Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2938: Treasures of the Weapon Realm 4

Chapter 2938 Treasures of the Emperor Realm 4

"Master, isn't the Fengshui of this glazed domain really good, isn't the glazed domain the biggest one? Isn't their strength able to easily destroy the Phantom Realm? How is this happening?"

On the battle platform, the invincible face of warfare embarrassed and asked the Emperor of Sheung Shui beside him.

At this moment, the God of Shangshui's eyebrows frowned, and his face was full of dignity. He looked at the invincible warfare and did not mind scolding him.

"According to the investigation conducted by Liuli, there has been a huge change in Lumei Realm. Now Lumei Realm is very dangerous. Our scouts in Liuli Real did not dare to continue to investigate!"

He said in a deep voice, his face changing slightly.

Staring gloomily forward.

In the empty space in front, there is a huge magic cave, and roaring sounds are heard from time to time inside the cave.

That demon cave is the third-tier demon's nest of the Void Emperor.

The giant magic cave stood in the void, and the strong men in their glazed domain did not dare to break in.

Who would have thought that such a terrible change would take place in the Puppet Realm, and that such a terrible existence would invade them in the glazed realm.

"Master, this glazed realm is too dangerous. It also said that you want to invade the phantom realm. Now even the demons in the glazed realm have not been killed. If there is another powerful demon flying out of the phantom realm, would it not be another brutal war Master, I think we better leave here! "

Invincible warfare whispered to his master.

The Emperor of Sheung Shui looked at him and said nothing.


At this time, there was a sound from the position next to him.


The Emperor of Shangshui nodded.

"At the time of the disaster!"

The elder Tai Shang came to the Emperor of Sheung Shui beside them and sighed slightly.

"Yeah, who can think of this situation!"

The Emperor Shangshui sighed slightly, and the magic cave that suddenly appeared in front of him disrupted all their plans.

"Now that the demons are hiding in the magic cave, we have no good way to dare to rush in."

The elder Taishang frowned slightly, groaned, looked at the invincible warfare and said, "Invincible, have you contacted the Dragon King recently?"

"Huh? Contacted, but not contacted, Dragon Palace should be raging on the Imperial Realm now!"

Warfare invincible said with a smile.

"It has been more than three months since the Dragon Palace conquered the Emperor's Realm. If there is a strong suppression power, the Dragon Palace should be able to come back at this time, but not yet?"

Elder Tai Shang said, frowning slightly.

"With the strength of Dragon Palace, there will be no problems. Boss Wang is very strong!"

The invincible method of war did not think of a direct response.

"If the Dragon Palace can come back, we can also ask the Dragon King to help them."

The elder Taishang said slightly, looking at the magic cave in front, a hint of worry appeared on his face.

Things are moving in a direction beyond their control.

Time passed again every day.

On the side of Liuli Realm, a huge magic cave stands in the void, and all the powerful and generals in Liuli Realm have no way to take it.

"Roar roar!"

Ten days later, a terrifying roar was made behind the huge magic cave and inside the seductive realm.

Under the shocking eyes of everyone in Liuli Realm, there were three huge and huge magical caves flying out of Yumei Realm.

Along with it, there are countless horrible demons.

Headed by the third-order existence of Emperor Void.


"This guy is just too vigilant, the reconnaissance fighter searched three times."

"It's been more than a month!"

What happened to Liuli Realm was unknown to Wang Xian. At this time, Wang Xian followed the creator for a total of more than three months.

For more than three months, let Wang Xian see what is vigilant and what is foolproof.

If it hadn't been for his ability to hide, I'm afraid he would have been found.

Once he was found, Wang Xian was certain that the creator would abandon the mechanical heart and transfer his information directly.

The reason why he avoided such a vigilant evasion in the void for more than three months also represented that the mechanical heart had a great effect on him.

Staring at the mechanical heart ahead, Wang Xian was going to consume it with him.

"Surveyed trillions of kilometers, and there is no trace of being traced. Now I can safely go back!"

"Dragon King, you made my creator so embarrassed. One day, I will make your dragon palace pay!"

At this moment, the voice of the creator in front yelled a bit harshly, and he controlled the mechanical heart to fly quickly in one direction.

"Huh? The speed has accelerated, and I rushed directly in one direction. Is it going to my hidden base?"

Wang Xian looked happy, and followed carefully.

Soon, a more chaotic area appeared in front of him.

Meteorites were scattered throughout the void, entering the chaos.

There are barren planets and continental plates.

At the center, there is a huge forest.

This is a very special forest. There is nothing in it.

The creator flew towards the forest. After flying for half an hour, Wang Xian saw him drill into the soil of the forest.

"It seems to be here!"

Wang Xian was so happy that she immediately followed the position behind her, and the eyes of the yin, yang and five elements penetrated the soil, staring at the creator.

"Well, there is such a secret resistance in a void crack in the soil of this forest. It would never have been possible to find it unless it had been followed by itself."

Wang Xian murmured, and moved slightly where the Creator disappeared.


A void gap appeared in front of him, and Wang Xian entered directly.

At the same time, he waved his arm and released the sky array from the mother's nest.

"this is?"

After the sky array came out, he looked around with a shocked expression on his face.

"I didn't expect this creator to have such a backseat!"

Wang Xian looked at the position below with some shock, some shocked.

Located below, is a special world, with huge machinery factories standing in this void gap.

Centrally, it is a metal castle.

Around the castle, five huge incomparable armors were suspended.

The sea of ​​machinery, the world of machinery.

"Fortunately, my creator has left me a trail, waiting for my revenge!"

At the center of the castle, the creator's mechanical heart flew into the central hall. He looked at a steel body three meters in size sitting on the throne in front of him, his heart beating with excitement.

"With my second body, if there is only one energy driving the body, the Emperor's Realm will have two gods with a third-order existence, and I would have destroyed the Glazed Realm a long time ago!"

"Damn, one day, I will destroy Liuliyu and Dragon Palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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