Chapter 1356


On the battlefield of the North Gate, an average of hundreds of fighters from the One Leaf Continental Dynasty besieged a member of the Dragon Palace.

Two or three Dongxu strong men besieged Ao Qitian, Baqi, Ao Qi, Ao Xia, and several newly promoted Dongxu strong men.

In terms of quantity, the mainland dynasty was completely crushed overnight.

But when the roar of the nine flood dragons sounded on the battlefield, when the creepy monsters that had been hiding around started to act, everything began to change.


“Swish swish!”

The nine flood dragons shook their wings, and their bodies glowed with blue light. They moved their bodies, carrying countless wind blades, and attacked a powerful person with a reputation.

Nine huge figures, and any human beings nearby, were all directly crushed by the sharp wind blade.


In the chaotic battlefield, a strong man from the second-order and one-leaf mainland dynasty of Dongxu greeted a flood dragon.

For an instant, when they collided, his eyes were full of fear.

The power of terror, the powerful wind attribute attack.

His body flew directly towards the distance, his eyes filled with horror.

“Be careful, these nine creatures have the terrifying power of the third-order hole virtual, be careful!”

He quickly yelled.


Everyone in the Yiye Continent Dynasty heard these words, their faces changed instantly.

“All of them are the third-order hole? There are only nine third-order holes in our entire country, and the other party is not only the nine powerful third-order holes, but also the violent magic monkey, the terrifying thunder and lightning creatures, and hands. The middle-aged man holding the golden sword and the creepy eight-headed creature are all third-order holes!”

“Don’t be afraid, our king hasn’t taken any action yet, kill and kill!”

“We are all enveloped by black clouds. The raindrops carry venom and the sound waves can enhance the opponent’s strength and disturb our spirit. Those arrows all contain strong toxins, and they will die!”

“Don’t be afraid, everyone, we are dozens of times their number!”

A hundred thousand people shouted loudly in front of the Yiye Continental Dynasty.

The participation of the nine dragons on the battlefield directly reduced the pressure on Ao Qitian and the members of the Dragon Palace.

A group of people in the arrow department of Tianyan stood in the rearmost position, and arrows came towards the overwhelming attack.

What horrified all the soldiers in the King City of One Leaf Continent was that there was a terrifying poison attached to the arrow.

The venom splashed on them, and the powerful toxin caused them to die directly, and only those above the transcendent level 8 could resist this venom.

In addition to this venom, the poisonous rain in the sky and the irritating sound waves have greatly reduced their attacks.

On the contrary, after the opponent was attacked, the blue raindrops fell on them, speeding up the recovery of their physical injuries.

A stream of water flowed towards them and healed their injuries.

“Go and kill the archers and dolphins in the front. They can’t assist and attack in the back!”

A strong man at the hole virtual level sensed that the attack he released was less than 90% of the peak, his face was extremely embarrassing, he roared, pointed in the direction of the eye clan and the dolphins the day before, and roared loudly.

“Go, stop the rest of the creatures, our Sirius team rushed over!”

A team of hundreds riding a water-blue wolf-shaped creature rushed directly forward.

They are all at the lowest rank of Transcendental Eight, and with the powerful fierce beast mounts that sit up and down, one can fight against two or three of the same level.

“Jie Jie!”

Around the hundreds of dolphins, one by one was entrenched in the void, and the colorful snakes saw someone rushing towards them.

The extremely cold eyes were full of abusive expressions.

“Kill them!”

The hundreds of Sirius team glanced at Wang Xian vigilantly, and moved towards the attack of the dolphins and the Sky Eyes.

Wang Xian looked indifferently, and didn’t move, and everyone in the arrow of the sky didn’t even look at them.

When they approached within 500 meters, a bunch of poisons instantly greeted them.

The terrifying toxins boiled directly in the void, as if they were about to corrode the space.

“Ah, watch out for toxins!”

“No, I can’t resist it, I can’t resist it at all, back, back!”

In an instant, a sound of horror came from Team Sirius.

The cold eyes of the poisonous snakes were full of disdain.

As Dragon Palace’s auxiliary personnel and long-range attackers, they will naturally want the enemy to come over and kill.

They prepared the surrounding toxins early, and these toxins, even if they were approached by the first step of the hole, would fall.

Only the second order of the hole can impact over.

However, the enemies of the second-order Dongxu all let the strong of the Dragon Palace resist outside.

In the battle, hundreds of thousands of people from the Yiye Mainland Dynasty rushed over and entered a short stalemate.

An extraordinary 9th-order powerhouse is strong, but if faced with hundreds of extraordinary 8th-order 7th-order siege, it is impossible to achieve unscrupulous spikes.

“Go on, the people behind, continue to rush to me!”

King Yiye looked at the entire battlefield.

The opposing generals and the soldiers were against the soldiers, and the strength was temporarily equalized, his eyes flashed with an icy look, and he stood there and shouted again.

“It’s the king, charge, kill them!”

In the King City, there are still at least eight or nine hundred thousand people who have not done anything. Although their strength is not as strong as the ones who rushed out, the number is huge.

Quantitative changes can produce qualitative changes.

Thirty rank 7 transcendents may not be able to beat a rank 8 transcendent, but fifty or sixty, that’s hard to say!

“They are not our opponents, kill their beasts!”

Hundreds of thousands of people flew out of the city again, locking down the members of the Dragon Palace with cold eyes.


But at this moment, a scream of fear suddenly came from the battlefield.

In this screaming sound, there are three powerhouses from the hole virtual level.

The rest are from all the half-step hole virtual strong and extraordinary 9th-order strong in the field.

In an instant, it seemed that the entire battlefield had been cleaned up for half a step and the extraordinary ninth rank.

The sudden death and screams made everyone feel a little embarrassed.

Especially the members of the King City of One Leaf Continent under Dongxu, their leader, their captain, and abruptly, died directly.

Many people only saw a glimmer of light, and they realized that the captain was dead!

The captain, the non-commissioned officer, as their commander, after being beheaded, caused the whole team to be in chaos.

The beheading operation begins!

The wicked demon moved!


When their captain and sergeant were killed and chaotic, the roar of the magic monkey, the roar of thunder and lightning, and the sound of the metal long sword covered the entire battlefield.


In just a few seconds, at least tens of thousands of people were beheaded.

The Yiye Mainland Dynasty was immediately at a disadvantage, and over time, more and more people were beheaded.

“Be careful, there are assassins, assassins!”

An extraordinary ninth-tier powerhouse roared with horror, and his face was full of panic.

How terrifying would a killer in a war be?

During the battle, they didn’t have time to guard their surroundings. Once they were caught, 90% of them died.

What makes them even more frightened is, where are the killers hidden?

“not good!”

“not good!”

In the sky, on the battlefield of the Dongxu level, the complexions of all the Dongxu strong of the Yiye Continental Dynasty changed slightly.

Facing the Dragon Palace powerhouse, they felt immense pressure, and now they have died of three caves, then…


“He must be killed, otherwise…”

When King Yiye saw this scene, his face changed drastically, his complexion slowly rose, his eyes fixed on the young man.

The guy who said he was not qualified can win the victory by killing him!

He wants this guy to know if he is qualified!

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