Chapter 164

Wei Qingguo’s expression immediately became embarrassed when he saw that everyone was about to follow.

It would be a shame to let a group of friends and family see the bride in a wedding car worth more than 100,000.

What will others say?

Saying that your Wei family doesn’t do things authentically, how can you let the bride ride in such a car!

The face of the middle-aged woman is also a bit ugly.

But when they saw the enthusiasm of their relatives and friends, it was impossible to drive them back.

This makes their faces more embarrassed.

“I’m really looking for trouble!”

Wei Qingguo murmured, and walked downstairs with embarrassment.

“Mr. Wei, why didn’t you let the photographer over, you always have to take pictures when you pick up the bride.”

A dozen people walked out of the elevator, and a middle-aged asked with a smile.

“No need, we save this process, keep it simple, and prove that the two children also took a lot of wedding photos and recorded videos.”

Wei Qingguo squeezed a smile on his face.

“Then let our groom go ahead and welcome the beautiful bride, and parents-in-laws will follow behind to welcome the future daughter-in-law!”

A middle-aged man said a little jokingly.


The crowd behind him agreed, failing to notice the embarrassing look of Wei Qingguo and the middle-aged woman.

Wei Zhiwen showed a faint smile on his face and walked outside.

“Where’s the wedding car?”

When he came to the door, Wei Qingguo glanced around, ignored the luxury cars, and looked around.

“Huh? Where?”

The middle-aged woman also looked around suspiciously, her face turned black: “No, two or three cars are here, right?”

“The wedding car in front is a big battle, wow, Rolls-Royce Bentley, and supercars, this is too powerful!”

“Hey, look at the license plate of the car. This is the wedding car of a big man in Jiangcheng. It’s too luxurious!”

“I haven’t heard that there are other rich people in Jiangcheng who have happy events in their homes!”

At this time, a group of relatives and friends heard suspicious voices behind him.

Wei Qingguo and the middle-aged woman also saw this group of luxurious wedding cars, but they didn’t think it belonged to Xiaoli’s family.

They know their daughter-in-law’s family very well.

The family and friends behind him did not think that these luxury cars belonged to the Wei family.

The Wei family knows very well, they have money, but they still can’t come up with a luxury wedding car lineup worth about 300 million yuan.

“Son, make a call!”

The middle-aged woman felt even more embarrassed on her face when she heard the exclamation of her relatives and friends.

Wait a minute, if there are a few wedding cars worth more than 100,000 yuan, compare them with the group of luxury cars in front.

Then the Wei family is simply too embarrassing.

The face of the middle-aged woman and Wei Qingguo were very ugly.

Just after the call was made, Uncle Zhang’s voice was still inside.

“Just in front of you, can’t you see it?”

Wei Zhiwen, who was on the phone, was taken aback for a while, and looked towards the front with a bit of amazement.

In front of that Rolls-Royce wedding car, there really was a familiar face standing.

“Father-in-law, this car…”

“come over!”

Uncle Zhang said something impatiently, and then handed the phone to his daughter in the car.

“Parents, they are there, let’s go over!”

Wei Zhiwen pointed to the front wrongly, and then took the lead and walked away.

“Where?” The middle-aged woman looked suspiciously, and followed her son.

“That!” Wei Zhiwen pointed.

Wei Qingguo and the middle-aged woman looked over, and two familiar figures stood beside Rolls-Royce.

In-laws, the woman’s parents.

“Why are they standing…”

Wei Qingguo and the middle-aged woman were confused.

But when they approached the wedding car and saw a familiar figure in the car, their faces showed a look of astonishment.

They know this in-laws very well and are very dissatisfied.

In a country.

But now he is sitting in a Rolls-Royce luxury car, surrounded by dozens of top luxury cars.

Even the Wei family couldn’t get this card.

“I’m going, right? The bride is in those luxury cars. Look at the license plate number. Isn’t it Ren Jiaren’s car?”

“There are also a few cars next to them, aren’t they all the license plates of a few rich people in Jiangcheng? Why are they used as wedding cars?”

“Isn’t the bride’s family from the country? It’s impossible for the Wei family to get so many luxurious wedding cars!”

The relatives and friends behind him were talking in shock, feeling a little unbelievable.

Wei Qingguo and the middle-aged woman were also surprised and looked forward in surprise.

The bride, their daughter-in-law is indeed in the luxury car.

“It’s really hard for you to come here, in-law!”

When Uncle Zhang saw them coming, he said something mockingly on his face.

“father in law!”

When Wei Zhiwen heard these words, his face was a little ugly, and then he looked at Sister Li.

Wei Qingguo and his wife were surprised and suspicious: “You guys, why do you get so many luxury cars as wedding cars?”

“Why? Can’t we find a car and send it over if you just come to pick you up?”

Uncle Zhang said angrily.


Uncle Zhang’s words made the faces of the people behind Wei Qingguo and his wife look surprised, and they looked at them suspiciously.

It seems that Wei’s in-laws look bad.

Moreover, it seems that the Wei family doesn’t use the wedding car to pick up the bride.

“Okay, okay, let’s go in and talk about something, walk around, let’s go upstairs, there are a lot of guests!”

When Wei Qingguo heard Uncle Zhang’s words, his face was a little embarrassed and said that he was surrounded by relatives and friends, and he didn’t want to lose his mind.

“Xiaoli, let’s go up!”

Wei Zhiwen also said to Sister Li in the car.

“Wait for brother-in-law, we finally sent Sister Li over, how can we follow you up so easily? At least we have to give some red envelopes before getting off the car. This is the rule!”

Wang Xian put his hand on the car door and said to Wei Zhiwen with a smile on his face.

Uncle Zhang saw the look of their family and looked at Wang Xian again, standing aside without speaking.

“Red envelope?”

Wei Qingguo and his wife were taken aback for a moment, and Wei Zhiwen frowned, a little surprised.

Red envelopes, they were not prepared at all.

But the bride gets off the car and packs some red envelopes for celebration, which is also a rule and a bit more meaningful.

“I’m really crazy about money!”

The middle-aged woman said in a low voice, but the nearest Wang Xian Uncle Zhang could hear clearly.

“Xiaoli, stop making trouble, let’s get down, little brother, smoke a cigarette, the wedding is about to begin, don’t miss a good time!”

Wei Zhiwen said quickly.

“Ha ha.”

Wang Xian looked at the Wei family and his wife with a sneer on his face.

“Yelling, getting married is going to be lively, your Wei family didn’t even prepare for red envelopes, right? Why don’t you even have any sincerity!”

At this moment, a mocking voice came from behind.

It was the voice of Miao Zhiyong and the crowd.

They could see it. The sentimental Wang Shao invited them over to the station to get Wei’s house.

And for the six of them, each of them can make the Wei family hurt, and two or three can make the Wei family bankrupt!

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