Chapter 1467

“Kill him, kill this beast for me!”

An angry roar sounded in front of Beiliuhai Qingtian Sword Sect.

The patriarch of the Wu clan stared at Ren Xingchen angrily, and roared with a ferocious face.

This son, absolutely can not stay.

At such an age, he can kill the strong people of the first order of Dongxu. Such a talented Tianjiao is an enemy of their Wu Clan, which is a huge hidden danger for their Wu Clan.

“Huh? What’s the matter? Why is there a sudden fight there?”

“Then, it seems to be the Wu family in the ancient city, who is that young man?”

“The power of the Wu family is not weak, and a young man opposes the Wu family. This is simply looking for death!”

A roar from the head of the Wu clan caught the attention of everyone around him.

The other forces who came with the family disciples looked over, with surprised expressions on their faces.

“There seems to be someone fighting at the gate of our Heavenly Sword Sect!”

“Hehe, let them fight, a group of people make a small fight, and some people die, don’t care!”

“We are guarding the gate here, and we can see a fight, not bad, not bad!”

At the entrance of the Great Sky Sword Sect, two dozen or so disciples guarding the entrance looked towards there with smiles.

It looked like he didn’t care about it at all.


On the Wu Clan’s ship, four or five powerful men of the hole virtual level did not hesitate at all, and directly attacked Ren Xingchen.

This son, absolutely can’t let him escape!

In the entire Wu Clan, the strongest is the third rank of Dongxu, and the Dongxu level has reached about ten.

Five strong holes in the hole rushed over, including two second-tier holes in the hole.

This power, placed in a city, is the top power.

“I really didn’t expect that this kid would have reached this step, and he would be able to kill the strong first-order Dongxu!”

At the position of the Song clan, the patriarch of the Song clan also stared at Ren Xingchen in surprise.

“Then… that was just the Wu clan that strong man didn’t use his full strength, he was caught off guard and was beheaded. Now, he is dead!”

Song Wan said with an embarrassed face.

“He is still too young to let him be magnificent!”

The Song patriarch nodded slowly.

But soon something horrified him happened.

“I am coming back this time to destroy all of you Wu Clan!”

Ren Xingchen looked at the five virtual strong men who were attacking towards him, with a stern expression on his face.

The long sword in his hand trembled, and the two energies of Jin Shui directly attacked towards the five people.

“Jin Shui, suddenly Fanghua!”

He gave a soft drink, a golden blue ray of light, wiping directly toward the front.

“No, his strength is very strong, and it’s not just the first order!”

An old man in the center felt the attack of gold and water, his face changed a lot, and he reminded loudly in panic.


Ren Xingchen showed a cold look on his face, the magical power of the dual attribute combination, attacked again.

The bottom is water, and the top is gold.

Two rays of light attacked and left.

“I don’t believe it, your little beast can be my opponent!”

An old man of the second-order hole showed a cruel color, and the golden sword energy directly rushed away.


The sea blew up, the golden sword directly dissipated in the void, and the light of golden water continued to impact away.

Two attacks, the old man’s golden sword, couldn’t resist even one.


The old man quickly shouted with a terrified face.

“Oops, how is this possible!”

“Knife ring!”

The patriarch of the Wu clan also changed his face, and a golden sword appeared in his hand instantly, going to support the five clansmen.


However, even if it was his immediate support, the three clansmen of the first order of the hole did not have the slightest resistance to Jin Shui’s attack.

The other two powerful Wu clan experts of the second-order Dongxu resisted with flushing faces.

If it were not for the knife ring that appeared in front of them, they would be more ill-fortuned.

Although Ren Xingchen’s current strength is only second-order, he can definitely leapfrog under the Golden Water Double Cultivation.

“Dongxu Tier 3, little beast, you actually have the strength of Dongxu Tier 3!”

The patriarch of the Wu clan roared with horror.

Dongxu third-order, this is Dongxu third-order, his own strength is nothing more than this.

At the beginning of the Ren clan, the strongest was the third-order hole Xu.

Now, this remnant of the Ren clan, a guy who is only less than forty years old, actually has the strength of the third-order hole virtual.

Thinking about it, it feels a little scary.

“Today, I want to annihilate your Wu Clan and avenge everyone in my Ren family!”

Ren Xingchen roared murderously.

“Dharma Phase: Golden Water and Quicksand!”

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly burst out his strongest attack and headed towards the Wu clan chief.

“Little beast, even if you have a great opportunity, today, I will kill you!”

The patriarch of the Wu clan roared loudly with a hideous expression, raising the long knife in his hand, and performing the same technique.


A violent collision caused the two to withdraw several hundred meters each.

“The patriarch of the Wu clan, I want you to watch, you Wu clan, die one by one!”

Ren Xingchen clenched the long sword in his hand, and controlled his Faxiang to strike away again.

This time, his goal is the Wu ship.

“Damn, you little beast, look for death!”

The patriarch of the Wu clan changed his face when he saw Ren Xingchen attacking their clan members.

“No, run away!”

“He actually has the strength of the third-order hole virtual, let’s run away!”

When more than 400 Wu people saw Ren Xingchen putting the target on them, their faces were shocked.

They don’t have the slightest strength to resist the attack of a third-order strong man in the hole.

Even the aftermath of the battle can kill them.



Two terrifying collision sounds sounded.

One was that Ren Xingchen resisted the Wu clan chief’s attack, and the other was that his attack fell on the Wu clan’s ship.

The devastating attack directly caused more than half of the more than 400 Wu people to lose.

Under his attack, the entire ship slowly split apart.

Everyone of the Song nationality saw this scene with horror.

“This is not true, how could he have the strength of the third-order hole virtual!”

The Song clan chief and Song Wan fled to their Song clan ship in horror, watching the battle with horror.

Ren Xingchen is the third-order powerhouse of Dongxu?

This is impossible!

“What, that young young man turned out to be a powerful third-order hole virtual!”

“My God, how can there be such a young and strong man, this talent, no one in the entire Liuhai area can match!”

“Which power is this young man, and which family is the Ren clan? The pride of heaven in the vast area is not as good as him!”

There was also a shocked sound from the surrounding locations.

Even the dozen or so disciples at the gate of the Qingtian Sword Sect were wide-eyed and full of shock.

This…this strength, the young master of their Heavenly Sword Sect, is only the first order!

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