Chapter 1309 The Despair Of The Prince Of The Light Dragon Dynasty

Now Long Xiaotian’s most proud thing is that he met the brother Wang Xian.

Seeing the people in front of him who were more powerful than him, he didn’t feel the slightest frustration, but was extremely excited.

Ling Jian’er, the daughter of the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword, will be inferior to some princes of the bloody dynasty in the future.

Now, Ling Jian’er is pursuing Wangxian. No, it is because he has been rejected twice for pursuing Wangxian.

Licking the dog?

Although the term is not appropriate, he is naturally very happy because the woman chasing his brother is so powerful.

He Yuan, let alone.

Although he didn’t know He Yuan’s true background, and although He Yuan’s attitude towards him was not so enthusiastic about Wang Xian, it was enough.

Because he is Wang Xian’s brother!

Wang Xian once said to help him win the throne.

With his words, it is enough!

Long Xiaotian was there with a smirk, and the faces of his brothers were extremely embarrassed!

Several people sat at a table with embarrassed faces, their faces constantly changing.

“How is it possible, this… how is it possible, how could he know so many people with strong backgrounds!”

Long Xiaochen’s complexion kept changing, and their expressions were extremely embarrassing.

He originally wanted to use various methods to get rid of that young man, but now he didn’t expect that the other party had power and was stronger than them.

Even the existence they look up to.

Killing the treasurer without any scruples, is it possible to kill them without scruples.

Especially the forty-two prince, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

The matter of Hu Mei was arranged by him alone, and now he is afraid that after everything is exposed, he will pay a heavy price.

“It’s okay, don’t be afraid, that Wang Xian is a friend of the second brother, and the second brother will not let him do something to us, otherwise, the father will have opinions on him!”

The Sixteenth Prince looked at his brothers with a sullen face, and said with blinking eyes.

“Yes, he has a very good relationship with his second brother, and will not do anything against us, and now our subordinates are outside the island of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Now the power of the second brother is not our opponent. We don’t need to be afraid. !”

Long Xiaochen said, with a weak expression in his eyes.

Now the five of them are united to be able to deal with Long Xiaotian. What will happen in the future?

When you truly succeed to the throne and have the day to succeed to the throne, you compare the strength of individuals, not when they unite.

What will they compare with Long Xiaotian?

This gave them a bitter look on their faces.

“There are still seven months to give up. It’s a bit too early to give up. No one knows who will prevail in the next seven months, huh!”

Prince Thirty-Six snorted unwillingly, with a strong desire in his eyes.

“Yes, there are still seven months. During this period, I still don’t believe that we are united and can’t beat the second brother!”

The fighting spirit gleamed in the eyes of the few people, slowly raising the wine glasses in their hands and toasting each other, their eyes full of fighting spirit.

There are still seven months left, and they can still afford to play.

“Goddess Ling Jian’er, Prince Wang, Shao He, Second Prince…”

In the center of the venue, people from various forces came to their side to please them, wanting to build some relationships.

But except for Long Xiaotian’s warm hospitality to the people around, He Yuanshi ignored them.

Ling Jian’er just nodded faintly without paying too much attention to it.

“Tomorrow I will return to Heavenly Sword Sect. Where can I find you in the future?”

Ling Jian’er looked at Wang Xian and asked very directly towards him.

“Uh…Go to the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, where you can find me!”

Wang Xian said with a smile at her.

Ling Jian’er nodded silently.

“By the way, Brother Wang Xian, I may also go back in a few days. When will I go to play in the vast area? What clan will come to find me at that time!”

“The vast area is much larger than the Liuhai area, and it’s much more fun than here!”

He Yuan on the side also said with a smile.

“I will pass the vast area, at most three to five years, I will find you at that time!”

Wang Xian smiled and looked at He Yuan.

He will go to the vast area, not just him, he will take the Dragon Palace, and the Shenlong clan at that time.

And, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

And when that happens, they will come to the vast area with a powerful posture.

Several people talked for more than an hour.


At this moment, Long Xiaotian, who was standing by, suddenly took out the communication stone tray. When he saw the content on it, his eyes flickered.

He looked at Wang Xian who was talking with Zhang Fengying, hesitated and walked over.

“Brother Wangxian, I got a message!”

As Long Xiaotian said, he passed the communication stone plate in his hand and let him take a look.

“Are you outside? Well, let your people prepare and help you clear all obstacles today!”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face.

Today’s framed, 100% comes from the brothers of Long Xiaotian.

The killer a few days ago was also hired by them.

If Wang Xian didn’t let them experience despair, they would really think they were bullying.

“Well, I will contact you immediately and give them a big gift today!”

Long Xiaotian’s eyes flickered, and there was a hint of excitement on his face.

“Fengying, do me a favor!”

Wang Xian looked at Zhang Fengying on the side and asked him to help bring his two fierce beasts over.

Zhang Fengying nodded.

Just now, Wang Xian had decided to let her leave the Shenfeng Academy, and she hesitated and agreed.

As for what to do next? Naturally together with Wang Xian, and then waited until the time was right to leave here.

Wang Xian gave her a drop of his own blood, and with Zhang Fengying’s beast taming power, he was able to bring Ling Zilin and the others over.

Zhang Fengying left, Ling Jian’er stayed next to Wang Xian for two hours, and then left and greeted some surrounding forces briefly.

“Brother Wangxian, my people are ready, and my brothers are leaving!”

The night had arrived, Long Xiaotian walked to his side and whispered.

“Let’s go, let’s go out with them too!”

Wang Xian nodded lightly and walked outside.

“Okay, let’s go!”

He Yuan had left early, and some people in the entire venue also left.

Wang Xian and Long Xiaotian walked outside with smiles on their faces.

“Brothers and brothers, I advise you to go back to the king’s city, you will not be my opponent!”

Long Xiaotian looked at Long Xiaochen and his group walking in front, and said provocatively.


The five princes paused, and turned their heads coldly.

“Don’t think that you can be so arrogant if you have someone next to you to help you. I tell you, there are still seven months, and no one wins or loses!”

“But we can guarantee that you will be miserable!”

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