Chapter 2706 Parasitic venom

"Wang Xian, the two in front are Tianjian Wang, one is a one-armed knife."

A group of people walked toward the central position, and the emperor star saw two figures in the central position and said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian looked at him and saw an old man and a single-armed middle-aged.

The old man looks ordinary, without the slightest momentum, and the power is restrained.

The other middle-aged one, with one arm in his middle-aged arm, stood there with a blank expression, and there was a suffocation on his body.

The strong man in such a realm wants to restore the broken arm easily, and does not understand why he did not recover.

"They were invited by our court and the night race."

The emperor star whispered.

Wang Xian nodded slightly at the side, so strong, no invitation, no temptation, it is impossible to come.


At this time, a sister of the next emperor star stopped and said to them.

They stopped, and the former emperor waved his arm and a message hovered beside them.

The ranks of the seven emperors of the Imperial Court, the strongest ones are immortal, the fighting power of the gods is eight orders, the seventh-order combat power is eight, and the sixth-order combat power is fifteen... Now recruiting heroes, strong players can cooperate.

A slightly vulgar message is suspended, but the rest is the same.

Show the strength of your team and attract some strong players to join.

Wang Xian sweeps around, and can also see a team composed of a strong emperor in such a way to recruit his men and partners.

The emperor star women and their team are relatively strong.

The seven emperors represent the strongest women of the seven emperors.

Their arrival has attracted the attention of many people.

"Star girl, let Lili they are here, we go around and look for some strong people to invite them to join."

An emperor said to the emperor star.

"it is good."

The emperor star nodded, and some of them waited for some strong people to come here, and they took the initiative to recruit some.

Wang Xian followed and looked around.

From the various strong people in the Imperial Star field, Wang Xian opened his eyes.

"You are interested in joining our team."

Soon, the Emperor Star women found a goal, five people, exuding the power of the immortal king level, all in the fifth and sixth steps.

Seeing these five people, the emperor star and the emperor greeted and opened the door.

Wang Xian glanced at it and continued to look around.

"Hey? What is that?"

At this time, Wang Xian was attracted by a group of demon, these creatures should be regarded as the demon.

The reason why it should be used is because the group of demons is too strange.

The whole body's black skin, human shape, blood red eyes, has a row of white giant teeth, and the entire mouth occupies half of the head.

The size of three or four meters is not very large.

Their bodies are like liquids.

What attracts them most is that they have a breath of breath, and the space around them seems to be corroded.

"This is a venom, a very special race, living in a poisonous sea. I didn't expect this race to come."

"This venom is also a special race in the stellar domain. The liquid in them is a toxin. According to the number of toxins, they can judge their strength. The more toxins they absorb, the stronger their strength."

"However, the venom of this creature does not seem to be too strong."

There was a voice of conversation next to each other.

"Poison? Aquatic?"

Wang Xian picked up his eyebrows and was full of curiosity about this aquarium.


Suddenly, Wang Xian’s eyes fell behind the venom.

There are more than 50 venoms, and in the final position, there is a smaller body.

His body size is only the size of an ordinary human being, less than two meters, but the body is more dark and exudes a corrosive taste.

The smell on his body was a little unpleasant, and he was five meters away from the rest of the venom. Every time he took a step, he left a trace of traces of corrosion.

The attraction of Wang Xian is the position on his chest. There is a strange thing on his chest. Unlike other venoms, other venoms are not unique in front of him, and his chest has a body that resembles the tail of the insect.

This is like the body of the tail of the insect, which grows abruptly on his chest and looks very strange.

But the half-tailed body gave Wang Xian a very familiar feeling and even had a strong appeal.

This made his eyes sparkle.

"The joy of the accident."

He raised his eyebrows and walked straight toward the group of venoms.


Just as Wang Xian walked toward the venom, a young man stared at the Emperor star while not far away, and saw Wang Xian walking toward a group of venoms.

"I haven't found his information yet?"

Young Night Emperor frowned, asked a middle-aged voice next to him.

"The Lord, I haven't found it yet, he should not be the person of the court, we...."


The middle-aged said, the night queen was interrupted directly, and his face was cold.

"He wants to recruit the venom group?"

The Night Emperor saw Wang Xian walking to the front of a group of venoms and slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Less master, the venom is too toxic to the race, and it will hurt the companion in battle. Generally, there will be no strong people willing to fight alongside them."

Said the middle-aged side.

"Go, we are."

His mouth tilted slightly, and he glanced at the Emperor star and turned to the venom.


"You are."

In front of a group of venoms, Wang Xian stepped forward and his eyes shifted from the special venom, looking at the leading venom leader.

"Well? You are a disciple of the Imperial Court? If you want to recruit us, please call the strong of your court."

The venom leader saw Wang Xian walk in front of them, and the opening said very directly.

"I am not a disciple of the court."

Wang Xian shook his head and waved his arm. An energy swayed the black liquid on his body.

The face of the venom leader changed slightly, and the eyes showed taboo.

"This adult, I don't know if you are?"

The venom leader immediately asked with respect and respect.

"Call you."

Wang Xian looked at them and swept through the special venom of the last party and said directly.


The leader of the venom is slightly stunned.

"Our night people also want to recruit toxic liquids."

Just then, a voice came from the side.

Wang Xian picked up his eyebrows and looked at it. When he saw the youth, his face showed a smile.

"Night family."

The venom leader was slightly surprised, and his eyes looked at the night emperor.

"We are less honoured by the Lord, and it is your honor to be able to recruit you."

A middle-aged person behind the night of the Queen said faintly.

Standing in front of the night, the little emperor raised his head slightly, his face with a trace of pride.

(End of this chapter)

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