Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2897: Power of the Dragon Palace 3

Chapter 2897 The Might of Dragon Palace 3

The glazed domain is also known as the largest human domain.

It is also the strongest domain among human beings.

There are more than thirty emperors in Liuliyu.

The most powerful force in Liuli Realm, Liuli, has more than 20 emperors.

Bright and brilliant!

It is the best description of Liuliyu.

The strength of the glazed domain is related to the two major domains adjacent to them.

One is the Phantom Realm and the other is the Emperor Realm.

It is not human beings that live in the phantom realm, but phantoms and demons.

The robot emperor is a robot.

These two domains are enemies to human beings, and Liuli Realm often conflicts with them.

In battle, the stronger can be stronger.

Based on the history of the glazed sphere, combined with continuous battles, the glazed sphere is very strong.

"Huh? The news is true? Does Dragon Palace really have a pure breed of Fengshen dragon?"

Located in the center of the glass field, the strongest force is also called the number one glass with bright stars.

In a large hall, several old men sat inside.

An old man asked in amazement.

"The news is true. There are pictures. Even if it is not a pure blood dragon, it is definitely a powerful dragon species with unlimited potential."

Beside, a middle-aged responded.

"Shenlong, I didn't expect Shenlong in our area."

An old man sighed slightly.

"How about that dragon palace?"

The old man in the center asked with flashing eyes.

"According to what we have learned, the Dragon King of Dragon Palace basically does nothing, and his woman is in the management field."

"Generally speaking, it is Mingjun, and now Emperor Star Realm is very peaceful, and the people want it."

Middle-aged continue to report.

"That's okay, there can be no more evil princes, it will be good if the witch is destroyed!"

The old men nodded slightly.

"Our ancestor, is there any trouble over Lu Meiyu?"

The middle-aged man frowned forward, asked.

"Some of the enchanted demons who are called out are back!"

The old man in the center said solemnly.

"What! They are all back? Why are all the demons called out!"

The middle-aged was a little surprised, exclaimed.

Several old men shook their heads, their faces were also very dignified.


The Emperor Realm.

"Master, we are connected to the brains of Emperor Xingyu with technology, and we have found pictures of Shenlong. According to analysis, there are seven or eighty-three percent of the nine dragons are pure breeding Fengshen dragons."

In the highly-developed area of ​​science and technology, various spaceships shuttle around a metal planet.

Located in the center of the planet, a golden-colored figure sits high on the throne.

In front, a dozen robots with silver body and wings were kneeling forward, respectfully reporting.

"I already know, you back down!"

A golden voice heard a mechanical sound without the slightest emotion.

He is the creator of Jihuangyu, the master of all robots.

Robots have their own wisdom and powerful creativity.

But they do not have the ability to reproduce. The birth of robots depends on energy and metals.

And all the born robots obeyed the creator's orders 100%. The creator could kill a robot with one thought.

"Shenlong, that is the race at the peak of the universe. I really want to get a Shenlong for research. Unfortunately, that dragon palace has become the climate."

Messages flashed in the eyes of the golden figure pupils, sitting on the throne, his mouth murmured.


"Roar roar!"

In the dark starry sky, countless various creeping monsters roared in the void and made a roar.

In this deep void, there are countless scary magic caves, and each one is bottomless.

These magic caves seem to lead to another world.

This is the Yumei domain.

If Wang Xian came here, he would be able to recognize these creatures.


At this moment, a large number of demons are flying out of the magic caves, which are located in the center of the magical realm.

Their bodies are full of **** breath, and I don't know how many souls have been hunted.


Outside shock, Wang Xian didn't know.

After more than a month, things in Tianwu domain were basically dealt with.

After he established the Dragon Palace on some of the key planets in the Tianwu domain, he was completely busy.

The members of the Dragon Palace who have been busy for a month have basically returned.

Today, in the Dragon King Hall of the Dragon Palace, I, Wang Xianda set up a banquet, can also be considered to celebrate the victory of this battle.

Also to celebrate, Tianwu Domain was in control.

"Dragon King, Heavenly Witch Domain has basically been stabilized, and then our Dragon Palace members can be greatly improved!"

The Prime Minister Turtle sits on the right side, beside him, he is the leader of the dragon palace.

"Well, all of them will enter Hualongchi to improve their strength."

"You worked hard this time!"

Wang Xian nodded, raised his glass with a smile, and motioned towards them.

"Serving the Dragon King and serving the Dragon Palace is what our courtiers should do."

The leaders of the dragon palaces answered with delighted faces.

"Lao Wang, we worked hard for several years to shut down, but it turned out that we might as well enter Hualongchi to improve. No, we have to hurry up to improve our strength, and then go out to play. We have never gone out to the bright stars.

On the left, a group of girls are sitting there.

Huaer Caier They have been retreating since they came here, and now they have the power of the eighth step of the Lord.

However, the eighth step of the Lord of God, they belong to the weakest in the Dragon Palace.

"Okay, this time you enter the Hualongchi and rise to the top of the **** king."

Wang Xian smiled and glanced over them.

His younger sister Xiaoyu and her brother-in-law are very windy, a group of girls, Huaer Caier, apprentices Xiao Ran and Bei Shuang.

Only Lingxiu is not here.

He also sent Tian Zhen to find them for a long time, but could not find them.

As long as you find Lingxiu, everything is complete.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors.

After dinner with the leaders of the Dragon Palace, and chatting with a group of girls, Wang Xian came to Hualongchi.

At the moment inside the Dragon Pool, it was already flooded with dragon blood.

The dazzling dragon blood exudes vast energy.

A famous Dragon Palace disciple is located inside to enhance his strength.

The sky array also sat in the center, while absorbing dragon blood while watching various secrets about witches from the Treasury of Chengwuhui.

The energy of the wizard's body is enough to restore him to the peak and surpass himself during the peak.

The Dragon Witch has a high online level, and now he can only fight two levels higher. When he masters more arrays and masters witch skills, he can fight three levels higher.

This possibility is very high according to the sky array.

According to his own guess, this time he might reach a new height.

"It's time to improve myself. The resources in my hand are enough!"

Wang Xian looked at the treasure in the space ring and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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