Chapter 2642

"Wow, beautiful sword!"

The emperor star saw the dragon blood sword handed over by the members of the Dragon Palace, and said with a pair of eyes!

Wang Xian looked at her and smiled and handed the sword to her!

"This is the sword I trade with one person. I didn't expect him to be dead. Now the sword is sent by them and given to you!"

Wang Xian smiled and said faintly, handing the sword in his hand to the Emperor Star!

"Oh, although some are unlucky, I barely accepted it!"

Emperor star female can naturally recognize the power of this sword, but Wang Xian is in her opinion a local tyrant, the local tyrant sent, naturally!


Wang Xian said to her, immediately wrapped her and the shadow with energy, and quickly flew toward the invitation moon!

Inviting the moon star is the most massive planet in the past month, and the most prosperous planet!

From here you can transfer to a planet on the Central Court, and then transfer from there!


However, when Wang Xian passed the position of Beichuan Zong, Beishuang sensed him and immediately flew over!

"Master, where are you going?"

North Frost asked curiously to Wang Xian!

"Go to the Central Island Imperial Court. The things here are handed over to the Turtles and the Heavens for their handling. This time it may take more than half a month!"

Wang Xian looked at the North Frost and stopped her body slightly, saying to her!

"Go to the Central Island Imperial Court?"

The North Frost looks a little embarrassed, apparently thinking of something, followed by raising his head: "Master, I will go too!"

"Well? Are you going too?"

Wang Xian slightly stunned and looked at her in error!

"To solve some grudges!"

There is a hint of cold luster in the North Frost Eye. Obviously, this is her previous thing!

"Okay, let's go together!"

Wang Xian nodded!

"Congratulations to Miss North Frost, the original Tianzhijiao is back!"

Shadow gaze deeply looked at the North Frost, said with a smile!


North Frost turned to the shadow of the stars, they nodded!

"Shadow, do you know her?"

Beishuang spent more than a year in the Dragon Palace, but she did not have any communication with a group of girls over the past year, and she did not communicate with the stars!

And for the North Frost, the Emperor Star women do not know people!

Seeing the shadow of the shadows toward the North Frost, the emperor star can not help but ask the voice!

“I’ve heard about her reputation before, when the emperor’s contemporary emperor pursued her and made some trouble!”

Shadows are moving towards the emperor star!


More than 30,000 years ago, Emperor Star was not born at the time, I don’t know!

In the Imperial Court, the five thousand years turned into a generation, this is already a matter of the six or seven generations!

The rise of the North Frost, the Emperor Star female also learned in the brain, but it does not know the gossip with the Emperor of the Emperor!

Each generation, the youngest man of the younger generation of the Royal Court and the strongest woman, will be called the emperor and the emperor!

The highest title of this generation!

It is also the highest glory!

"This time, I want to be an emperor!"

The emperor star muttered in the mouth, her eyes showed a firm look!


Soon, all the people came to invite the moon planet, Wang Xian said it!

"Master, the transmission line is here!"

North Frost said, the front led the way to the real position of the transmission!

"Dragon King, Frost Goddess!"

At the transmission line, the disciples who were guarding here last month shouted reverently!

A leader of the famous Dragon Palace in World War I, one is the famous goddess of frost, this kind of strong, even if they were not the last month's great religion will be respected!


North Frost nodded, and the four directly entered the transmission array!

I quickly came to a planet by transmission, and then started the transfer under the leadership of the Emperor Star!

It took five hours to complete the transfer and they stopped!

It is conceivable how big the entire central island will be!

Di Star Field, a large central island, three large islands, and the rest of the galaxy!

Only the central islands occupy three-fifths of the entire stellar domain!

In this central area, the Imperial Court has occupied 70% of the planet!

There are records on the brain, and the life planet directly controlled by the court has reached more than 15 billion!

More than one billion lives planet, what is this concept?

The two planets at the farthest distance, if flying, even if the gods and kings fly directly, it will take decades!

As for the power of the court, it is impossible to try!

At least, the number of strong people in the immortal king level is in the two or three million!

This is the power of the entire emperor star domain!

Looking back at the battle of the Emperor, the cross-domain war became a witch, and the tens of thousands of immortal gods were degraded. These are hundreds of thousands, all of which are more than six generations of immortal gods!

“This is the Imperial Island!”

The voice of the emperor star sounded, and the face of Wang Xian’s face was a little glance at the surroundings!

The core of the Royal Court is not on a planet, but a huge island!

Void island, huge land floor block!

As for the specific size of the entire island, Wang Xian can not see the margin!

“The size of the island of the Imperial Court is very large. It takes a month for the mighty King of the King to fly from one side to the other!”

Next to the emperor star woman introduced to Wang Xian!

Wang Xian is slightly shrill!

Is this the imperial court?

The entire northern line, thousands of planets, from the first to the last one, if the king is flying, it will take a day to fly!

However, here, God's main peak and strong flight takes a day!

Expansive, innocent!

The entire land floor block, large island, can rival the Xingnan Galaxy!


"The island of Di Ting is divided into the inner island and the outer island. The inner island is not the core disciple of the imperial court. Only the immortal king can enter!"

Emperor Star female continues to introduce to Wang Xian!

He nodded slightly!

"Let's go, I will take you to my house!"

Back to the Imperial Court Island, the Emperor Star woman was obviously happy soon, and immediately went to the side to send money, and waved toward Wang Xian!

"The court is very big, it can be transmitted here, of course, you can also take the void tunnel, the transmission speed is faster, of course, the price is higher!"

The emperor star smiled and said that several people's body shape disappeared directly!

"This is the inner island!"

Soon, four people appeared in a vast square!

Wang Xian looked at the front and his eyes sparkled!

In front of the location, there is a huge palace!

Looking at the palace in front of him, Wang Xian feels that his body shape seems to be reduced by a few hundred times!

The palace towers into the sky, and each pillar is estimated to be hundreds of thousands of meters high!

Just one hall, there is a height of 10,000 meters!

Pillars are propped up one by one, making you feel very small!

The mighty energy came from the direction of the palace!

Even if Wang Xian is hundreds of millions of kilometers away from here, he can still feel it clearly!

(End of this chapter)

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