Chapter 1456 Chasing Twenty Thousand Miles, Beheading

Escape, escape!

The Blood Sovereign watched the terrifying murderous impact coming, even if he was a strong man of the sixth order of Dongxu, his face was pale.

Without the slightest hesitation, after he roared loudly, he fled directly into the distance.

There were three Dongxu ranks in the Liuhuang Alliance, and the Monster Beast Dynasty now has four Dongxu ranks, a total of seven.

However, there are only four of them.

As for the strength of the fifth-order and fourth-order of the hole virtual and above the hole virtual, the difference is several times.

“Flee, escape!”

Everyone in Blood Flow Dynasty had no fighting spirit at all, and fled in the direction of Blood Flow Dynasty in fear.

They did not expect that today came to annihilate the Flowing Emperor Alliance, but it turned out to be their own end.

The strong men of the bloody dynasty desperately fled towards the distance.

In just a few seconds, he escaped four or five kilometers.


“All the strong in the hole are chased, and the strong who has not reached the hole in the hole, don’t need to chase!”

At this time, a majestic voice sounded in the sky.

Around, those tens of millions of human beings who had not had time to escape far away looked towards the position of the sound, and quickly widened their eyes.

“My God, what kind of creature is that?”

“It’s Wangxian, Tianjiao Supreme Wangxian!”

“It’s horrible, seventy meters long, this is the largest creature I have ever seen!”

A famous human stared eyes wide, full of shocked expression.

“Follow the orders of your lord, chase after!”

The leader of the demon-lin clan and the leader of the bloodthirsty sea monster felt the terrifying aura from Wang Xian’s body, and was slightly surprised.

They didn’t hesitate at all, and immediately shouted at all the monster beast races.

Although Wang Xian does not belong to their monster dynasty, but this is the boss of their emperor, can you not be obedient?

“Today, your bloody dynasty must be destroyed!”

Wang Xian swayed his huge figure, directly causing Feng Luan to stand on top of him.

On the left and right sides, there are four cave-hole level monsters and bloodthirsty sea monsters.

Sect Master Ling followed on one side.

Behind, there are thousands of monsters of the cave virtual level and four to five hundred powerful people from the alliance of the emperor.


Wang Xian roared and chased him directly.

Standing on Wang Xian’s body, Feng Luan showed a slight smile on his face. Holding the Phoenix Staff in his hand, a huge phoenix wing appeared behind him.

Surrounded by a fiery red dress, standing on Wang Xian, like the queen of the entire continent.

Wang Xian is creating momentum for Fengluan!

To pave the way for Fengluan to control the Liuhai area in the future.

“What is the relationship between the Dragon and Phoenix Queen and Wang Xian, Wang Xian actually let her stand on her body!”

“I heard that the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty can get to this point thanks to the support of Tianjiao Supreme, and their relationship is very close!”

“It’s horrible, that day, Jiao Zhizun led thousands of strong people with the hole to chase and kill the bloody dynasty, obedient!”

“Lord Wangxian, they are generous, not as overbearing as the Bloody Dynasty.”

The humans around, heaved a sigh of relief when the Monster Beast and Liuhuang Alliance hadn’t attacked them, and looked forward with shocked faces.

It’s not just the humans around us shaking.

Even the imaginary strong people in the Liuhuang Alliance who followed this scene showed contemplation on their faces.

Today’s events are not only shocked by the bloody dynasty, but also them.

Seeing Fengluan standing on Wang Xian’s body, everyone thought about it.

In the future, in this Liuhai area, a queen may appear!

“They are chasing, it’s over!”

“No, don’t kill me, don’t kill me!”

The more than a thousand people in the Blood Flow Dynasty did not reach the hole virtual level, how could they be faster than Wang Xian.

When they saw the thousands of powerful men who were chasing them, despair appeared on their faces.

Crumbled loudly begging for mercy.

Wang Xian and ignored them, and continued to chase after the six or seven hundred virtual strong men flying ahead.

However, Wang Xian ignored it, and it didn’t mean that the monster beasts of the first and second tiers of the cave behind and the people of the Liuhuang Alliance ignored it.


When Wang Xian flew about two kilometers away, there was a screaming sound from behind.

“Ah, don’t kill me, don’t kill me, I surrender, I am willing to join the Flowing Emperor Alliance!”

“No no no no!”

Soon, within a minute, the weakest hole virtual first-order powerhouse was also caught up.

The desperate voice sounded again.

The pursuit continues!

“Disperse, we disperse!”

“How to disperse, the other party has thousands of strong holes, even if they are scattered, they will be chased and killed by a group of strong holes!”

“Blood Emperor, help, my lord, help!”

After chasing for five minutes, more and more people who are weak in the hole died.

There are only more than three hundred Dongxu strongmen who originally had six or seven hundred of the bloody dynasty.

At this time, many of the hole virtual powerhouses collapsed, and they shouted loudly at the few figures tens of kilometers in the front.


At this time, a roar came from the rear again.

“Lock on the four virtual powerhouses of the Blood Flow Dynasty, speed up!”

Wang Xian gave a soft drink, and the huge figure swayed, speeding up again.

The five Dongxu Sixth-order powerhouses beside him also speeded up, and firmly locked the four emperors of the bloody dynasty.

And the rest of the blood flow dynasty’s hole virtual powerhouses were cut down one by one by thousands of holes behind them!

“Damn damn damn it!”

In the front position, the blood emperor of the blood flow dynasty and the three strong faces roared in horror.

They heard a scream from behind, clenching their teeth, their faces a little pale.

“Escape, as long as we enter the palace and open the formation, we can compete with them one or two!”

An emperor clenched his fist and snarled, his eyes full of madness.

“Blood Emperor, three Emperors, today you are in a catastrophe, don’t want to escape!”

Sect Master Ling flew with his sword, looking at the four rulers of the bloody dynasty more than ten kilometers ahead, roaring murderously.

“Want to kill us, delusion!”

The Blood Emperor roared coldly, gritted his teeth and turned into blood shadows.

“Oh my God, what a terrifying voice, a shadow flashes directly, who is that?”

“The blood emperor? How did I hear that it was the blood emperor, when I heard the three emperors, what’s the situation!”

“My God, what is that 70-meter-sized creature, and those terrifying monsters!”

When they were chasing, they came to the top of a city.

When the deafening sound rang, the great defense array automatically opened.

The huge and incomparable defense formation trembles in this cold shout, as if it is about to collapse.

The scary figure flashed by, everyone’s eyes widened.

“The blood emperor and the three emperors are being hunted down, my goodness, what is going on?”

Inside the city, horrible figures flew by, and the terrifying coercion made them lie on the ground.

Even the city lord is the same, they raised their heads and muttered in shocked faces.

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