Chapter 1454

“All the monsters of the wild dynasty, listen to my orders!”

When Ao Xingmu’s voice resounded in the sky around Tianjiaotai, the sky was changing.

On the ground, the blood-red plants on the ground seemed to come alive.

The moment the sound ended, there was a dead silence around!

The face of the leader of the monster clan and the bloodthirsty sea monster clan kept changing.

They also did not expect this scene to happen, easily destroying Ao Xingmu of the blood barbaric monster race, their emperor turned out to be a human subordinate.

And that human being is still the supreme Tianjiao of the cemetery of shemales.

This disguised representation meant that the entire demonic beast clan would take orders from one human being.

But what can we do if we don’t obey orders?

“Follow the emperor’s order!”

After a short second, the more than one hundred monster leaders on the sculpture instantly exuded a terrifying murderous aura.

Monster beast, originally regarded the strong as the emperor.

In any case, the Ao Xingmu in front of him is their emperor, and they don’t care about other things.

Moreover, they can’t control it.

If you want to survive, you can only obey orders.

“Follow the emperor’s order!”

Hundreds of thousands of monsters stood up directly, rushing into the sky with a savage and wild aura.

“Blood dynasty, all beheaded!”

Ao Xingmu glanced across all the monsters and commanded in a deep voice.


Dozens of monster beasts roared again, with blood-red eyes, looking at everyone in the bloody emperor.

“No, no, I’m not from the bloody dynasty, I’m not, don’t kill me!”

“Master Wang Xian, we are not from the bloody dynasty, we were forced to just now, don’t kill us!”

“I am willing to join the Liuhuang League, I am willing to join, don’t kill me!”

At this moment, the tens of millions of people behind the bloody dynasty were completely confused.

Feeling the terrifying aura of hundreds of thousands of monsters and the evil aura that made the world discolored, their pupils were full of fear.

These hundreds of thousands of wise monster beasts are very few compared to tens of millions of people, but in terms of quality, the gap is simply too big.

Even a monster can slaughter a thousand humans.

Not to mention, there are more than two thousand hole virtual powerhouses?

The voice of begging for mercy sounded continuously.

Some people even flew towards the rear of the Liuhuang Alliance, completely opposite to the scene just now.

However, the faces of the forces that had just betrayed the Liuhuang Alliance became more exciting.

From blue to white, from white to black, it is very exciting.

Remorse, regret, all poured into my heart.


Feeling the momentum of hundreds of thousands of monster beasts, the blood emperor’s face changed drastically, and his figure floating in the air kept flying backwards.

His face changed drastically, and there was a trace of fear in his pupils.

Everyone in the Bloody Dynasty was also full of horror, holding the weapon in his hand tightly, with cold sweat on his forehead.

“Haha, kill!”

And the faces of all the powerhouses in the Liuhuang Alliance showed excitement on their faces.

They raised the weapons in their hands, and their eyes were full of strong and excited fighting spirit.

That invincible emperor of monsters turned out to be Lord Wang Xian’s subordinates.

This makes them hard to imagine.

No wonder Master Wang Xian has always been so calm.

No wonder the invincible wild emperor would be so polite to the dragon and phoenix queen.

“Those who don’t care, leave here, all the people of the bloody dynasty, beheaded!”

Wang Xian slowly raised his arm, a five-element mill appeared in his hand, and his cold voice sounded.

“Go, let’s go quickly!”

“Thank you, Lord Wang, and thank you, Lord, we will leave immediately, and we will join the Liuhuang Alliance in the future!”

“Thank you Lord Wang!”

When he heard Wang Xian’s words, the humans and forces who had just joined the Blood Flow Dynasty quickly fled away.

As they fled, they thanked them gratefully.


Ao Xingmu raised his arm, and on top of his head, a large emerald tree appeared. The tree looked a bit like an ancestral tree.

The branches fell downward, like branches hanging from the sky.


Hundreds of thousands of demon beasts roared, and the leaders of the demon beast race jumped and rushed directly towards the bloody dynasty.

Thousand beasts roared.

He watched hundreds of thousands of monster beasts rushing forward, and the momentum alone made all the strong people in the bloody dynasty lose their fighting spirit.

Even if they have six or seven hundred strong people.

“Master Ren, save us!”

Seeing the monster beast rushing over, the blood emperor shouted at an old man in the third trading firm below with a face of fear.

At the bottom, the old man from the third trading firm in the world frowned slightly when he heard the blood emperor’s call for help.

Everything far exceeded their expectations.

The plan is completely messed up.

But they are businessmen, and businessmen value peace and never participate in power struggles.

If it is shot, it is not in compliance with the rules.

“The third firm in the world, please do it!”

“This Lord Ren, help the bloody dynasty!”

However, the faces of the people in the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Sacred Object Forging Workshop changed drastically, and they quickly yelled at the old man.

When things reached this point, they knew that they had to help the bloody dynasty.

If you don’t help this time, the Liuhai area will be the world of the Liuhuang Alliance in the future.

With the repulsion of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty to their two forces, they would lose the huge market in the Liuhai area.

This is also a big loss for the two forces.


The old man surnamed Ren frowned when he saw the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Holy Treasure Forging Workshop open.

He knew these two forces very well, and the third trading firm in the world was far behind them.

But he also knew that now the two forces are in some trouble, and no strong one can come over.

However, a businessman is a businessman!

He was not ready to do it!

“Help the bloody dynasty take action, we will help you expand a regional market!”

At this time, the group of people from the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Sacred Art Forge Workshop saw his hesitant look, and gritted their teeth while looking at each other.

“Huh? Everyone, speak for words!”

The old man widened his eyes, his eyes were full of light, and he asked very heartily.

“We speak naturally!”

The crowd of Life and Death Medicine Workshop and Sacred Object Forging Workshop nodded.



The old man yelled, and a force that was far beyond the sixth order of the hole burst out in an instant.

“Everyone, can’t you talk about something, why bother with life and death!”

With a movement of his body, he instantly appeared in front of the powerful men of the Blood Flow Dynasty. With a wave of his arm, a sky-blue mask appeared in front of him out of thin air.

One person faces hundreds of thousands of monsters alone, without changing his face!

“Huh? This is?”

“A strong man of the seventh step of the hole is also a strong man of the seventh step of the hole!”

“That’s the powerhouse of the third commercial firm in the world, I didn’t expect that the third commercial firm in the world would have a powerful 7th-order hole to come over!”

When the old man appeared in front of the bloody dynasty, everyone’s complexion changed drastically.

Another invincible powerhouse of the seventh-order hole virtual!

The pale faces of all the people in Blood Flow Dynasty showed a trace of excitement and excitement, and they breathed a sigh of relief!

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