1377 Rise of Dragon and Phoenix

“Xiaoyao City? Xiaoyao City Lord?”

When Wang Xian heard Fengluan’s introduction, he muttered.

He didn’t expect that there would be such a strong man in Liuhai area.

The strength of the fifth step of the hole virtual, placed in the cemetery of the monsters, can already be regarded as one of the top powerhouses.

“Xiaoyao City King’s Letter? You can go and have a look at that time. If there are more than 20 dynasties involved, you can take a shot at what you have in your hand!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

Some dynasties were destroyed, and there were too many treasures in his hands.

Turning these treasures into resources can improve a lot of strength.

After Wang Xian obtained a piece of information about Xiaoyao City from Fengluan, he checked it out.

Two hours passed quickly, and at this moment, outside the Dragon and Phoenix King City, it began to lively.

One by one, the city owners from the sixty-four cities under the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, as well as the powerful families and powerful mercenary groups from each city, all rushed over.

As the royal city of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, the central city of the entire dynasty.

The people from the sixty-four cities under its banner will naturally come to pay a visit.

What’s more, now Fengluan is holding a large number of selections, the selection of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty Tianjiao, the selection of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty powerful mercenary group, the selection of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty powerhouse, and so on.

The purpose of holding various selections is to retain talents and strong people.

Nowadays, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty has a population of more than 10 million, and the area of ​​the royal city is enough to live in more than 20 million people.

Next, Wangcheng began to bring in powerful families and powerful mercenary groups.

Now as the center of more than 60 cities, it is naturally easy to attract some strong people.

Many people want to settle in the royal city, but today’s royal city is not as easy to enter as it used to be.

“Is this our royal city? It’s magnificent, even bigger than our original royal city of the Eastern Yuan Dynasty!”

“Can you imagine the establishment of the entire royal city in just one year? This shining guard formation is really amazing!”

“I heard that the victory of this war depends on a master Wang, and all the creatures over 30 meters long belong to him!”

“Our current queen is also very powerful. The king of the Star-Moon Dynasty was beheaded by the queen!”

“It is said that there are only more than a dozen virtual strong people in the king’s city, and the background is still a bit low. If the queen’s ability is not good, it may not be able to manage more than 60 cities!”

Groups of people are riding on the beasts and pulling them by the cars.

There were also some goods with carts and carts, and within a short period of time, four to five thousand people gathered at the east gate.

They looked at the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, and walked inside with a hint of curiosity and suspicion.


When they first entered the city gate, they noticed the thirty middle-aged men holding golden long swords around them.

They held the sword in both hands and watched them come in!

Behind them, there are hundreds of middle-aged men who also hold long swords.

“This is the strong hole in the hole, the thirty middle-aged swordsmen in front are all the strong hole in the hole, and the more than one hundred behind are the strong hole in the hole!”

“Gosh, is this the power of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty? It’s terrifying!”

“The Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty did not have so many strong men, it should be that Lord Wang’s subordinates, it is absolutely abnormal, there are more than 30 Dongxu subordinates, and they are not ordinary Dongxu strong men!”

Just after passing through the city gate, when they saw more than 30 virtual powerhouses scattered around, everyone’s expressions stiffened.

The trace of contempt in my heart completely dissipated.

“How do I feel someone locked us?”

At this moment, a strong man suddenly frowned slightly, and he looked at the surrounding buildings.

“Hey, look at the buildings around and in the distance, there are strong people watching the entire city!”

“Those who are strong in the hole, I faintly feel more than twenty eyes threatening to me!”

“My God, the swordsman guards at the door, the strong guards above, the patrol guards around, this…how do you feel that there are at least seventy or eighty hole virtual strong!”

“Queen of Dragon and Phoenix is ​​shocking. It is said that Lord Wang has a very close relationship with Queen of Dragon and Phoenix. Every time the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty encounters difficulties, the one who will take action!”

“It’s too strong, and the Queen of Dragon and Phoenix is ​​not easy. She can develop to this level in a year, much better than the kings of ordinary dynasties!”

“Keep a low profile in the Dragon and Phoenix King City. Fighting is forbidden in the city. The strong and the weak are like ordinary people. It is forbidden to bully the weak and the emperor commits the same crime as the common people!”

“Although the rules of the Dragon and Phoenix City are extremely strict, you can also see the strength and means of the Dragon and Phoenix Queen!”

More and more people entered the royal city, and they looked at the city with awe in their eyes.

King City, it is worthy of being a King City.

This caused many forces and families to consider whether to settle in the royal city.

Feng Luan had laid out many benefits and policies in the royal city, and even some Dongxu families were shaken in their hearts.

For two days in a row, millions of people flooded into the city of Dragon and Phoenix.

These two days can be said to be the proudest time for the people in the Dragon and Phoenix City.

Those who have seen the strong before, here respectfully greet them.

Some powerful families enthusiastically searched for some information about the royal city.

This makes every citizen feel proud and proud of being a member of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty.

“Wang Xian, the ceremony is about to begin, come and have a look!”

On the third day, Feng Luan came to the courtyard where Wang Xian and a group of girls lived, and said with a smile on his face.

“Have you started? Okay, I’ll go over and take a look, are you going?”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded, and asked.

“Go, of course go and see!”

The girls smiled and nodded.

Now with the addition of the seven girls, Zhang Fengying and Xiao Yu, their strengths have all reached the realm of Dongxu, and Sun Lingxiu has reached the second order of Dongxu.

Even Feng Luan was a little jealous of the improvement of the girls’ cultivation.

She is the empress rebuilt, but she is only a little better than the other girls, which makes her very speechless.

A crowd walked towards the location where the banquet was held.

For the first ceremony of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, the city lord of the sixty-four cities, the legion leaders in the city, and the family of the cave in the city, all arrived.

“Your Majesty is here!”

“Master Wang is here!”

In some noisy grand venues, tens of thousands of distinguished and powerful men were talking quietly.

When a woman’s cold voice sounded, everyone fell silent instantly.

Feng Luan, dressed in a fire-red phoenix robe, paced slowly.

Wang Xian and a group of girls walked aside, and went straight to a separate position next to the main seat.

Did not grab Fengluan’s style.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes were all focused on Fengluan and Wang Xian.

“Welcome Your Majesty the Queen!”

When Feng Luan came to the seat of the lord, more than 60 city lords, all the top powerhouses, and important members of their families, immediately bowed and stood up.

A total of more than sixty strong people, as well as tens of thousands of others, shouted respectfully.

The Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, the real rise!

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