Chapter 1270 Tianjiao Bridge Opened (2)

In Liuhai area, because of the cemetery of the monsters, humans and monsters are deadly enemies.

Fighting and fighting have been going on for thousands of years.

In fact, in other areas, in some places, humans and monsters are not deadly enemies, and even in vast areas, there are monsters strong who build monster cities.

Monster beasts communicate with humans, and humans and monsters are easy to interact.

The Third Chamber of Commerce in the World, not long after entering the Liuhai area, has now opened the door to the monster beast and traded with it.

Trading is a matter of mutual benefit, and coupled with the power of the Third Chamber of Commerce in the world, it can be said that the Third Chamber of Commerce in the world is the only human being in contact with the monster race in the Shemale Graveyard.

As the person in charge of the Liuhai area of ​​the Third Chamber of Commerce in the world, treasurer Qian had entered the monster race in the cemetery of the monsters and learned some news.

“Treasurer Qian, the Tianjiao of the Monster Beast clan, really so powerful?”

Long Xiaotian looked at the fat middle-aged with some surprise, and asked.

“The monster clan itself has a powerful advantage. As long as they have enough resources, they can increase their strength to the peak!”

Shopkeeper Qian smiled: “This time human beings have come to the trial ground through a special method and have angered the emperors of the major monster races. They will naturally retaliate!”

Wang Xian entered the trial ground and killed more than 400 monsters.

The number of four hundred is very rare for human beings, and even four hundred people are placed in the cemetery of the monsters, which can only be counted as tens of thousands but one in a hundred thousand.

But in the monster clan, it belongs to a relatively large number.

Monster beasts do not have that strong ability to multiply, and the number is much smaller than that of humans. More than four hundred beasts have been killed, and in their opinion they were still beheaded by despicable means.

Has completely angered the monster clan.

Therefore, after the Tianjiao Bridge is opened this time, they will teach mankind a severe lesson.

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows and said faintly: “With the strength of the human talents, you may not lose!”

“Haha, this brother, you think so well, the Tianjiao on the human side can’t be compared with the monster beast clan, even if it is a sword demon, it will be much worse. If he dares to compete for the supreme Tianjiao this time , Maybe they will be killed directly!”

The treasurer Qian said lightly.

“It’s not necessarily!”

Wang Xian smiled and poured himself a cup of tea.

This is not necessarily, this is not necessarily, not only his own strength, but also the strength of Ling Jian’er and Ren Xingchen.

Naturally, it goes without saying that Ren Xingchen, the two attributes of Jinhuo, if he mastered more combined combat skills, he could completely fight against the monsters of the first order of the hole.

As for Ling Jian’er, Wang Xian felt her extraordinary the last time.

The powerful killing of metal is definitely not simple, which reminds him of a physique, the original metallic physique.

Ling Jian’er had obviously obtained an incredible item and changed his physique.

Now her offensive power can completely threaten the existence of the first order of Dongxu, and even kill it.

“Haha, brother, don’t doubt my words!”

The treasurer Qian looked at Wang Xian and smiled at him.

Wang Xian did not answer, and drank tea lightly.

On the side, Long Xiaotian and the treasurer Qian began to talk, and they talked a lot about the monster clan.

After about half an hour, the treasurer Qian left with the person beside him.

Only Wang Xianlong Xiaotian and the Xiao Shikong Tianjiao were left on the table.

“This treasurer of money, some humans who look down on our ladyboy cemetery!”

Seeing them leaving, Xiao Shikong frowned and said to Long Xiaotian.

“The treasurer of money is arrogant, but a large part of what he said is true!”

Long Xiaotian frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Shikong: “Shikong, this time the battle of Tianjiao Bridge, don’t participate!”

Xiao Shikong frowned slightly when he heard Long Xiaotian’s reminder, and then slowly nodded: “Yes, second prince!”

“Is the world’s third firm very strong?”

Wang Xian asked Long Xiaotian curiously.

“Very strong, strong, the top trading firm in the Transcendent Continent, this treasurer is the disciple of the third trading firm in the world, their business is not limited to humans, they also cooperate with the monster clan, and they also sell some intelligence! ”

Long Xiaotian nodded and said solemnly.

He invited the treasurer Qian to come over today to try to win it over. As a result, the other party had no intention of talking with him, and only used some things from the monster clan to dismiss it.

“I see!”

Wang Xian nodded, then chatted with him.

After a simple meal, Long Xiaotian took Wang Xian and strolled around.

Find a place to massage and simply relax.

However, along the way, Wang Xian heard the most about the battle to open the Tianjiao Bridge two days later.

The Tianjiao Bridge opens, connecting humans and monsters, and the top ten Tianjiao of the two races will fight against each other.

The victor will be rewarded, and the humans and monsters will choose a Tianjiao Supreme.

But now, human beings have no hope of gaining the position of Tianjiao supreme on their side.

What happened in the trial ground has spread throughout the cemetery of the monsters.

Even the Dongxu pinnacle powerhouse who had come to the bloody dynasty was beheaded by the Tianjiao King Beast of the Monster Beast clan, and the second-order formation of Dongxu was nowhere to be found. What kind of strength was there to win the title of Supreme Tianjiao.

When Wang Xian passed by, listening to the sounds around him, a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

At night, Wang Xian did not return to his residence, but flew directly towards Tianjiaotai.

Directly into the top ring of Tianjiao Platform, he entered the training room to continue studying the four attribute combination attacks.


“The Tianjiao Bridge is open, and the top ten disciples on the Tianjiao list have the qualifications to step into the Tianjiao Bridge!”

“This time the Tianjiao Bridge will be selected, the bloody sect Tianjiao Supreme!”

The mechanical voice suddenly sounded in the room, and Wang Xian let out a sigh of relief, with a faint smile on his face.

He stood up and walked outside with a smile on his face.

As soon as I got out of the ring, I saw the formations rising in the void ahead.

In the sky about five kilometers ahead, golden light enveloped a range of tens of kilometers.

In the position inside, there is a huge ring.

A metallic condensed bridge extends from the location of Tianjiaotai for dozens of kilometers.

And that huge ring is in the center of the golden bridge.

This golden bridge is transformed into ten roads, and the most central road is more golden.

The rest of the positions gradually became weak.

At this moment, at the moment when Tianjiao Bridge opened, hundreds of thousands of people who had been waiting here flew directly towards the ring position in the center of Tianjiao Bridge.

“Tianjiao Supreme Platform!”

Wang Xian looked at the supreme stage above the ring with a faint smile on his face.

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