
Tianci leaned through the crack of the door, looked at Wang Xian, and shouted with a smile on his face.

"come in!"

Wang Xian looked at this little guy with a smile on his face.

He checked the time.

This is the tenth day of Tianci's birth.

In the past ten days, his body has not changed at all, it is still seventy to eighty centimeters tall and chubby.

Hearing Wang Xian's words, he immediately ran over with a smile on his face!

"Uncle, I feel the most comfortable being with you. Mom keeps teaching me how to read!"

Tianci came over, sat directly beside him, hugged Wang Xian's arm, and said!

"Hehe, your mother is also doing it for your own good."

Wang Xian touched his head with a smile, and a wave of energy entered his body.

In an instant, the ancestor tree in his body became restless.

In the palm of his hand, a branch fell into Tianci's body!

In Tianci's body, the wood-attribute Tianyuan Fortune Treasure is still in the form of a bud.

Feeling the breath of the ancestral tree, this bud seems to be very excited, and the branches are wrapped around it.

The energy of the same wood attribute, but with some different natures, is slowly blending together!

"Uncle, the breath on your body is so comfortable, even more comfortable than my mother, why don't you take me out to play?"

Tianci hugged Wang Xian and continued talking to him!

"Huh? You can go out, but we have to play at the door."

Wang Xian looked at him, said with a smile on his face

At the same time, he is also sensing the heavenly treasure in Tianci's body!

Because it is in the state of a bud, the characteristics of this treasure of heaven and earth have not yet been revealed!

He could sense that the ancestral tree was sending streams of pure wood-attribute energy towards the buds.

The ancestral tree didn't run directly with energy like the first time, it was feeding back the past and absorbing it back.

This is pure feedback!

Simply input energy into the buds.

That young shoot was obviously very excited, absorbing the energy of the ancestor tree.

The energy he can absorb is a drop in the bucket compared to the energy contained in the ancestor tree now!

The ancestral tree seems to be raising the bud!

Wang Xian didn't stop him. Ancestral Tree's behavior should have his own plan.

"The location by the door is not fun at all, and my mother won't let me go too far!"

Ten-day-old Tianci not only speaks clearly, but also has an IQ comparable to that of a five- or six-year-old child.

Although he was a little unhappy, he still dragged Wang Xian to the outside position.

"It's all rain, nothing fun!"

Wang Xian led him to the gate of the courtyard, Tianci looked around and shook his head.

Wang Xian glanced, this place belongs to a tribe, surrounded by such small courtyards.

Occasionally, some people could be seen looking towards this side, and when they saw Wang Xian, there was a curious look on their faces.

"Is not fun!"

Tianci looked up at Wang Xian, and continued, "Uncle, can you take me to play far away?"

"Without your mother's consent, no!"

Wang Xian shook his head, followed by a wave of his arm, and around them, branches appeared out of nowhere.

These branches quickly become a playground!

There are various toys and facilities for children to play in the tourist field.

"Wow, Uncle, what's this?"

Seeing the changes in front of him, Tianci exclaimed.

"This is a small ability, and you will do it in the future. Go ahead and play!"

Wang Xian smiled at him and said!

"Yeah, there's a tree shaking there, it looks so fun!"

After all, Tianci has never seen anything in the world, and there are not many newborn children with new minds.

He ran over excitedly and started playing.

Among other things, these toys made by Wang Xian are something that the Six Universes do not have!

These playgrounds are similar to the Earth Children's Paradise, even adults will feel a little curious when they see them!

As a child, naturally I couldn't resist it!

"Uncle, come here, come here and let's play together!"

Tianci shouted and waved towards Wang Xian!

"You kid, you just love to play, don't disturb your uncle!"

At this time, Tianci's mother, Mu Liyin'er, came out and said to Tianci!

With kind eyes on her face, she looked at this special away game, and then looked at Wang Xian.

"God-send this child didn't bother you?"

Mu Li Yin'er said!

"No, Tianci is very cute, not to mention, you are my saviors, this little thing is nothing."

Wang Xian shook his head towards Mu Li Yin'er, and said with a smile!

"Hehe, it's because you have a destiny with this child from God. Speaking of which, he is very close to you. When we first spoke, when we first learned something, he said he wanted to find his uncle."

As Mu Li Yin'er spoke, she felt a little helpless on her face.

She felt that her son seemed to like Wang Xian very much, and kept saying that he wanted to find his uncle.

When Wang Xian heard this, he smiled.

The reason why Tianci is close to him is because of the mutual attraction between the treasures of heaven and nature.

It is also the wood attribute, which can also be regarded as the origin!

"By the way, what's your name, is your injury better?"

Mu Li Yin'er looked at Wang Xian and asked!

"You can just call me Wang Xian. I'm still in good condition. I'm bothering you for a while. After a while, I will leave."

Wang Xian nodded and said with a smile.

"That's not what I meant. Godsend likes you so much. It would be better for you to stay here for a while. Let's talk about it after the injury is completely healed."

Mu Li Yin'er shook her head and explained!


Wang Xian nodded.

He also just said that he would not leave even if he was asked to leave.

From Tianci, Wang Xian had a hunch that he could gain some benefits.

"Mom, come here, come and play together!"

At this time, the God-given cry continued.

Mu Li Yin'er was a little helpless, but she still walked over with a smile.

Wang Xian looked at Tianci, his eyes flickering slightly.

Among the branches of these wood attributes, there are branches of ancestor trees.

Godsend here is equivalent to being close to the ancestor tree all the time!

The heavenly essence in his body is the treasure of good fortune, which is equivalent to absorbing the energy of the ancestor tree all the time to grow.

"Hey, by the way, which tribe are you from, why are you injured so badly this time?"

At the side, Muli Yin'er's maid came over and asked Wang Xian.

"There is no tribe, I met a powerful elemental beast last time."

Wang Xian looked at the maid and replied with a smile.

"There is no tribe, then you can stay with us for a while, our young master seems to like you very much!"

The maid sized Wang Xian up, and then continued, "You look pretty good, too."

Wang Xian smiled slightly, and immediately asked: "By the way, why didn't you see Tianci's father?"

"Huh? Hey, don't ask this question in the future, especially from our young master and miss!"

The maid suddenly warned Wang Xian in a low voice.

Wang Xian looked at her curiously!

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