Chapter 1274 Ling Jianer’s Domineering

Shuangfenggui of the ghost monkey clan stared mockingly in the direction of the human beings and roared loudly.

Ignorance and contempt are undoubtedly revealed.

The invincible momentum rushed directly to the humans.

Yaozu, invincible!

“The sixth place in the Tianjiao ranking hasn’t come, how can this fight?”

“The tenth, sixth, and fourth have not come, this… now the ninth of the Monster Beast clan will fight against our fifth ranked Tianjiao?”

“It’s so embarrassing, it’s so embarrassing!”

In the surrounding ring, everyone saw Long Xiaochen, who was ranked seventh, withdraw directly, and the sixth-ranked Tianjiao hadn’t arrived, and their faces were livid.

Especially after hearing the arrogant words of Monster Race invincible, many people wanted to rush in directly.

Even those strong people at the emptiness level have extremely embarrassed expressions on their faces.

“Haha, the sixth coward on the Human Tianjiao list has not come, come, let’s be the fifth, Jie Jie Jie!”

The sound of wild laughter came from the mouth of the ghost monkey, making Luo Shihua, who ranked fifth, extremely gloomy.

Human Tianjiao is fifth, and against monster Tianjiao is ninth.

If he loses, it would be a shame to mankind.

“Then I will teach you a little bit!”

Luo Shihua moved and flew directly towards the position of the ring.

The battle begins!

Luo Shihua, as the top five arrogance of mankind, is also a disciple of a big power. Whether it is combat experience or strength, he is definitely a half-step hole virtual top existence.

However, the strength of the ghost monkey is not weak, and the battle between the two is difficult to solve.

Seeing this situation, human faces do not look good.

This is the case for the ninth match and the fifth match. How will you fight next?

“Luo Shihua defeated this ghost monkey at most, the monster clan, and the second-ranked Dongxu first-order powerhouse, be careful!”

On the Tianjiao Bridge at this time, there were only Wang Xian, Ling Jian’er and Ren Xingchen.

Wang Xian looked at the monsters in front of him, and faintly reminded them both.

“Don’t worry, senior, even if you face the first-order hole, you are not afraid at all!”

Ren Xingchen heard Wang Xian’s reminder and quickly said respectfully.


Wang Xian nodded lightly.

“I can also fight against the monster beasts of the first order of Dongxu!”

Ling Jian’er on the side looked at Wang Xian and said lightly.

“That’s fine, be careful!”

Wang Xian smiled, put his hands together in environmental protection, and watched with a smile on his face.

“Well, it’s worthy of being the fifth strongest in Tianjiao, haha, I double seal the ghost and surrender!”

The battle lasted for ten minutes. In the end, Ghost Monkey and Monster Beast Shuangfenggui wiped the wound on his body and jumped directly towards the back position.

“Huh, this guy!”

Luo Shihua’s expression was a little embarrassed. It took ten minutes for him to defeat the opponent. If there is another one who is stronger than him, it is not certain who wins and who wins!

“I’ll kill this guy!”

The monster beast of the Ghost Monkey family just flew out, a very slender limb with long mouthparts, red and blue light glowing on its body, like a thin banshee.

Its two red and blue eyes stared at Luo Shihua, and his tongue stretched out two or three meters long.

Bloodthirsty Kraken Monster Beast!

Luo Shihua’s expression kept changing, he hesitated, his figure moved, and he walked outside.

“Give it to Ling Jian’er, Ren Xingchen, and Wuming Sword Demon brothers and sisters!”

Luo Shihua’s departure means that there are only three people on the human side.

The fourth Tang Feng didn’t come, only the third Ling Jian’er could make a shot.

“Jie Jie, there are only three, so let me solve two!”

The bloodthirsty Kraken was waving its tongue outside, exuding bloody air. It stared at Ling Jian’er: “I love human girls, Jiejie, come on!”


Ling Jian’er heard the provocation of the bloodthirsty Kraken with a cold expression in his eyes.

“The eighth challenge is the third, this…”

The human faces around the ring showed a bitter look.

“Huh? Is this Ling Jian’er the daughter of the Heavenly Sword Sect Master?”

At a location around the ring, the treasurer Qian saw Ling Jian’er coming to the center of the ring, with a ray of light in his eyes, and asked the young man on the side.

“Yes, that’s her. A few days ago, the twenty strong virtuosos of the Heavenly Sword Sect invited Ling Jian’er back to the sect, but Ling Jian’er refused. Her father didn’t recognize her as a daughter before, but now Ling Jian’er doesn’t I recognize her father, he has a very strong personality!”

The young man next to him said to the treasurer of money.

“Oh, is it so?”

The treasurer Qian raised his eyebrows, with a smile in his eyes.

“How about the money shopkeeper? Did you fall in love with this beauty?”

The young man next to him asked with a smile.

“Haha, a pretty lady, a gentleman is so funny!”

Shopkeeper Qian narrowed his eyes slightly: “I hope she will not be beheaded by the monster clan, otherwise, it would be a pity!”

“I will kill you gently!”

At this moment, the location of the ring sounded the gloomy voice of the bloodthirsty Kraken, and its body moved like a ghost.

Carrying a lot of water energy around it, these water energy condensed into its clone, directly attacking Ling Jian’er.

Ling Jian’er’s face was extremely cold, and the golden long sword in her hand trembled slightly.

“Ling Jian’er’s strength is not weak, he should be able to defeat this monster beast!”

“It should be possible, but how about defeating this one? It is only the eighth place. With Ling Jian’er’s strength, the seventh place of the monster clan is very difficult to beat!”

The people around the ring sighed slightly when they saw the battle below.

Although Ling Jian’er is strong, the monster Tianjiao is even stronger!


In the ring, when thousands of bloodthirsty sea monsters were attacking her, Ling Jian’er swung the long sword directly toward the front.

The dazzling golden light, like stars in the sky, directly attacked each clone.


For an instant, a cry of horror came from a clone.

Ling Jianer’s figure moved, and the long sword in his hand once again swung a bright golden light.

The golden light penetrated and easily penetrated the water blue defense.

The water blue defense disappeared, and the surrounding water energy dissipated.

A corpse fell on the ring!


“This… Ling Jian’er’s strength is so strong!”

“Oh my god, it’s a spike, it’s amazing, it’s so amazing, Ling Jian’er is so strong!”

“Awesome, haha, awesome!”

When everyone around the ring saw that Ling Jian’er had killed a bloodthirsty Kraken directly, all of them showed a look of error on their faces, and cheered immediately following the violent.

One move to kill a monster Tianjiao in a flash is an exciting thing for human beings.

“This human woman…”

At the monster beast, he also looked at Ling Jian’er with a shocked expression on his face, his face slightly embarrassed.

Standing on the ring, Ling Jian’er didn’t have the slightest wave of slaying the bloodthirsty Kraken.

She looked at Monster Beast Tianjiao: “Seventh, sixth, fifth, fourth, and third place, come together, don’t waste time!”

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