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"There are rules of the curse village in front of us, we must obey this rule here, otherwise we will be attacked by our curse village."

The old lady said to Wang Xian, and slowly walked out.

Wang Xian looked at him and looked forward.

Curse of the Village:

1: Fight is forbidden and show great might.

2: It is forbidden to make noise and disturb the curse village.

3: It is forbidden to ask the villagers of Zhouling Village anything.

Three rules, each rule looks very strong.

But no one dared not to comply.

The cursed people of Curing Village, the horror is not just their cursing.

There is also a very terrifying thing, that is karma!

The so-called karma is, for example, if someone expels a wild beast or orders his own pet to kill these cursed people.

Then the messenger will also be cursed.

Even, if a large number of people who are cursed are killed, they may be involved in other parts of their blood.

For example, a strong man of a race kills a cursed person. This strong man may be killed by a curse. The descendants of this strong man and relatives of the same lineage may all be destroyed.

The cursed cannot be killed.

However, this kind of person has no threat to Wang Xian.

His eyes swept around, Wang Xian's figure moved, and he flew directly into the air to take out the map of Tianfu.

Looking at the information on the map, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

On this map, there is also the existence of Curing Village.

It seems that this village has a long history.

"That direction, but the Tianfu map of the hole is too blurry, so blurry that it only has a rough range."

Wang Xian murmured, his figure moved, and flew straight in that direction.

There are not many strong people of other races around, even Wang Xian did not see one.

The Horn of the Sea is very large, and those who can get here are strong.

Soon, Wang Xian came over the ocean.

There are seabirds and wild animals flying around, and some seabirds are also covered with black strange tattoos.

These seabirds are also cursed.

"Some of the cursed creatures are inherited from their parents, and some are due to other reasons. It seems that there are strange places here."

Wang Xian murmured in his mouth, his face showing vigilance.

He did not provoke these seabirds, and the seabirds naturally dared not attack him.

Wang Xian did not fly above, but entered the ocean.

Shenlong belongs to the ocean!

Entering the ocean, Wang Xian immediately sensed the surroundings, and there was a strong presence of aquatic creatures.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, ignored it, and continued to fly towards the front.

Roaming in the horn of the sea, Wang Xian flew towards the depths, and soon he sensed the growth of some cosmic venerable seaweeds, sea trees and other creatures underneath.

Wang Xian did not take it away, and continued to fly towards the depths.

Some first-order and second-order treasures of the Lord of the Universe are not worth his shot.

According to the information on the map, after two days, Wang Xian came to the location of that area.

And on this day's journey, he also encountered many wild beasts.

It has the strength of a wild beast, and also possesses the combat power of the Sixth or Seventh Order of the Universe Lord.

Encountered this wild beast, Wang Xian directly beheaded.

"Reached this area."

When Wang Xian shuttled across the seabed, he suddenly sensed a huge change in the seabed ahead.

The azure water turned black, like ink black, and some strange sea peaks appeared in the deep seabed.

Wang Xian glanced at the area in front of him, and there was also a curious look in his eyes.

Will there be a blessing in this area?

However, the map given to him by the Shenze Race Patriarch is indeed amazing, and cannot be destroyed by his strength.

The ability to make such a map is absolutely terrifying, and the credibility here is not small.

He entered this area and continued to fly forward.

When he entered here, he suddenly found something strange around him.

"There are no living beings and no treasures. There are only these mountains on the bottom of the sea."

Wang Xian murmured in his mouth, his eyes showing a vigilant look.

Because the Horn of the Sea is a sea belonging to the land of mountains and seas, it is normal to have a dominant level of existence.

So he must be careful.

Continue to fly inside, when he flew again one day, narrowed his eyes and stared forward.

On this day's flight, Wang Xian saw no one in this area.

At this moment, he sensed a special energy wave ahead.

As a group of Shenlong, Wang Xian's sensitivity on the seabed is very strong.

He hesitated for a moment, and flew towards his front to hide his figure.

After flying for a minute, he suddenly saw a figure.

There are many silhouettes, and there are millions of them. They stand in front of a submarine basin.

Inside the basin, there was a strange and incomparable amount of energy, which made Wang Xian feel terrified.

"What is the energy of that basin? It feels weird, and what are the silhouettes doing?"

Wang Xian murmured in his mouth, a look of surprise in his eyes.

He concealed his figure and slowly moved closer to the front.

The millions of figures belonged to humans, and they were at the forefront. There were thousands of cursed people with dark tattoos on their tops.

They spoke strange words in their mouths, waved their hands, and the millions of figures around them immediately flew towards the basin.


For a moment, the sound of screaming came, and the dark energy in the basin rushed towards them, and their faces began to distort and start to hide.

The tragic cry was endless.

Someone began to die quickly and collapse.

But there were no slight fluctuations in the faces of the thousands of people who were cursed at the edge.

A minute and a second passed, and after a few hours, dozens of figures crawled out of the basin.

At the moment, they were covered with dark tattoos.

They turned into cursed people.


Wang Xian was very surprised to see this scene.

"They are deliberately turned into curses, millions of people, only dozens of people have not died, this..."

Wang Xian's face changed slightly, and this scene in front of him definitely had a strong racial force behind him.

Otherwise, it will not take the lives of millions of people in exchange for dozens of cursed people.

He pondered for a while, continued to watch for a few hours, and then flew straight ahead.

The basin should be a pool of curses that naturally formed on the open continent. When you enter it, you will be attacked by the curse.

Survive and become a cursed person, but this chance is very small.

Wang Xian did not continue to explore, and continued to fly toward the front.

According to the information of the map of Tianfu in that hole, that powerful place should be still deep.

Continue to fly towards the depths, one day later, he flew out of this dead area.

The seabed scene ahead suddenly changed dramatically.

An extremely beautiful seabed appeared in sight.


Suddenly, Wang Xian sensed the map in the mother's nest and shivered suddenly.

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