Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2716: Layout on the horizon

Chapter 2716 Layout on the horizon

"Two... two big brothers, we, we want to kill all the other abyss."

In the abyss, a group of more than 800,000 abyss species, parasitic on the eight-order abyss of the immortal god, nine poisons around several abyss species, his eyes wide open, his eyes glance around, some stunned Said.

Around him, there are five immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss, and there is an immortal king of the nine-order abyss.

These six are naturally their own people, and the gossip enchanted them.

Near their location, there are about 2,000 abyss species, which is also a member of their own, the Department of Drug Production.

But around 800,000 abyss species are not their own.

This is a true abyss.

At this moment, the poison nine is a little panic, and he feels like a siberian husky in the wolves.

"It's calm and calm, these are our men, obedient babies, when they help us find the next goal, send them a ride."

The gossip of the gossip is there, the huge head scans around, a pleasant meaning.


The poison nodded nine o'clock.

"Small nine, you have to grow up, wait a while, you will lead some abyss to search nearby, find a good target, we will continue."

"Can we ascend to the end of the immortal king of God, but it depends on our struggle this time."

A konjac said to him.

"It's two big brothers, I know."

The poisonous nine heavy nodded.

He has been able to anticipate that after half a month the Dragon King will help him to ascend to the immortal king of the ninth order, and as long as they gain more, he can even ascend to the immortal king of the king.

This is the peak of the king of God, the peak of the world under the Emperor.

A few minutes later, the poisonous nine and other members of the drug-making department led the abyss to begin to investigate the situation.

A few hours later, they found a goal, so the more than 800,000 abyss species were miserable.

After killing, they continued to hunt and spread the wretched stream to the extreme.

Time passes by, and the agreed time of half a month is coming soon.

"Hey, this time the harvest is a qualitative improvement, Xiaojiu, contact the Dragon King."

After half a month, the sound of the gossip sounded.

"Good gossip brother."

The poison nine immediately nodded and took out the communication stone plate to start contacting.

At the same time, in an uninhabited place in the abyss, Wang Xian took out the communication stone plate and looked at the information in the communication stone plate with a smile.

He saw poison nine and their position, exited the abyss, and immediately flew towards the center.

Before the entrance to the abyss where they were close to the gossip, Wang Xian sent them to explore the surroundings.

After confirming the location, Wang Xian sent them a message.

Soon, the poison nine and the konjac flew over.

"See the Dragon King."

The two met Wang Xian and immediately respectfully bowed.

"How is the harvest?"

Wang Xian asked.

"Dragon King, we have a great harvest this time. The immortal king of the nine-order abyss has three species, and the eighth-order has reached twenty-five."

"The remaining three thousand of the immortal kings, the average of two million or so."

The konjac opened his mouth and said excitedly.

"Well? Harvest so much?"

Wang Xian heard his words and his face looked surprised.

"The main thing is that the gossip and the konjac brother are too powerful."

The poisonous nine on the side couldn’t help but say.

"Well, I will go to the Imperial Court to replace the abyss of the immortal king level."

"The rest of the ordinary abyss corpses gave me, and there are eight thousand venom dragons in the Dragon Palace."

Wang Xian smiled and said to them.

"It is the Dragon King."

The konjac and the poison nodded at nine o'clock and immediately flew in the direction of the court.

"How long will it take, the strength of the drug-making department will be able to make a radical change."

Wang Xiankou muttered, his eyes sparkling.

For the first time, five immortal kings of the eighth-order abyss were added. This time, twenty-five and three immortal kings of the abyss can be added.

This is an increase in speed and terror.

Before long, the strength of the drug-making department will be the strongest among the departments of the Dragon Palace.


"Old ancestors, according to the news, there is an abyssal ethnic group here. If we hunted, we can get a lot of merits and exchange treasures."

Located in the location not far from Wang Xian, about 5,000 people flew over here.

The two old men who are headed exude a powerful power, and their eyes are like a torch. They are definitely not ordinary strong.

"This time the war was very tragic. Yesterday the night family fell two immortal gods and nine powerful powerhouses."

"Wait for all of you to be careful."

The old man who is headed reminded.

"It is an ancestor."

The rest of the people nodded.

"Hey, ancest, you look at the person in front, it seems to be..."

Just then, an old man next to him suddenly pointed to the front, his face whispered in a whisper.


The rest of the people looked at them and their faces immediately sank.

"It is the Dragon King!"

The two old men who led the head shot the horrible killing.

It is the Dragon King!

The Dragon King, who forced them to flee the island of the demon and force them away from their roots.

Nearly 20,000 immortal gods of the End of the World have fallen into the hands of the Dragon Palace.

They also took away the treasures of the town’s treasures.

The hatred of the end of the world is not shared with the Dragon Palace.

For a moment, there was a violent murderousness in the body of the End of the World, and the eyes stared at Wang Xian in front.

"Old ancestors, that's the Dragon King, they are five, we want to..."

A strong man of the End of the World strongly suppressed the killing in his heart and whispered.

"Go, we are."

"Even if you can't kill him, you have to go to the Dragon King."

The two Tianya ancestors did not hesitate to fly directly to the front position.

The last time they lost to the Dragon Palace, everything was due to the powerful Dragon Peak, the three thorny monsters.

This time, Longfeng is not here, the Dragon Palace has five dragons and they are afraid of them?

Even if this time can not report the enemy, let the Dragon King know that they offend their end.


Just as they flew over, Wang Xian, who stood in front of the abyss, was already sensing.

He saw his eyes on the people of the world, and he narrowed his eyes.

"Dragon King!"

Looking at the sword, the eyes showed a cold look.

With a wave of his arm, the moment of the moment appeared at his feet.

Next to him, a dragon guard and a mad dragon species immediately landed in the position of the front of the celestial ruler.

"Well? It's our end of the world."

"Damn, that is our treasure of the town."

Opposite position, everyone at the end of the world saw Wang Xian's underworld ruler under his body, his face showing an angry look.

(End of this chapter)

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