Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 813: Under the horrible battle

Chapter 813 under the horrible battle


On the other side, the hand holds the sea **** needle, and the body shape reaches a size of seven or eight meters.

Too frenzy!

There is a total of three median cents in the holy medicine of the Holy Medicine. At this moment, the violent 敖 Qitian directly confronts one with one's own strength.

The horrible flame went to him, and the violent magic, plus the 50-meter-sized sea **** needle, swept everything directly.

Whether it is the sea of ​​fire, the flame of fire, or the pillar of fire, all of them are hard to resist by violent attacks.

Dinghai Shenzhen belongs to the existence of a device far beyond the ordinary fairy gods. It can become fifty meters, and that waving is simply destroying the earth.

Within the scope of the battle between the Qi and the holy medicine of the Holy Medicine, others did not dare to enter the scope.

On the other side, the turtles stood on a shackle, and a hundred meters of earthen walls appeared out of thin air.

The horrible wind blade, the storm, and the powerful flesh, the gods in front of them are full of fear and passive defense.

There is no room for rebellion at all.

"Moving the mountain!"

At this time, the turtles were shocked, and the turtle shell behind them flew directly into the higher sky.


In an instant, a kilometer-high mountain is appearing in the sky, and the mountain peaks heavily toward the next fairy.

"Wind, the wind is bound!"

Below, 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟 蛟

In this space, all the wind is within their control.

The horrible cyan energy entangled toward the next fairy.

"No, save me!"

The next celestial body could not move, looking up at the horrible mountains in the sky, the despair of the face.


The mountain fell, carrying the power of terror, and went straight to the ground below.


Another sound came from the earth, and the earth cracked open, and a horrible crack spread to the surrounding area and spread to the location of the holy city.

The horrible crack is one meter wide and 100 meters deep.

At this moment, all the disciples of the two great gates in the Holy City stood on the street with horror and fear.

They looked at the horrible sea of ​​fire not far away, the horrible mountains and cracks, and the eyes were full of fear.

The third one, their gods have died the third, and the other one is not dead, and even one is not injured!

"Ah, I am fighting with you!"

One of the next singers collapsed under the siege of two crickets.

The speed of terror, the strong flesh, and the sharp wind blade.

Coupled with a powerful body, the two scorpions are completely teasing the next singer.

He has no ability to resist at all.

Seeing the death of a famous companion, his face looked desperate, his arms were turned into a horrible branch and entangled.


A bang, the dense wind blade went straight to the branches.

The wind blade fell on the branches, and a trace of scars appeared in an instant, and blood flowed out of the branches.

"Ah, die for me!"

The middle-aged fairy body began to dry up, and the black hair slowly turned white.

The horror branches that his arms have formed are even more horrible.


The two crickets saw that the middle-aged gods actually consumed life and attacked them. Their faces did not change and a gust of wind blew.

At the same time, large clouds of clouds.

The clouds are filled with a radius of ten kilometers.

The two skeletons move into the clouds.

Shenlong sees the end without seeing the end!

The middle-aged fairy god's face changed greatly, and the branches of the arm were swayed in the clouds.


Over time, his attacks are getting weaker and weaker, and his life is getting less and less.

Attacks that consume life are doomed to last longer.


Just as the middle-aged gods fell into weakness, a sharp wind needle was like a horror weapon, and it went straight to the middle-aged god.


The cry of grief and indignation came, and the body of the middle-aged fairy fell toward the ground at a horrible speed.

The fourth fairy **** is falling!

At this point, there are only eight left in the holy medicine of the Holy Doctor.

Next, they will fall more quickly.


The battles that resounded through the heavens and the earth spread in the sky of 10,000 meters, and the whole of China, the entire rivers and lakes, all heard clearly.

Even the horror energy that came here has spread far and wide.

There are also two superiors in the battle of the 30 gods. This is the sound that shakes the world.

The entire sky, like the end of the world, casual attacks on the ground, can create a sea of ​​fire, a crack.


Just then, a famous **** came over, and both the Xuanyuan and the Yuwen clan's elders came.

The fairy gods of the two great fairy gates looked at the battle in the sky far away, and their faces were shocked.

Their eyes swept across the battlefield and it was clear.

"Is this the power of the Dragon Palace? Too strong, the holy medicine holy medicine died four gods!"

"The eighteen gods battled eight, completely crushed, and the two great gates are going to die!"

"The strength of the Dragon King is really invincible, and the Dragon Palace should be the most powerful presence on the rivers and lakes!"

A famous **** looked at the battle ahead, and the pupil couldn't help but shrink, and his face was shocked.

This group of gods in the Dragon Palace is really invincible.

The elders of the Yuwen clan saw the two fairy doors so miserable and their faces changed dramatically.

Their relationship with the two major fairy doors is relatively friendly, and a series of cooperation was discussed recently.

Now I see that the holy medicine holy medicine is about to be destroyed, and my face is not good.

"Xuanyuan duo, do we want to stop?"

The elders of the Yuwen clan showed a hesitant look and said to the elders of the Xuanyuan family.

After all the Xianmeng people heard it, they were slightly silent and did not answer. They didn't want to intervene.

Now intervening, obviously offending the Dragon Palace, with the character of the Dragon King, the two are destined to create barriers and even hatred.

"Dragon King, I can see that this battle is all right. I have to spare people and spare people. You have also killed five of them, and let them pay some price. Let's stop!"

The elders of the Yuwen clan saw that the Xuanyuan family did not respond, and took a deep breath and said to Wang Xian.

"What? Is it necessary for the Yuwen clan to intervene?"

"Is this what you want?"

The voice of the Yuwen clan's elders made a slight surprise to all the gods and powerful people around him, and quickly looked at it.

"Yu Wenxiong, help us through this crisis."

The plains of the plains heard the voice of the elders of the Yuwen clan, regardless of their identity, and directly asked for help.

The four gods were killed in just ten minutes, and he was really scared.

"Do you dare to step in?"

Wang Xian's gaze turned coldly and stared at it.


At this moment, a sudden scream came, and the flame of terror suddenly went straight into the sky.

Unbeatable pressure, suppress the world!

(End of this chapter)

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