Episode 112

“Mr. Wang, I have already negotiated with the boss for the store next to it. Because of their small size, the price is seven million. If rented out, the monthly rent is fifty thousand!”

In the office in Yipin Pavilion, Manager Huang reported to Wang Xian.

“Negotiate the price and buy it directly, but find a better designer and notify me when the time comes.”

Wang Xian said to Manager Huang.

“Okay, Mr. Wang, leave it to me!” Manager Huang nodded.


Wang Xian nodded, and looked at the turnover of the past few days. They were all around 1.5 million.

Now that Yipinge is basically saturated, it is difficult to increase its turnover, because the restaurant is so big and the number of guests it receives every day is limited.

After eating lunch in the store, Wang Xian walked towards the school.

“Hey, that’s Wang Xian, look, it’s him.”

“It’s him, he looks pretty good, but it’s a bit unrealistic to make the two goddesses admire, maybe Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue don’t like him, just simply eat a meal!”

“Have you seen that Xu Qingcheng wants to challenge him in the school forum to see what qualifications he has to eat with Lan Qingyue!”

“Really? Xu Qingcheng is a black belt in Taekwondo. In the entire Jiangcheng University, no one is his opponent, and even in the entire Jiangcheng, there are not many people who can beat him. There is no difference between challenging this king immortal and abusive scum. He will not It’s so stupid to discuss with Xu Qingcheng.”

“Xu Qingcheng just said that it’s okay to compare and discuss other aspects, but if Wang Xian doesn’t accept it, then he is a coward, and he will become a joke at Jiangcheng University in the future. He has to go to this discussion.”

Walking on the campus road, Wang Xian vaguely heard the discussion of some students around him. He frowned slightly and walked towards the dormitory blankly.

“Pharaoh, you are here.”

As soon as he entered the dormitory, Wang Dahai turned his head and greeted him.

He is the only one in the dormitory, Zhang Wen and Zhang Feng should be with his girlfriend.

Wang Dahai rarely played games, and was staring at the computer non-stop.

“Well, what happened?” Wang Xian asked directly.

While on the road, he had already heard some news.

“Pharaoh, don’t be angry when you look at it. This Xu Qingcheng is simply too arrogant. He screams when he thinks he has some strength, and looks down on such a person the most!”

Wang Dahai mumbled.

Wang Xian walked to the desk, turned on the computer, and Wang Dahai took the bench and sat down.

“Pharaoh, I don’t think you need to pay attention to that guy, the three big male gods, I yeah, it’s not as good as our Pharaoh.”

As Wang Dahai was talking on the side, Wang Xian opened the forum and looked at it. In addition to a post with more than 9,000 replies, another post with a relatively high number of replies appeared.

Wang Xian opened it directly, and the poster was Xu Qingcheng.

The content of the post:

In the past two days there has been a man in the school, the sophomore Wang Xian, who had a meal with two goddesses in one day. I won’t talk about the specific situation. Everyone knows that he is now given the nickname “Beast King Xian” by the school people. , A very elegant title, today, I want to invite the Beast King Immortal… Well, the name is very easy, haha, let’s have a discussion, I want to see what you have.

Discussing is not only in terms of force, but also other aspects. Let me see what you have. I’m very curious, haha, if you are not a coward, come to Taekwondo to find me Xu Qingcheng!

A post that is not very long, but it fully expresses Xu Qingcheng’s provocation against Wang Xian and is full of ridicule.

In the reply below, many people expressed their support.

Wang Xian and the two goddesses had dinner at noon and night, but it aroused the anger of most boys.

In particular, in the photos taken, Wang Xian, Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue are very intimate.

This is irritating. It doesn’t matter if you soak in a goddess, but you are like a scumbag on two boats.


Wang Xian looked at this post very calmly.

“Xu Qingcheng!”

There was a trace of thought on Wang Xian’s face: “If that’s the case, let him get an operation. It will save too much trouble!”

Wang Xian thought in his heart, and slowly stood up.

“Hey, Lao Wang, where are you going?” Wang Dahai quickly asked when he saw his expressionless face.

“Go to the Taekwondo club.” Wang Xian said.

“What? Are you really going? Pharaoh, forget it, let it go, that Xu Qing is very honest, we don’t care about him, they are just a group of envy, jealous and hate guys!”

Wang Dahai said quickly, he was really afraid of Wang Xian’s passing.

After all, Xu Qingcheng is a black belt in Taekwondo. Wang Xian used to learn from him. Even if he would not be seriously injured, he would be insulted.

“Don’t worry, I’m not sure I won’t go.”

Wang Xian shook his head faintly, and said with a smile.

“You…” Wang Dahai knew that Wang Xian was a bit stubborn, and shook his head: “That’s good, that’s good, I’ll go with you.”

“Well, let’s go.”

Wang Xian nodded and walked straight to the Taekwondo club.

The Taekwondo club is a relatively large club at Jiangsong University. Taekwondo originated in the country of Bangzi, but it is very popular in the country.

Because of ancient ideas, domestic martial arts are not spread to outsiders, let alone ancient martial arts.

Wang Xian does not comment on Taekwondo.

The clubs of Jiangcheng University are all clustered together.

Wang Xian walked towards the position of the community and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

“Hey, isn’t that the sophomore Wang Xian? Isn’t he going to the Taekwondo club now?”

“It looks like he is going to the Taekwondo club. Xu Qingcheng just wrote the battle book not long ago. Isn’t he going to fight!”

“It’s interesting now, let’s go, let’s follow!”

“Wang Xian accepted Xu Qingcheng’s invitation, and it will be interesting next. If you learn martial arts with Xu Qingcheng, you will probably be beaten miserably!”

“Walk, let’s go over and take a look. It will definitely make a sensation in the school when it will be published on the forum.”

A crowd of students on the road followed with interest and walked towards the Taekwondo club.

Wang Xian didn’t care that more and more people came to the door of the Taekwondo club.


With a faint sneer on Wang Xian’s face, he walked to the door and opened the door directly.

The room of the Taekwondo Club is very large, and there are many students in white Taekwondo costumes.

The door was directly pushed open, causing some members inside to look over curiously.

Wang Xian stood at the door, scanned the inside, and walked slowly toward the inside.

“Call Xu Qingcheng here, I, Wang Xian, is here!”

The members of the Taekwondo club inside looked over and looked at him somewhat mockingly.

“Hehe, here we are, wait to see the president abuse others!”

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