Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2693: Notice from the court

Chapter 2693 Notice from the Royal Court


"Old ancestors, what do we do now? What should we do? According to the news from the east side, the Dragon Palace is flying over us, they want to occupy our territory!"

"Damn, damn, this time we have seven elders killed, ancestors, we have to take revenge, revenge!"

Just as the Dragon Palace came to the center of the Devil Island, it was on a planet of the End of the World.

In a palace with smog and scent, the tens of thousands of immortal gods and strong men gather together.

In front of the position, a famous Tianyao great teacher is full of angry low-lying roads.

"Cough, cough, ancestors, we hate this, we must report!"

In the front seats, the end of the world and the two elders are like the dead, there is no flesh and blood, they sit there and look at the two ancestors in front of them, eyes full of hatred.


The two ancestors of Tianya University slowly closed their eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

The strength of the Dragon Palace far exceeds their expectations. Now that they are lost in the end of the world, they are not even opponents of the Dragon Palace.

"You are waiting for one or two here."

After a few tens of seconds, an ancestor slowly opened his eyes and said.

Another ancestor opened his eyes and the two looked at each other and disappeared directly.


A group of people from the End of the World gave a slight glimpse and silenced.

The current situation has already touched the fate of the entire world, and only two ancestors can decide.

"Who will help us?"

At the same time, in a cloud-filled room, a Tianyao ancestor screamed.

Another ancestor shook his head and some did not know.

He looked at the mirror in front and waved his arm.


The sound of the beat came from the mirror of divine.

"What is the brother of the End of the World?"

In the mirror of divine vision, an old man appeared very quickly.

The old man behind a flame token of goods, sitting on a futon.

"Emperor Law, our Tianya University now encounters powerful enemies, and the disciples have suffered heavy losses. Now the other party is heading to our field."

A Tianya ancestor arched his hand and said.

"Well? You have encountered enemies in the horizon? With your strength, few forces are your opponents."

The old man in the mirror was slightly surprised and said openly.

"It is the Dragon Palace, a newly emerging power. They killed seven of our elders and millions of disciples. We are not their opponents. Now we have rushed over to us and asked the Emperor to help us."

The aging ancestors of the world are embarrassed.

"Dragon Palace? The power of the goddess of the frost goddess? Are they so strong?"

The imperial guard in the mirror was slightly surprised.

The power of the Dragon Palace, he knows that the master of the goddess of the devil on the island of Devil seems to have a deep relationship with the contemporary emperor of their court.

"Yes, that is the dragon king, the emperor protects the law, can you..."

Tianya ancestors nodded immediately.

"Now the war in the Imperial Court has broken out. I can't manage it for a while."

The emperor’s law showed a meditation on his face and said slightly.

"The Emperor protects the law, we have done a lot of things for you and the court for the court. Now we are in crisis and begged the emperor to help us."

When the ancestors of the world heard his words, they asked me again.

"At the moment, we can't leave the people here. So, you will come to us on the side of the world and build merits for the emperor. I will arrange a place for you."

"Everything, wait for the end of the abyss war, and in addition, I will make the court to issue a notice. During the all-out war of the Imperial Star, it is forbidden to fight in any power, and the offenders will kill innocent!"

The Emperor’s protection method said faintly.


Two Tianya ancestors opened their mouths and their faces changed.

"The Nether Kingdom on the night of the cold island is about to open. I will give you two places by then. If you can get a big chance, I will respect you."

At this time, the Emperor protects the law and looks at them.

"Do you want to open the Nether Kingdom on the cold island?"

Two of the ancestors of Tianya University had flashed a glare in their eyes, and the two looked at each other.

"Thank you for your protection!"

The two men arched their hands and thanked them.

"Oh, I am waiting for you at the junction of the Imperial Court and the Cold Island."

Emperor guardian said with a smile, followed by the disappearance of the picture.

"We have done so many things for the emperor. Now we are in danger and they are not willing to take the shot."

The picture disappeared, and a ancestor of the End of the World shook his head slightly.

"The Dragon Palace is not simple. Forget it, the Emperor's Law can give us two places. It's not bad. If we can get a big chance, everything is worth it."

“Although it is illusory, it is a frontline opportunity for us.”

The two talked, and once again, they disappeared and returned to the hall of the world.

“All the disciples packed up and went to the junction of the Imperial Court and the night island.”

The two returned and immediately announced.

"Once, we... are we leaving to flee here?"

All the disciples of Tianya heard this sentence, and the body trembled, and his face was extremely ugly.

They have a great education in the center of the Devil Island for hundreds of millions of years. Now they flee, and everyone is very unwilling.

"We are not the opponents of the Dragon Palace. We reach the junction of the Imperial Court and the Cold Night Island. We have the royal court shelter, today's revenge, one day we can report!"

An eye-catching ancestor is full of murderous whispers.

"Yes, ancestors!"

The rest of the disciples nodded heavily and then immediately went out to prepare.

I have to escape from here.

On the following day, the entire demon island shook.

The thunder of the Dragon Palace has not yet spread. When everyone saw that all the strong and disciples of the End of the World moved away from the center of the Imperial Star, it caused an uproar.

Soon, the Dragon Palace reinvented the world's great education, and the news that it will occupy the field of the world's great education is also spreading at a horrible speed.

After all the people on the Devil Island got the news, the faces were full of shock.

Tianya University is one of the strongest forces on their demon islands. No one dares to provoke it. Now it is forced to escape by the Dragon Palace.

This makes everyone feel a little unbelievable.

In the brain, everyone in the demon island area talked about it, and what happened in the east of the abyss was quickly known to everyone.

For the strength of the Dragon Palace, everyone is shocked.

And one day later, the Emperor suddenly made a full-scale announcement on the brain.

The invasion of the abyss, the war of race is open, and any force of humanity is forbidden to fight, otherwise it will kill all innocents!

A very brief notice that everyone in the entire territory can see.

(End of this chapter)

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