is a transmission array that can reach other planets through the transmission array!

There are also some tasks that can be received there, but Wang Xian did not take the task there!

"This is a brain?"

Wang Xian looked at a thing that the turtle had handed over, and asked some doubts!

"Yes, the Dragon King, but this brain is somewhat different from the brain of Tianze. This brain is connected to the entire stellar domain!"

"The emperor star domain has a hegemonic level, the name is the emperor, and it is also able to rank in the forefront among the seven major domains. This brain is promoted by the emperor, covering the entire emperor domain!"

"The brain is connected to billions of planets, and countless people use this kind of brain, and the tasks in the field of Xuantian are all tasks on this brain!"

Turtles simply introduced to Wang Xian!

Wang Xian took it and looked at it!

The Tianze continent is located within the emperor's domain of the seven major domains. The entire emperor's domain is vast and the planet is tens of billions. This only contains the planet of life, and the inanimate planet is even more numerous!

The brain is the promotion of the emperor's lord of the empire, not the brain of the Tianze continent.

Tianze mainland has such a small brain, because the underground sea inside Tianze mainland has not been settled, and it is not qualified to enter other stars!

This brain is a collection of all the mission areas, trading areas, exchange areas, and entertainment areas of the entire universe!

Through the brain, you can have a lot of understanding of the entire stellar domain!

Wang Xian opens this brain and divides it into four districts, each of which is divided into other districts!

The mission area has a release task area, which receives the task area, and is also divided into task levels, team tasks, individual tasks, and so on.

Wang Xian took a quick look and even saw a reward mission at the top of the mission area!

Reward an immortal **** Wang Fengfeng strong!

At the same time, this immortal **** Wang Fengfeng is also a wanted criminal in the emperor!

The difficulty of this task can be imagined, and it can even be said that it is impossible to complete!

The trading area is also selling a variety of items, and online shopping is somewhat similar, only you can't think of it, no you can't buy it!

Wang Xian searched the trading area and found that even the immortal gods and wild animals can buy it!

Of course, this level of war pets requires certain conditions to be able to buy, and the number is very small, one hand counts over!

The exchange area is an information area, there is an exchange forum for each area, and even you can buy information here!

As for the entertainment area, it is more abundant!

There are also singers, actors, and stars in this empire!

Entertainment this thing, no matter what era and what background is essential, Wang Xian also saw the anchor live broadcast!

The movie area, the novel area, the game area, and so on, the entertainment means are very rich!

The amount of content above, and Tianze mainland is not a level at all, the content is too rich!

One person is estimated to read a hundred years and can't read one percent!

"Gui Guixiang, how do you think the Dragon Palace will develop in the future!"

The more complex the environment, the more difficult it is for Dragon Palace to develop!

The major forces here have divided up a variety of industries, and if you want to eat the tiger's mouth, you must have this strength!

"Dragon King, I think the fire hammer family can forge weapons for sale, and Feng Xiaolong can lead the Phoenix Dragon to make medicinal herbs for sale!"

"In addition, the war pets are very rare in the entire stellar domain, and it is easier to earn resources than weapons and remedies!"

"But the precious items usually need to be opened on a planet and have their own name. Otherwise, they will not see the real thing, and others will not be able to buy it!"

Turtles are recommended to Wang Xian!

The higher the level of civilization, the more perfect the system!

In this starry sky, there can be no rules, no mess!

On the contrary, the rules here are perfect!

You have to sell things, at least you have to shop, you have to have your own business, industry!

This way others can trust you!

For the long-term development of the Dragon Palace, it is necessary to get involved in these things, otherwise it will only rely on war to make a fortune!

But who can guarantee a 100% victory?

"In addition to selling weapons and medicinal herbs, the rest of the Dragon Palace can do the mission!"

"There are a lot of tactics in the empire domain, and a **** king completes one or two missions, and the resources obtained are enough for us to increase the fighting power of the immortal king!"

Turtle phase continues to add!


Wang Xian nodded!

Doing a task is really a quick way to improve. If you want to move an immortal king, the cost is very big!

"What we have to do now is to open a dragon palace war pet store as soon as possible and sell the ten immortal **** wars in our hands!"

“Once you sell these war pets, your strength can be upgraded!”

In the heart of Wang Xian’s heart, after he has shot all the pets, he can lead the members of the Dragon Palace to do the task and save the power!

"First we have to build some teleportation methods that lead to a bustling planet and use this planet as a transit!"

"In addition, you can find a planet like a star beast. It is better to have a lower level than the star beast. We can let the crab lead the team to capture it!"

"Occupy the planet, you can build the Dragon Palace in the ocean, and also enhance the strength of the Dragon Palace, so that the Dragon Palace will develop rapidly!"

Wang Xian thought for a full ten minutes and ordered the turtles!

First of all, we must get through the relationship between the Dragon Palace and the outside world!

The second is that it is best to occupy a few more life planets to establish the Dragon Palace branch, the three caves of the Rex Rabbit, and also make the Dragon Palace fully prepared!

In addition, if there is a star like a star beast, the crab can lead all the men in the past, directly attacking a wild beast planet, and the resources obtained are definitely more resources than the task!

These two are the primary issues. As for the sale of the war pets, Wang Xian solves it himself!

"It is the Dragon King!"

The turtles nodded immediately!


Just then, a communication stone plate in the Wang Xian space ring trembled!


He took it and looked at it and found that it was a message sent to himself by the invincible warfare!

I sent dozens of them at a time, I don’t know if it’s an urgent matter, or I’m bored!

(End of this chapter)

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