The sword and magic universe is full of the power of space.

Those who practice here, the kind of spatial fluctuations are more obvious than those in the Void Tower.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there is less space energy in the Void Tower.

Wang Xian landed on the ground. This is a desert, and there is endless sand in front of him.

As far as the eye can see, there are no living creatures.

At the end of the universe, there are generally very few creatures living.

Because of the influence of the chaotic space, there will not be many resources here.

Wang Xian looked around, flew into the air, and flew towards the position in front.

Today, Wang Xian's strength is below Tianyuan Good Fortune, and there are not many people who can be stronger than him.

Flying at full speed, his speed is terrifying!

An Lie didn't follow, but went straight back to the Dragon Palace!

Frightening flying speed, fast shuttle.

Wang Xian flew for a full month before meeting the creatures here.

A terrifying giant centipede living in the desert, a centipede with a size of a kilometer, exuding a terrifying aura.

But this terrifying aura is much, much weaker for Wang Xian.

It's just the existence of the level of the eternal god.

This kind of strength is not bad in Jiuyuan Universe.

After all, this place is very remote, and it is rare for such a powerful creature to exist.

Wang Xian's mind moved, and the body of the space dragon flew out, and instantly came to the sky above the giant centipede.

"Space, cut!"

Wang Xian appeared above the giant centipede, and with a wave of his arm, a spatial slash instantly landed on the giant centipede's body.

The terrifying tearing power immediately left a long trace on the giant centipede.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

This giant centipede felt the pain, sensed Wang Xian, and immediately attacked him!


When Wang Xian saw it, his figure moved, and he teleported away immediately!

The giant centipede's claw attack failed, and it opened its mouth angrily, and a torrent of water rushed towards Wang Xian's teleportation direction.

That terrifying coverage area almost blocked all of Wang Xian's routes.



Wang Xian hurriedly continued to teleport away from the giant centipede's attack range.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

The giant centipede let out a roar full of unwillingness, and stared at Wang Xian with blood-red eyes.

The strength of this giant centipede is around the seventh level of the Eternal God Lord, while Wang Xian's strength is only the fourth level of the Eternal God Lord. Even so, as long as Wang Xian wants to escape, he can escape easily.

This is the power of space cultivators.

"However, space cultivators also have a disadvantage, that is, there is nothing they can do when they encounter such a strong defense force."

Wang Xian said.

Defensive power is the only restraint for space powerhouses.

It can't be said to be restraint, and opponents with strong defenses can't do anything against the strong ones with space attributes.

For all attributes, space is king, this is not just a casual talk!

Of course, this kind of statement needs to exclude those combined attributes, such as light and darkness, and the power of powerful attribute fusion of the five elements.


Wang Xian's body flew towards the giant centipede, and instantly landed in the sky above him, performing the power of soul-stirring!

Facing Wang Xian, this giant centipede had no power to resist.

A stream of information appeared in Wang Xian's mind, giving Wang Xian a little understanding of this universe!

This giant centipede has no intelligence, and is called an eternal monster!

The so-called Warcraft is the kind of creature full of magic.

They are brutal and irrational.

From the chaotic memory of this eternal monster, Wang Xian learned a piece of information, a piece of information about the Magic Kingdom!

The so-called magic country is the information of a country.

A human country that is not too far away from here!

According to the information obtained, Wang Xian immediately flew towards the magic country.

After flying in the air for half a month, Wang Xian found a huge human gathering place in sight.

This is a magical kingdom built on a desert oasis.

A completely different type of architectural style from Jiuyuan Universe.

Magic towers with a height of hundreds of thousands of meters stand on the ground, and the magic steps emit light, reflecting the entire field!

There are more than a dozen magic towers, presenting a special formation.

Wang Xianlong glanced around, and found that the strongest in the entire magical kingdom was no more than the level of the Eternal God Lord!

This made him not very interested, locking the strongest aura in this magic kingdom!


Wang Xian flew over at a terrifying speed, and none of the strong men felt it!


In the next second, on a magic tower in the center of the magic kingdom.

On the top of the tower, an old man sat cross-legged and practiced there.

Even if Wang Xian was standing three meters away from him, he didn't sense it.

There is still a world of difference between him and Wang Xian!


With a wave of Wang Xian's arm, a wave of energy poured into the old man's body.

It is very simple for Wang Xian to use the power of soul-hunting for the strong of the Eternal God Lord level.

Even he was able to do it. After taking his soul, the old man didn't have any abnormalities, and he didn't feel the slightest.

It will not hurt its soul!

A stream of information entered Wang Xian's mind, giving him a little understanding of this universe!

The continent of sword and magic, this is what the creatures of this universe call their own universe.

It is no problem to be called the mainland!

On this continent, there are countless magical countries, some of which were established by strong people, and some were established by powerful forces.

The big magic kingdom has trillions of people, and the small one has billions, and the area of ​​the territory is different!

In addition to the forces of the Magic Kingdom, there are other forces.

Among them, those top forces are honored as Holy Land, Forbidden Land, and Holy Court!

The Holy Land and the Forbidden Land are all occupied by strong men with endless years, shaking the sky and shaking the earth!

The continent of sword and magic is extremely vast, and Wang Xian only knows a small part of the information he obtained from the old man's mind.

This information does not even come into contact with the existence of the holy courtyard, the forbidden place of the holy land.

All I know is that this is the existence that the eternal God Lord yearns for.

In addition, he obtained some useful information from the old man's memory.

That is, the space attribute has a great advantage in this continent, and the powerful and talented practitioners of the space attribute are the objects of competition among the major forces.

Practitioners of the space attribute generally follow the path of sword cultivation.

Because the space attribute cooperates with close combat, it will be more powerful.

Here, the realm name of a practitioner is similar to that of Jiuyuan Universe.

This old man is a ninth-level existence of an eternal mage.

Majoring in soil properties!

A sword cultivator in this realm is called the Eternal Sword Master!

The realm above is Immortal Sword King, Immortal Dharma King!

In terms of title, it is very similar to Jiuyuan Universe!

But the attack method is slightly different!

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