Chapter 115: Famous Jiang Da 6 (third more)

“No one would have thought that things would be the result of this. Wang Xian, who was invited to come over for a discussion, bowed down and apologized without doing anything.”

“Even Coach Yan Hu claims to be not Wang Xian’s opponent, and apologizes respectfully. How strong is Wang Xian?”

“It’s too domineering, you didn’t see that when Wang Xian finally left the Taekwondo club, he jumped two meters high and kicked the plaque of the Taekwondo club with one foot. It was a naked slap in the face!”

“Xu Qingcheng was embarrassed this time. At the beginning, he mocked Wang Xian, and even the students of the entire Taekwondo club ridiculed him. Now he is kicked to pieces by the plaque, and he doesn’t even dare to put a fart. What a shame!”

“In the future, Xu Qingcheng will see Wang Xian about to go around.”

“The sensational opening and the dramatic end. The naughty Xu Qingcheng challenged Wang Xian. As a result, the father-level coach Yan Hu directly slapped Xu Qingcheng and asked him to apologize, which is so interesting!”

“I don’t know how strong Wang Xian will be. Coach Yan Hu personally admitted that he is inferior to each other, and he can also tell by kicking the taekwondo plaque when he left. Wang Xian is awesome!”

The school forum became a sensation again, and the things about Wangxian in the past two days have become more sensational.

On the forum, the number of replies to the post made by the Taekwondo student has exceeded tens of thousands.

The matter involved Wang Xian and the male god Xu Qingcheng, which naturally attracted the attention of the entire school.

“Domineering, Pharaoh, that’s too domineering!”

Along the way, Wang Dahai spoke to Wang Xian with a face full of admiration.

Feng Qingyun came to the Taekwondo club, Feng Qingyun faced all of them, until the end, kicked the Taekwondo plaque with one kick, it was really cool.

“No wonder the goddess Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue both like you. I find that I like you a little bit, Lao Wang.”

“Fuck off, I’m not interested in you!”

Wang Xian cast a glance at him: “You continue to look for your sister Su Qian.”

“Hey, no need. We have kept in touch for the past two days. Now that you have caused such a big incident again, Su Qian will definitely come and ask me something curiously.”

Wang Dahai said with some pride, he felt that his love was coming.

Wang Xian shook his head speechlessly: “I’m going out for a few days, and I will ask the counselor for a few days off. When you go to give Su Qian water every day, remember to give my sister a bottle!”

“Ask for leave? Pharaoh, what are you going to do?” Wang Dahai was stunned and asked suspiciously.

“Some things have to be processed, it should take a week or two.” Wang Xian said.

He wants to use these few days to search the entire Bohai Sea to see if there are any resources like sunken ships under the sea.

In addition, things about the medical center should also start.

As for the delay in going to school, Wang Xian doesn’t care much now.

Going to school is no longer important to him. If it wasn’t for his sister who had just come to university and needed to accompany her for a while, he would just drop out of school.

The starry sky and the sea are his pursuits.

“Well, Lao Wang, don’t worry about your sister’s affairs and leave it to me.” Wang Dahai patted his chest, he knew that the current Wang Xian had undergone tremendous changes.

As a brother, he didn’t ask too much, it’s enough for a brother to have a good life!

“Fuck, what do you mean by giving it to you, I’m just leaving for a few days.”

Wang Xian patted Wang Dahai’s shoulder heavily.

“Stop, stop, Lao Wang, stop, you are so awesome now, my fault, my fault!”

Wang Dahai immediately yelled and walked quickly towards the dormitory.

Wang Xian smiled and walked towards the dormitory behind.

After four or five hours of dissemination on the school forum, almost all students already knew.

When Wang Xian was walking on the road in the school in the afternoon, there were still many people pointing at him.

But the difference is that many people have curiosity and awe in their eyes, and the look of mockery, disdain and even jealousy is much less.

Wang Xian came to the office and found the counselor for a week of vacation.

After the instructor asked with curiosity, he was finally invited down smoothly.

Walking out of the office, Wang Xian hesitated, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue, telling them that he might be out for two days, and might not be able to contact him.

“Guan Shuqing, Lan Qingyue!”

Wang Xian muttered two names, and then shook his head. If he chooses a girl now, maybe Guan Shuqing will be more.

In the past few days, Guan Shuqing used his spare time every day to stay in the accounts of Yipinge.

She is a girl who gives silently and is not good at expressing it.

Wang Xian likes her very much and feels comfortable with her.

In a classroom, Guan Shuqing sat in the office, listening carefully to the teacher’s explanation.

When the phone rang, she looked down, and was slightly taken aback when she saw Wang Xian’s message.

She naturally knew what had happened in the past few days, and she also knew that Wang Xian and Lan Qingyue had a meal together.

But she didn’t say anything, nor questioned him.

She felt that as long as she paid silently, this was her character, and she also believed that Wang Xian liked her.

“Be careful, you must tell me as soon as you come.” Guan Shuqing replied.

“Well, definitely.”

Looking at Guan Shuqing’s reply, Wang Xian replied with a warm heart.


At this moment, his cell phone rang again, it was Lan Qingyue’s message.

“Is there anything I can help? I have caused you trouble in the past two days.”

“No, just go busy for two days, when the mobile phone has no signal, so I will tell you in advance.”

Lan Qingyue’s reply was completely different from Guan Shuqing.

In an office in a building in the city center, Lan Qingyue sat in front of a computer in a professional attire, frowning slightly when she watched Wang Xian’s information.

She also knows what happened in the school these past two days.

“Could it be that my incident made him feel irritated, that’s why…”

Lan Qingyue thought a bit more, she shook her lips: “It’s all to blame for the gossiping people in the school!”

She took a deep breath, opened the school forum, and logged in.

Because she is the vice chairman of the student union, all students on her forum account are aware of it.

Edit post:

1: I hope you will not discuss the matter with Xiaoxian.

2: Xiaoxian, me, and Guan Shuqing’s affairs are our own affairs. I hope everyone will not make random guesses or even slander.

3: Public screen competition.

After Lan Qingyue edits the three sentences, send it directly.

Looking at the posts that had been sent, she looked startled.

She felt that she shouldn’t trouble Wang Xian.

Similarly, she will not give up and play fair, even if she is bruised and bruised in the end!

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