Chapter 1307

“Treasurer Qian, please calm down your anger, please calm down your anger, if we have something to solve in the future, please give us a thin noodle to the Heavenly Sword Sect!”

The old man of the Sky Sword Sect changed his face slightly when he saw this scene, he hurriedly came to the front of the treasurer Qian, arched his hand, and said respectfully.


The crowd around saw that Wang Xian and even the people beside him dared to fight the treasurer Qian, their expressions changed drastically.

One by one, they stepped back quickly.

They are really afraid of fighting directly.

“Treasurer Qian, please calm down your anger, what do we have to discuss!”

Standing behind Wang Xian, Long Xiaotian stepped forward with a bitter face, bowed and said in a low posture.

“Huh? What’s the matter?”

But at this moment, at the entrance of the back mountain, He Yuan, who was somewhat late, looked at the faces of the people gathered with curiosity.

“I don’t know, what event should be held? He Shao, let’s go over and take a look!”

Several strong men of the Yan clan said with a smile on their faces.

“Well, let’s go and have a look. I heard that Ling Jian’er from the Sky Sword Sect is quite beautiful. He is a hero of the female middle school. Let’s get to know him!”

He Yuan nodded lightly and walked forward.

“Haha, it’s not that I don’t give you face, but someone doesn’t give me face!”

When He Yuan hadn’t even walked inside, a voice came, making Zhi slightly stunned.

In the central location, the treasurer Qian didn’t even glance at the old man of the Heavenly Sword Sect and Long Xiaotian, staring at Wang Xian and the others coldly.

“I’m telling you, now, I’m sure to kill this kid. Anyone who dares to help him will be an enemy of my third business in the world. When that happens, don’t blame me for being cruel!”

As he said, his eyes scanned Ling Jian’er, Ren Xingchen and Zhang Fengying, his eyes finally fell on Wang Xian.

“I just want you to apologize, you don’t know good or bad, dare to say what I am, interesting and interesting, I hope you can be arrogant after a while!”

Shopkeeper Qian narrowed his eyes, his face was still full of smiles, and said lightly.

“Do it, if anyone dares to stop it, kill me all!”

Finally, he yelled and gave orders.

“So overbearing, so strong!”

“It’s him who is looking for death by himself, pretending to be forced by the money shopkeeper, damn it!”

“This guy is going to die. I hope that the beautiful Ling Jian’er and the beautiful Zhang Fengying will not be unreasonable!”

“The treasurer of money is not comparable to the bloody dynasty, and even daring to scold him, it’s just looking for death!”

The people around saw a slight change in their faces when they saw this scene, and the people around retreated back again.

“Don’t do it!”

Wang Xian swept aside Zhang Fengying and Ling Jianer Ren Xingchen with cold eyes.

Really treat yourself as a bully?

Really when you have an invincible background and others dare not do it?

There was a horrible breath on his body, and he slowly walked a few steps forward.


The old man from the Sky Sword Sect also moved to her side for fear that Ling Jian’er would make a move.

“Things that do not live or die, go…”

“Dog stuff, dare to attack Brother Wang Xian, I think your dog stuff is looking for death, come on!”

Under the orders of treasurer Qian, the two strong men of the second rank of Dongxu gave a cold shout, and rushed towards Wang Xian with weapons in their hands.

However, the words in their mouths hadn’t spoken yet, and there was a look of anger afterwards.


When the latter words were finished, the three figures rushed out directly.

Two middle-aged people, an old man, these are the three most powerful of the Yan clan, the second-tier strong man in the hole.

They rushed over, without the slightest hesitation, the weapons in their hands directly attacked the two men.

The powerful energy slashed directly toward the front.


The faces of the two strong second-order Dongxu who had already rushed out changed drastically. Seeing the energy coming towards them, their bodies were shocked, and they immediately displayed their defenses.

“This… is the patriarch and elder of the Yan clan, the Yan clan is crazy, they dare to attack the treasurer of money!”

“It’s crazy, what is the relationship between this Yan clan and Wang Xian, it’s a direct action!”

Everyone around saw the Yan clan powerhouse who was suddenly killed, their complexion changed drastically.

Could this Yan clan be crazy, dare to attack Qian’s subordinates?


Wang Xian, who was about to do it, was taken aback for a moment, his eyes turned to the rear, and when he saw He Yuan, who was looking cold, his eyes flickered, revealing a hint of smile.

At this time, everyone around was also aware of the voice just now.

Some people noticed the young man behind, and quickly turned their heads to look around.

Haughty and noble!

At the first glance of the youth, these two words appeared in everyone’s mind.

A purple dress with his head held up slightly makes it look very arrogant.

He paced up, his eyes swept across the money shopkeeper coldly, his eyes looked at the two Dongxu second-order strong men surrounded by the three strong men of the Yan clan.

“who is he?”

“Is it from the Yan clan? It doesn’t seem to be!”

“What is his identity, and what is his relationship with that king?”

Everyone around looked at this fair-skinned, handsome and noble young man with a look of surprise on his face.

The treasurer Qian stared at He Yuan steadily at this time, and a look of horror slowly appeared in his eyes.

“Brother Wang Xian, this dog wants to kill you?”

He Yuan walked towards Wang Xian, came to his side, turned to look at the treasurer Qian, and asked directly.

“People from the third trading company in the world, how about it, can you handle it?”

Wang Xian looked at him and asked with a smile on his face.

“Are you from the Qian family? If it is the core disciple of several forces behind him, I might have to worry about it. If you dare to provoke Brother Wang Xian from the Qian family, then kill it!”

He Yuan said lightly towards Wang Xian.

“Okay, then I’ll do it!”

Wang Xian did not hesitate at all, after confirming that He Yuan could handle it, he did not hesitate at all.

With a move of his palm, the lightning bolt appeared in his hand. Under everyone’s shocked eyes, he placed the lightning bolt directly on the ground.

A series of terrifying thorns suddenly emerged from the position under the treasurer Qian.

“What, you…”

When the treasurer Qian saw Wang Xian’s sudden attack, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly wanted to run away.


He Yuan looked at the avoiding money treasurer with some disdain.

In the next moment, the terrifying thorns directly covered his whole body.

A ray of golden light shined from his body, and the armor defense on his body was turned on.

“Extremely hot water!”

Wang Xian did not hesitate, and the dual-attribute combo attack was released directly.

“No… don’t kill me… no no… He Shao… no!”

Feeling another attack from Wang Xian, the treasurer Qian was full of horror. He stared at He Yuan and shouted loudly.


When his voice just fell, the sound of the explosion sounded, and his body was directly submerged into the ground under the torn of the thorns.

Stunned, everyone was stunned!

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