Chapter 1305

“Hi, this…”

“Tang Feng and Tang Yuan spoke, what’s going on? If you don’t handle it well today, it may affect the relationship between the Blood Flow Dynasty and the Heavenly Sword Sect, and even cause no small disputes!”

“Who could have imagined that a fox mei and a king immortal would have caused such a huge thing!”

“From the confession of Shenfeng Academy’s mentors Zhang Fengying and Ling Jian’er, that Wang Xian might really be framed!”

“Framed? Why did Hu Mei frame him? But he didn’t even accept Ling Jian’er and Zhang Fengying, so he shouldn’t be attracted to Hu Mei!”

“It’s troublesome now. If they have a dispute, it will cause a big sensation!”

When Tang Feng and Tang Yuan walked out directly, staring at Ling Jian’er with ugly expressions, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

Everyone around looked over here with blinking eyes.

Several experts from the Heavenly Sword Sect also looked over, saw this scene, and shook his head helplessly.

They didn’t go over, how to deal with everything that pleased their own lady.

Although today’s events will affect their relationship with the bloody dynasty, the impact is not very large.

It is impossible for two powerful forces to initiate a war because of the conflict between the juniors.

“No matter who it is, if you dare to say you want to kill him or bully him, you have to pay the price. It’s good to let them get out. I didn’t say that killing them is already giving you a bloody face!”

Ling Jian’er stared at Tang Feng Tang Yuan coldly, and did not let go of their words.

This made Tang Feng Tang Yuan and Tang Ling’er look very ugly, their eyes flickering staring at her.

“You guys get out by yourself, or I will help you out!”

Ren Xingchen was holding a big sword, staring at Tang Ling’er and the arrogances behind him with murderous eyes, and directly threatened.


It’s a madman!

Regardless of whether your princess, prince, or Tianjiao, as long as you provoke Wang Xian, you must get out immediately!

Wang Xian looked at Ling Jian’er and Ren Xingchen speechlessly.

The character of these two people really made him speechless.

But for them, Wang Xian felt a little relieved, and it was not in vain that he saved their lives.

Such friends can be made!

“Well, Ling Jian’er, we have remembered what happened to your Heavenly Sword Sect today!”

Tang Ling’er stared at Ling Jian’er angrily.

For the first time, she was directly driven out by someone, and it was the first time in the entire Liuhai area.

Today’s humiliation, she will definitely return.

Tang Feng and Tang Yuan took a deep breath when seeing Ling Jian’er’s domineering appearance, their eyes flashed with icy chill.

They are a little unwilling to leave here like this.

But in the face of today’s Heavenly Sword Sect, they are no longer afraid of the power of their bloody dynasty, and when they show strength, the other party is no longer afraid.

The two glanced at each other, looking towards the rear.

“It’s really disappointing!”

The treasurer Qian saw the gazes of the two of them, and felt unhappy in his heart.

Today he was planning to get to know more forces in Liuhai area through Tang Feng.

As a result, I didn’t expect such a thing to happen.

What made him even more angry was that when he toasted Ling Jian’er just now, Ling Jian’er completely ignored him.

He even walked to the young man’s side and confessed, which made his face extremely ugly.

The disciple of the Qian family, the third-largest trading firm in the world, was actually ignored by a woman from the Liuhai area.

It made him feel a loss of face.

Even with that, his heart was filled with a touch of killing intent towards Wang Xian.

“Be kind, Miss Ling Jian’er, live in harmony and make money with kindness. The cause of the matter is that your friend abandoned Miss Tang Linger’s men, and her men are just a little angry. There is nothing wrong with everything? Why do you want Miss Tang Ling’er? Get out? Isn’t that bad!”

“Since he abandoned a woman, it doesn’t matter to say an apology to the woman. As for the girl Tang Linger, it is also for the benefit of her members. This matter is just an apology from the young man!”

“Simply, let him apologize to Tang Ling’er girl, this incident is over!”

The fat young man Qian Treasurer walked toward the front with a smile on his face, and said lightly.

Seeing the fat young man suddenly stepped forward and hearing what he said, everyone around him was taken aback, and many people’s pupils shrank slightly.

“Huh? Who is that young man?”

The old man of the Heavenly Sword Sect looked at the treasurer Qian, and turned to the middle-aged beside him with a look of surprise.

The middle-aged man beside him looked at the figure of treasurer Qian with a slightly ugly face.

“Elder, I’m a bit troubled. This money shopkeeper is in charge of Liuhai area by the world’s third commercial bank. It has a deep background and is not something that any forces in our Liuhai area can provoke!”

The middle-aged said with a solemn expression looking at the treasurer Qian who was walking towards the center.

“The third firm in the world?”

The old man of the Sky Sword Sect was slightly startled, and slowly frowned.

The third commercial firm in the world is no ordinary force to be able to do so.

In fact, the third commercial bank in the world represents a joint force.

The third commercial bank in the world is controlled by the Qian family, which is famous for doing business, but in fact, behind the Qian family, there are several terrorist forces as shareholders!

The Qian family was only able to achieve what it is now with the military support of several terrorist forces behind him.

The forces behind the Qian family, any one of them can wipe out all the forces in the Liuhai area.

They are definitely not something they can provoke.

The old man hesitated for a while, frowning and looking at the money shopkeeper, he already had some decisions in his heart.

They can’t provoke such forces, and they can’t provoke this money treasurer.

“Is it the treasurer of money? It’s him, the person in charge of Liuhai area, the third trading house in the world!”

“Hey, treasurer Qian, everyone has ignored such a behemoth!”

“What does the treasurer Qian mean? He wants Wang Xian to apologize to Tang Ling’er? This…this is to help the bloody dynasty Tang Feng and his party!”

“The Third Commercial Bank in the world is a business man, and Blood Flow Dynasty is very important to them. Of course they have to help Tang Feng speak for them!”

“It’s troublesome now, this treasurer is not something Heavenly Sword Sect can provoke!”

Some people around who knew the background of Money Shopkeeper looked at him in surprise, their eyes flickering.

From the three sentences he just said, he obviously wanted to help Tang Feng and the others, and he did not agree to expel Tang Linger and the others directly.

But treasurer Qian didn’t offend the Dead Heaven Sword Sect, he just made the young man apologize!

“Ha ha!”

Seeing treasurer Qian approaching, Tang Feng and Tang Yuan showed a faint smile on their faces.

They looked at Ling Jian’er and narrowed their eyes slightly.

“Ling Jian’er, Wang Xian next to you, after apologizing, we will leave your Heavenly Sword Sect. To be honest, our Bloody Empire still disdains your Heavenly Sword Sect.”

“I’m here today to give you face. Since you don’t give us face so much, then we don’t need to be here with you!”


The words of the two means that it was not your Heavenly Sword Sect who drove us out!

You are not qualified to drive us out, it is our own disdain to be here!

If it is an insult for Ling Jian’er to let them get out, then they leave directly without disdain, it is also an insult!

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