Chapter 1490

“Hi, what happened? The Lin clan chief and the three Dongxu seventh-order clan elders all arrived!”

“My goodness, what kind of existence is invading the Lin Clan, and the Lin Clan has dispatched so many powerful men!”

“The opponent is definitely a strong person at the hole virtual level, definitely a seventh-level hole virtual, otherwise it is impossible to come to so many strong people!”

A few kilometers around, when everyone saw the He clan flying towards this side in such a big burst, shocked expressions appeared on everyone’s faces, and they looked towards this side blankly. I can only vaguely see that a figure is suspended in the sky in the encircled circle of the powerhouses of the He clan.

Thirty or forty strong men above the fourth order of the hole surrounded Wang Xian. They opened a distance of kilometers and stared at Wang Xian vigilantly.

A group of strong men from the Law Enforcement Pavilion covered their wounds and came behind the He clan chief and the three clan elders.

They stared at the young man in front of him with some horror.

Just now, the opponent only flickered, and all of them flew out directly.

Even if it was an extremely strong hole virtual seventh-order formation, under the opponent’s attack, it did not last for five seconds.

This is the formation of the seventh-order Dongxu, and it can trap the formation of the sixth-order Dongxu!

“Your Excellency, which force you are from, report your name, we Lin Clan will not kill the unknown!”

The He clan chief and the three clan elders were suspended in the sky, looking at Wang Xian in amazement, and asked coldly.

“Don’t kill the unknown?”

Wang Xian was suspended in the sky, scanning all of them proudly, with a slight sneer on his face.

He didn’t have the slightest fear, nor the slightest panic on his face!

Don’t say that they are the four strong people of Dongxu seventh order, even the strong people of Dongxu eighth order, Wang Xian is not afraid!

Even if he couldn’t fight, with his current strength, he could escape in the hands of the eighth-order strong in the hole.

“Just you people, don’t have this qualification yet!”

Wang Xian raised his head slightly, staring at the chief of the He clan with a full face!

“Haha, what an arrogant fellow, no wonder we dare to be arrogant in our He clan, if we let you go today, our Ho clan’s face would be unnecessary!”

A clan elder stared at Wang Xian with a big smile, his arm was slightly covered, and a green wooden stick exuding bright light appeared in his hand, staring at Wang Xian with a wary face, and smiled sensibly.

“People of your clan came to assassinate me, and I will behead it. If you didn’t kill the powerhouse of your law enforcement pavilion, you have given you face. Since you are shameless, then I don’t have to give it to you!”

Wang Xian stood in the void, staring at them all with cold eyes.

“Haha, it has been thousands of years, and no one has provoke our Ho clan for thousands of years. You are the first!”

He clan chief frowned slightly when he heard what he said, but his face also cooled down immediately, and a huge staff measuring two meters in size appeared in his hand.

The staff contained endless vitality. When the staff came out, the surrounding trees made a rustling sound, as if to worship.


With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, the five-element mill on the side appeared under his feet and slowly grew larger.

The energy of the five elements flooded towards the surroundings.

Wang Xian’s face showed an unruly look, and the energy of the five elements dissipated towards the surroundings.

Facing the group of He clan chiefs, Wang Xian didn’t have the slightest fear.

Even if they are He Yuan’s family, what the He family did tonight has already made him a little angry.

The dignity of the strong is not so easy to trample on, and Wang Xian cannot bear and explain the mistakes of the He clan.

He stood on the Five Elements Great Mill, the Great Mill revolved, and his gaze scanned everyone around him coldly.

“Next, if you want to die, you deserve it!”

Wang Xian said slowly.

“Crazy, everyone is looting the formation, today, you never want to get out of our family!”

The words of Wang Xian had just fallen, and the patriarch and elder of the He clan shot a terrifying killing intent in the eyes.

With a wave of their arms, a strong man with a name of at least the fourth order of the hole swiftly dispersed towards the surroundings.


However, an old man behind Wang Xian looked at Wang Xian in amazement.

The more I look at it, the more familiar he feels.

Especially when Wang Xian was standing and spinning on the Five Elements Mill just now, a figure flashed in his mind.

But because of the long time, he didn’t think of who it was for a while.

He hesitated for a moment, and moved to a position in front of Wang Xian.

“It’s been a long time, I hope you don’t let me down!”

The eyes of the burly patriarch holding a wooden stick burst into a strong sense of war, and an atmosphere of horror radiated toward the surroundings.

Even within a radius of ten kilometers, one can feel this coercion.

“If you are alone, I can easily pinch you to death!”

Wang Xian stared at the clan elder, his face full of pride.

Since they want to fight, play with them for a while before leaving!


He clan chief heard Wang Xian’s arrogant words, and a terrifying coercion radiated towards the surroundings.

“Prince Prince!”

It was the moment when the He clan chief and the three chiefs were ready to do it.

At the moment when Wang Xian was about to transform into a dragon, there was an exclamation and an unbelievable voice from the location next to him.


The abrupt voice made Wang Xian, the leader of the He clan and the three patriarchs slightly startled.

Wang Xian looked at the old man who was talking.

He clan chief and the others frowned and looked over.

“Patriarch Yan!”

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows, unexpectedly meeting an acquaintance here.

And also an acquaintance in Liuhai area.

The patriarch of the Yan clan, that is, when He Yuan came to Liuhai area, the family that had been following He Yuan.

At the banquet held by the Heavenly Sword Sect, Wang Xian met the Yan clan chief.

At that time, he only had the third order of Dongxu, and now he has reached the fourth order of Dongxu.

“The prince, it turned out to be… it was really you!”

The patriarch of the Yan clan stared at Wang Xian incredulously, swallowing and spitting.

He was in a daze. For Wang Xian, he was very impressed at first.

According to what He Shao said, that was a young animal trainer even stronger than him, and even He Shao was convinced.

In addition, the relationship between Wang Xian and He Shao was very good when he was in Liuhai area.

But now, this young man who was so arrogant and scorned the patriarch and patriarch of the He clan turned out to be the prince.

Seventh-order hole virtual!


“Huh? Yan Changqing, who is he?”

The patriarch of the He family frowned slightly when he saw that his subordinates recognized the young man, and he was still very familiar with him, and asked.

“Report to the patriarch that he is a good brother of Young Master He Yuan. When Young Master He Yuan was in the Liuhai area, he had a good relationship with the Prince!”

Yan Changqing hurriedly reported to the patriarch.

“Yuan’er’s good brother?”

Everyone around was stunned!

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