Chapter 1341 Destruction of the country (1)


A loud resounding sounded through the entire deep sea spirit spring.

“Dragon King, it is the voice of the Dragon King!”

“The Dragon King is here, the Dragon King is here!”

When Wang Xian’s voice sounded, some members of the Dragon Palace who hadn’t seen Wang Xian’s arrival shook their bodies and followed their faces with excitement.

“Hoho, the Dragon King is here, anyone who dares to offend our Dragon Palace or occupy our precious land will have to die!”

A demon monkey roared with excitement, and his face instantly showed a violent look.

“Are your fucking dragon palace crazy?”

“You’re looking for death, hurry up to dig the spirit stone, damn it, I think you don’t want to live anymore!”

“What Dragon King, shit Dragon King!”

Around, monsters of the two races of humans, hydroelectric eel monsters and sea fork monsters of the Tiandao Dynasty saw the roar that suddenly covered the entire area, and their expressions changed slightly.

When they saw the excited look of the members of the Dragon Palace, they turned black and yelled.

Dragon Palace is the weakest among their four forces, and it is also an existence that has been humiliated by other forces.

Now everyone dared to scream arrogantly, and they immediately cursed.


However, in the next moment, what made the Heavenly Island Dynasty, the Hydroelectric Eel Monster Clan, and the Sea Fork Monster Beast clan horrified, a member of the Dragon Palace directly put down the mine shovel in his hand and directly attacked by the three of them.

Unprepared, hundreds of humans and monsters were directly beheaded.

“Looking for death, kill me these gangsters of Dragon Palace!”

Some powerful people in the Tiandao Dynasty roared with anger.


But at this moment, a horror covered the entire deep sea spiritual spring.

“What happened? Who would dare to break into the land of our Tiandao Dynasty!”

When the terrifying power covers a radius of ten kilometers, the position in the sky.

On that kilometer-sized bizarre ship, three powerful men from the hole flew out directly from above, and behind them, there were more than a dozen powerful men who were half a step away from the hole!


However, they had just come out, and Wang Xian’s arm suspended in the sky directly waved.

A touch of the annihilating power of the five elements swept directly towards them.

Under the gaze of five or six thousand members of the three major forces on the seabed, the powerful who just flew out, under the horrible energy, died before they even had time to scream.

“What? There is a strong in Dragon Palace, what is Dragon Palace going to do? They dare to be an enemy of our three forces!”

“Death and death, when the peak powerhouse of our Tiandao Dynasty arrives, everyone in your Dragon Palace will die, so you dare to commit the crime!”

An angry voice came from around.


“The following guilty?”

Wang Xian hovered directly in the sky, staring at everyone from the other three forces below.

His body shook, and a ray of gray light covered it directly below.


Below, a swath of humans and monsters died.


When the king’s terrifying attack fell, all the humans and monsters of the Sky Island Dynasty, the hydroelectric eel monster clan, and the sea fork monster clan were all dumbfounded.

“The Dragon King is back, anyone who dares to offend us, kill!”

Ao Qitian screamed, his figure shook, and he turned into a fifteen-meter-sized behemoth. In his ears, a huge Dinghai Shenzhen appeared in his hands.

With a wave of the Dinghai Shen Needle, the huge energy directly attacked the three powerful human monsters.


The rest of the members of the Dragon Palace also roared with excitement.

The humiliation and anger during this period of time were all vented, attacking and tearing the enemy’s body one after another.

“No, run away, run away quickly!”

The humans and monsters of the three forces saw their own strong being beheaded instantly, and the dragon palace strong slaughtered, all of them were full of horror, and fled towards the surroundings in horror.

But Ao Qitian won’t let everyone on the other side go

The magic flame was overwhelming, he waved the Dinghai Shen Needle, and hit it down.

“Baqi, how about Prime Minister Kame and Queen Dragon?”

Wang Xian hovered in the sky, looking down, and asked Baqi beside him.

“Return to the Dragon King, today is the day of marriage between the Kingdom of Heaven and the One Leaf Mainland Dynasty. The Dynasty of Tiandao invited us to the Dragon Palace and asked all of us to go to celebrate. Prime Minister Turtle and Queen Dragon are now gone!”

Baqi said towards Wang Xian.

“The day of marriage, the day of rejoicing!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered: “You know the place, let’s go over!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Baqi nodded: “The Tiandao Dynasty is about 400 kilometers away from here. It belongs to an island dynasty!”

“This dynasty king has the strength of the fourth-order Dongxu, and the Yiye mainland dynasty that is married to it is even more powerful. There is more than one strong fourth-order Dongxu within it!”

Baqi reminded Wang Xian faintly.


Wang Xian nodded, his eyes swept down.

Under Ao Qitian’s personal shot, only the strong of the second-order Dongxu can fight against it, and the rest, even the first-order Dongxu, are not his opponents.

In the entire Deep Sea Spirit Spring, the humans and monsters of the three forces were almost all beheaded!

“Ao Qitian, you guard this place, and let’s go in Baqi!”

As Wang Xian said, under the leadership of Baqi, he flew directly towards the Tiandao Dynasty.

“Where are the hydroelectric eel monster clan and the sea fork monster clan?”

Flying in the ocean, Wang Xian asked Baqi with his eyes gleaming.

“Dragon King, the marriage between the Tiandao Dynasty and the Yiye Mainland Dynasty is very big, and the hydroelectric eel monsters and the sea fork monsters should all be in the Tiandao Dynasty!”

Yaqi responded.

“Oh, is it? That’s right!”

There was a gleam in Wang Xian’s eyes. Since they were all there, it would be easy to solve.

If he can’t give him a satisfactory answer, Wang Xian will let him know what regret is.

What is despair.


After flying several hundred kilometers, Wang Xian Zhang Fengying and Baqi directly rushed out of the sea.

“Dragon King, in front, there is the Tiandao Dynasty. There are more than 30 million people on the entire island, and the Tiandao royal family is the king here!”

An island appeared in their sight.

The area of ​​the island is more than 100 kilometers, not very large, but not small.

There are many trees on the entire island, but there are no fierce beasts or monsters inside. The cities living on the islands look beautiful.

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, and he flew towards the center of the island.

Close to the central area, you can see festive flowers far away.

In the sky, colorful seabirds fly, making the central area look very beautiful.

In a huge palace in the middle of the island, at least tens of thousands of people gathered in a spacious place in front of the main hall.

Among them, Kameei-related comforts, they gathered in one place!

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